264. Chapter 264: Absorbing Creation, the Royal Secret Treasury! (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 264: Absorb good fortune, the secret treasury of the royal family! (Please subscribe~)


  Su Ye wore a luxurious black robe, long hair shawl, and sat on the throne of clouds.

  He lowered his eyes and looked towards the arena.

  At this time, there were many bloody fights, oh no... the entry test was in progress.

  Many high-level officials in Aino were killing each other without mercy, competing for the chance of survival.

  The blade flashed.

  A member of the royal family was beheaded by a sword and died instantly.

  The bluish-yellow divinity, as faint as a firefly, floated out of his body. Su Ye's consciousness moved and captured it, and then decomposed it into creation points.


  Su Ye glanced at the virtual panel.

  [Creation Points +1]

  [Creation Points: 50]

  During the entry test, the body of the dead royal family member provided him with a total of 4 creation points!
  This brought his creation point reserve to the threshold of 50 points.

  That is to say: it is possible to upgrade an early-stage divine seed to a mid-stage creation point!

  "The only problem is..."

  "The efficiency of using low-level gods to extract divinity... can only be said to be unsatisfactory."

  Su Ye stroked his hair, his eyes moved slightly, thinking.

  The divinity in the bodies of first- and second-level divine descendants is extremely weak.

  Most of the creation points provided for him start with zero and have a decimal point...

  According to his observation, the creation points that must be transformed by the divinity of at least a third-level divine descendant after being beheaded are considered to be considerable.

  "However, the best target is actually an existence like the God of Fertility, which was once fourth level and fell to third level..." "It's just a pity that the

  number of such existences is very rare when you think about it..."

  Su Ye Xin murmured.

  Then, another thought flashed across his mind.

  "Or... I can try to kill the real crystallized person. Can I steal the divine seed and transform it into a point of creation?"

  Su Ye thought.

  However, he was not optimistic about this speculation.

  After all, divinity and divine seed are two sides of the same coin.

  However, just as the aura of the Yaoguang Islands and the aura of the Far South Continent are both auras, they are significantly different in nature.

  There is an obvious difference between the species of God and the nature of God!

  "In my induction, the nature of divinity is like the aura of Far South Continent. It is more solid and can appear as a real object!" "

  But the divine seed is somewhere between reality and reality. It can only be seen by the monks personally, and it is difficult for external forces to affect it. ..."

  Su Ye murmured, thinking.

  The fertile divinity gave Su Ye the feeling that even without a panel, he could refine it as long as he was not afraid of contamination!

  However, refining other people’s divine seeds?

  This kind of thing has never been heard of based on Su Ye's current experience!

  At the foundation-building level, special means can also be used to plunder the monks' Dao foundation and use it as raw material for divine seeds.

  But crystallization...

  there is indeed no precedent or rumor...

  This makes Su Ye not have much expectations for it.

  "Of course, if you have the chance, there's nothing wrong with giving it a try?"

  Su Ye thought.


  while he was thinking.


  The sounds of fighting in the arena gradually stopped.

  The onboarding test is over!
  After skipping the first level, Su Ye paid attention to the second level cultivators in the field.

  In addition to Marlena and Guinevere, there are five second-order ones.

  During the fight, they personally killed a cultivator of the same level and became the winner of the entry test!
  As for the loser?
  Naturally, ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil... and become the fresh food of Jiao Jiao.

  If he is a member of the royal family, his divinity will be intercepted by Su Ye and used as the point of creation!
  "Congratulations to all of you, you have successfully joined the company."

  Su Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled while stroking his hands. "Serve the Lord!"

  Marina took the lead in shouting.

  Everyone hurriedly followed, and the voices of loyalty could not be heard.

  Su Ye didn't take it seriously and said calmly.

  "To celebrate your joining, I have prepared some 'small gifts' for you."

  A streak of blood fell from the Youjiao, and Su Ye's palm moved slightly.

  In mid-air, the blood light divided into dozens of strands, wrapped in clouds of spiritual energy, forming a sugar-coated shell, and shaped into a pill package.

  Colorful, sparkling, and looks like an elixir!

  "Please take the 'elixir'..."

  Su Ye said with a smile.

  Facing the 'elixir', the faces of the people present varied, showing hesitation, hesitation, disgust and other emotions...

  People from Far South Island may not know how to make elixirs, but they are by no means stupid!
  An elixir?


  mostly some kind of control method!
  And the facts are exactly the same as their guesses!
  This so-called 'elixir' is exactly the 'blood light soul splitting'!
  Su Ye's mind was very clear.

  He didn't think that he could rely on his "tyrannical aura" and "personality charm" to make these subordinates with almost zero loyalty obey.

  Therefore, the ban is more credible!

  In addition to 'Bloodlight Soul Dividing',.

  Su Ye also combined some restraint methods that he had researched and mastered.

  Multiple layers of restrictions, interlocking with each other.

  For these first- and second-level practitioners.

  There is no way for them to break free from this restriction and resist!
  Many Aino senior officials were holding the 'elixir' as if they were holding hot coals, with ugly expressions on their faces.

  Su Ye smiled warmly and was about to patiently persuade them.

  However, at this moment.

  "Thank you, Lord, for the reward!"

  Guinevere smiled and took the elixir without hesitation, setting an example!

  Moreover, she also persuaded others to take the elixir as well.

  Soon, under her persuasion, a few minutes later, all the former Aino senior executives who surrendered took the 'elixir'!
  Su Ye watched this scene with playful eyes, noncommittal.


  immediately afterwards.

  Su Ye adjusted the power structure of Aino City relatively simply.

  He did not carry out drastic reforms and still retained the general framework, namely: the royal family and the temple!
  The former was led by Guinevere, and Su Ye fulfilled his promise.

  The latter is led by Marlena, with Neisser and Moore serving as temporary bishops and temple warrior chiefs.

  After completing the personnel changes.

  Su Ye issued an order, asking everyone present to stabilize the situation in Aino City as soon as possible in order to suppress the chaos and restore order.

  After announcing that the meeting was adjourned, Su Ye opened his mouth and called the names, leaving Guinevere behind.


  "My lord, do you have any orders?"

  Guinevere's delicate and pretty face showed a bright and soft smile.

  There was no trace of anger or hatred in her expression, which was gentle and clear.

  It was as if... the Su Ye standing in front of her was not a blood enemy with whom she had a grudge for killing her son or husband, but a close friend of hers?
  "Ha..." Su Ye narrowed his eyes, chuckled, and continued.

  "Lead the way, I want to go to the palace."

  "As you command, Your Highness the Son of God... please move to the palace and let me entertain you!"

  Guinevere clasped her hands together, her expression was sincere and sincere, and a touching blush appeared on her cheeks.


  Su Ye smiled, very interested in Queen Aino's warm reception...


  let's get down to business first!

  "Take me to the royal secret treasury first."

  Su Ye said calmly.

  (End of chapter)

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