266. Chapter 266: Absorb the source and assimilate the spiritual spring (please subscribe)

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  Chapter 266: Absorb the source and assimilate the spiritual spring (please subscribe~)

  to a third-level high-grade spiritual vein.

  If there are no restrictions and are allowed to escape freely, the range of its spiritual energy can cover more than a hundred miles!

  This shows the richness of his aura!


  Such rich spiritual energy was condensed into a spiritual spring measuring ten feet in size!

  The benefits of practicing spiritual practice can be imagined!


  Su Ye exhaled a breath of fresh air, waved his sleeves and robe, and sat on the ground.

  He pinched the magic formula, held up the protective magic shield, and then began to operate the "Tai Qing Han Jade Art" to absorb the inspiration!

  Along with Su Ye's movements, he drew his magic power.

  In the spiritual spring, the luminous and viscous spiritual liquid suddenly boiled and the water surged.


  Like a long whale sucking water, the spiritual liquid was picked up by the magic power and poured towards Su Ye.

  As the core of the spiritual spring, every drop of spiritual liquid here can be regarded as a secondary holy spring spiritual liquid!

  Su Ye was vomiting ideas and running his skills.

  Such pure spiritual liquid converts mana very quickly!

  Feeling the rapid increase in mana, Su Ye's eyes showed a hint of surprise!
  "One day of training here is comparable to several months in the outside world!"

  "At this speed, I can enter the middle stage of crystallization in half a month!"

  With the help of Youjiao's [Synchrony], Su Ye broke through the middle stage of crystallization. There is no bottleneck, he just needs to follow the steps, absorb the inspiration, and accumulate mana!

  "The middle stage of crystallization is just around the corner!"

  Su Ye's eyes flashed with excitement!

  Once he breaks through the middle stage of crystallization, he will once again undergo a minor realm transformation. Let’s not mention anything else for the moment...but his spiritual consciousness will definitely be able to step into the fourth level in one fell swoop!
  At that time, in conjunction with the quasi-fourth-level spiritual ship Youjiao, even if you don't use quasi-magical power, it will still be a solid fourth-level combat power!

  "Level 4!"

  Su Ye raised the corners of his lips slightly.

  Whether it is in the Yaoguang Islands or Far South Continent... if you reach the fourth level, you are qualified to dominate one side!
  At this moment, Guinevere's face flashed, seeming hesitant and anxious.

  After a long while, she raised her hand and reminded timidly.

  "My lord, absorb the source of the holy spring and practice. This will cause the grade of the holy spring to decrease..." "

  Oh?" Su Ye's eyes moved slightly.

  Following his swallowing inspiration, the water surface of the viscous spiritual liquid in the spiritual spring dropped slightly.

  It can be seen that Guinevere's words are true. If the spiritual energy is absorbed and the source of the spiritual spring is absorbed, the grade of this spiritual spring will indeed decline.


  "What does this have to do with me?"

  Su Ye's expression was stern and he didn't care at all. He ignored Guinevere's reminder and continued to absorb the inspiration.

  He has not forgotten the fundamental purpose of coming to Far South Continent this time!
  ——Plunder supplies and improve your strength!

  Swallowing the spiritual spring can speed up his practice, which is enough.

  As for the possible consequences, such as the decline and depletion of the spiritual spring?
  Su Ye didn't care.

  "Okay then..." Guinevere lowered her eyes slightly, lowered her head, and said softly.

  "But, please, His Highness the Son of God, when drawing the source of the Holy Spring, do not swallow up all the most concentrated Holy Spring Spiritual Liquid at the core of the Holy Spring." "With the Holy Spring Spiritual Liquid, the Holy Spring can still slow down

  . Restore..."

  "Otherwise, this holy spring will completely dry up, and the resources that Aino City can provide you will be greatly reduced..."

  Guinevere bowed and persuaded tactfully.

  "Oh..." Su Ye nodded, understanding.

  In other words, leave a drop, right?

  Sustainable development!


  The edge of the spiritual spring.

  Watching Su Ye who was absorbing the inspiration and practicing.

  Guinevere's eyes were clear and she was smiling.

  Unknowingly, she put her hands behind her back, slowly clenched them, and dug her nails into her flesh... 'His Royal Highness the Son of God is the tallest! '

  'I must be completely loyal to His Highness the Son of God! '

  'Tolerance, obedience, loyalty... only in this way can we survive! '

  Many thoughts were constantly spawned in her mind.

  She suppressed her anger and hatred tightly, filling her mind with these thoughts like self-hypnosis, forming a 'protective layer'!
  'In this case...'

  'Even if the other party's mind is far stronger than mine, it will be difficult to read my thoughts, right? '

  Guinevere murmured in her heart.

  Based on the clues, she had vaguely guessed that Su Ye might have the ability to peer into the mind.

  After all, Aino City has a long history, and the royal families of all generations are descendants of gods and have excellent bloodlines.

  Over the long years, ancestors with astonishing power of divine consciousness were naturally born... Therefore, it is normal for Guinevere to be wary of the mind-reading abilities that high-level divine consciousness can achieve.

  In other words, with the patience and caution she has honed over many years in the palace...

  Regardless of whether Su Ye has the ability to read minds or not, she must treat it as one!
  'Only in this way can we have a slim chance of winning...'

  Guinevere thought.

  She glanced at Su Ye, who was absorbing the spiritual liquid.

  It seems that the concentration of the spiritual liquid at the edge of the spiritual spring is slightly insufficient.

  Su Ye chose to move and came to the center of the spring. He sat in the air and quickly absorbed the inspiration!

  And, began to absorb the holy spring spiritual liquid.

  Seeing this, Guinevere lowered her head, and a hint of joy flashed in her eyes.

  Absorbing the spiritual liquid from the holy spring can speed up your practice.

  Of course, the Aino royal family has already known about this matter!

  But... this spiritual spring has been safely preserved until now.

  In addition to sustainable development and avoiding squandering fish, there is another very important reason.

  That is...

  'This holy spring can eat people...'

  Guinevere murmured in her heart.

  Of course, this does not mean that spiritual springs are harmful.

  However, such pure spiritual energy naturally has the ability to assimilate!
  If you are in the center of the spiritual spring and devour the spiritual machine unscrupulously, it is very likely that you will... assimilate yourself into the spiritual spring!
  'This is also...the only possible way to kill him! Guinevere

  was so nervous that she lowered her eyes and didn't even dare to look at Su Ye.

  For fear of being sensed by the other party's mood...

  half an hour later.


  As Su Ye practiced, the spiritual fluid boiled more and more.


  The rays of light are dense and colorful!
  A lot of spiritual liquid surged into the sky!

  So magnificent.

  But it contains the crisis of death!

  Like the waves swallowing up the rocks, a lot of spiritual liquid surged into Su Ye's body.

  In the end... Su Ye's figure was completely engulfed!

  Tick ​​tock.

  The spiritual liquid was scattered, and Su Ye was nowhere to be seen in the sky above Lingquan!
  'Did you make it? ! Guinevere

  raised her head, her expression perked up, and she almost jumped up with excitement.

  However, at this moment.

  Beside her, a calm and indifferent voice slowly sounded.

  "Guinevere, you seem to be very happy?"

  "What makes you so happy?"

  "Tell me."

  Guinevere's pupils suddenly tightened.

  (End of chapter)

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