Chapter 2 Manager

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  Chapter 2 Manager
  Half an hour later, the subway entered the night city area. Li Pan, whose eyes were blue, was in a good mood and walked out of the subway station humming "One shot will lift your head off".

  At the entrance of the subway station, the NCPA Night City police officers holding coffee cups, wearing body armor and armed to the teeth, formed a square formation as if under martial law. Behind various sunglasses and electronic eyes, they squinted at everyone who arrived from the slums. of social waste.

  If a mentally retarded person is found to be in arrears with taxes, has violated the law, or has a bounty on his head, and dares to show up in the city center, he will be immediately targeted by a dozen smart weapons, and then dozens of shuttles will hit him and break his limbs into pieces. They were beaten into sticks, cuffed around the neck, put in garbage bags and taken away.

  But nothing happened to Li Pan. After all, he was blue and blue, and his mental health was so good that he even believed it. Moreover, even if the closed-circuit surveillance of the subway subnet caught him shooting someone, so what? It was just self-defense. In these days, no serious taxpayer would take free public transportation like the subway. If you don’t pay taxes and have no insurance, the security system will naturally not alarm. If the system does not alarm, there will be no performance. Then these people’s basic salary is only 5,000 yuan a month. Do the police want you to die?
  So in the final analysis, it is difficult for you to live as a good person in a place like the City of Night.

  Li Pan before time travel was indeed a timid and fearful otaku. After all, in that world, even if he was timid and fearful, he could still survive at home. But it is obviously impossible to travel to a place like this. The first thing is to stay at home. Money, secondly, regardless of time travel or not, if you can't adapt to the environment, you can only be eliminated by the environment. Especially after losing a hand, Li Pan, who was severely beaten by society, completely said goodbye to the cowardly and kind-hearted self in his previous life.

  Of course, it cannot be said that Li Pan was useless in his previous life. After all, he has played first-person shooter games for so many years and often participated in online competitions. Li Pan still has some of his shooting talents that he has completely inherited. .

  It just so happens that this Earth 0791 also has guns. So I relied on my little talent and rummaged through the boxes at home to find an ancestral 'Night' pistol, and most importantly, the military ballistics co-processor attached to this illegal veteran's prosthetic leg picked up from the garbage dump. , Li Pan's "combat power" cannot be said to be walking sideways in the night city. At least he can crush the street gangsters who occupy the subway seats, watch movies, take drugs and have sex, at least he saves money on buying a car. , you can take the subway for free when you go out.

  And the fact that Li Pan was able to get the interview qualification for the new job he was looking for was somewhat related to his little fighting ability that was better than nothing.

  "What kind of internship in the logistics management department? I thought I rented formal clothes to sit in the office, but it turned out that I was just looking at the warehouse..." The two-meter-tall

  strong man, whose head had been replaced with alloy from top to bottom, ignored the complaints. He threw the employee rules, work clothes, and safety helmet into the hands of a disappointed Li Pan,

  "Be content. If your old man hadn't saved my life on the battlefield, I wouldn't have introduced this job to you. No matter what, it's serious. How are the employees of the company? They pay social security!"

  Li Pan shrugged and put on his overalls, "Thanks to my father being a medical soldier..."

  In this life, Li Pan was a standard war orphan, and his parents were both soldiers. , after all, if ordinary people want to apply for low-interest student loans, they can only get citizenship by serving in the military, but unfortunately they run into a corporate war.

  In this kind of war at the level of multiverses in the heavens and planes, millions of people are turned into stardust under the radiance of positrons against naval guns every minute and every second. His parents in this life are not immune to this. , no surprise, they turned into stars in the sky. I don’t even know if they are stars in this universe.

  In a sense, Li Pan had to 'thank' the company. After all, he was able to complete his studies and afford the mortgage because of the interest-free loan for war orphans that his parents sacrificed their lives for. Of course, the loan must be repaid. Start paying it back as soon as you graduate.

  Haha, can the company give you money for free? Just kidding, it would be nice to borrow it for nothing...

  However, Gao Tianyuan has actually gone bankrupt, and Ye's company is still continuing to pay the war pension, mainly to avoid angering more veterans, so as not to let Chi Tengu win over more former soldiers. Company soldiers, like the strong metal man in front of me.

  This guy's physique is already that of a highly prosthetic-modified alloy warrior. The bulges under the cheap artificial silicone sebum are filled with ceramic bulletproof armor and alloy bones. The whole person is as strong as a gorilla.

  This guy was probably the kind of SPACEMARINE who was responsible for breaking into the space station when he was in the service. The Space Stormtrooper was the most classic cannon fodder. He was blown up to the point where a fraction of his body was left. He was picked up by Father Li Pan and then thrown back to the earth for transformation. Cyborg warrior.

  As a result, he escaped the destruction of Takamagahara's fleet in the final battle, and now even uses a full-body military prosthesis to join the company. That's not just one step away from becoming CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life, just one step away from promotion and salary increase. Bar? He's really a very lucky guy...

  but, what's the point of him? Forget it, it doesn't matter. After all, Li Pan sent his resume to everyone in his parents' address book in order to find a job.

  "Follow me, I'll take you to enter the system and take a look at the layout of the warehouse. By the way, your mental evaluation is normal, right?" "Don't

  worry, it's the same as diarrhea." "

  What's inexplicable? Let me remind you, this company is also It’s coming from outside. The security level of the warehouse is very high. There must be contraband. Remember to always carry a gun with you. Those crazy people from the Uzumaki Gang have stepped on it and they don’t know when they will come.” So that’s it, this metal

  strong Han also knew that the warehouse was being targeted by those gangsters from the Whirlpool Gang. He did not want to be fired because of the powerful enemy, so he urgently recruited gunmen. At least Li Pan was the son of his old comrade. He had just graduated and was not a member of the club. He finally knew the basics. , so I recruited him to guard against gangsters.

  Although it’s a bit low for an intern to work hard to watch the whirlpool in the warehouse for only 2,500 yuan a month, but on the bright side, after all, the company pays social security, the credit card limit can be raised, and there is also a subsidy for working night shifts. , so Li Pan thought about it and decided to do it. It was important to repay the loan.

  So the strong man took Li Pan around and looked at the warehouse environment, duty hours, and patrol routes. He also asked Li Pan to shoot a few cans with a quick gun to test his skills. After the assessment was over, he took him to the company. Subsystems do temporary work.

  But there seems to be something wrong with this step. I don't know if I was shocked by Jiulan's mental appraisal or something, but the company system failed to log in.

  The brawny man made a phone call using the encrypted channel to confirm, and then sent an electronic business card to Li Pan using an account named 'Big Bear'.

  TheM company
  M company? It's pretty easy to remember.

  "It doesn't matter. Probably in order to prevent the Whirlpool Gang hackers, the warehouse subnet security system has been temporarily updated. I have certified that you have passed the interview. You go to this address, go to the company's office building headquarters, and register with the Human Resources Department. Although they require It's a three-year internship, but you get a monthly salary and social security. You can go directly to work at night after going through the onboarding process. It's also good to have more guns and more helpers." "Oh! Brother Big Bear, don't worry! Those scumbag old men from the Whirlpool

  Gang They're robbing me of rubbish, I've been wanting to take them away for a long time!"

  Well, the formal clothes are finally rented for nothing, it's 50 yuan a week.

  Company M's warehouse is still in the suburbs, and its office building is in the center of the city.

  It's a good thing that Li Pan shaved his head and wore a formal suit and tie. Otherwise, everyone else would have taken a floating car. He walked in with his legs. He probably couldn't even get into the corporate campus because the drone of the company's security department, which was loaded with ammunition, blew up. .

  However, Li Pan was lucky. After scanning and confirming his mental certificate and the permissions of M Company's logistics department intern, no security robot appeared in front of him to embarrass him again. However, M Company is quite rich, and the office building is actually equipped with In the corporate campus run by the CSI 'Citizen Security Insurance' security company.

  'CSI Security Insurance' is a very powerful private security company. It is also one of the interlocking companies of the heavens. It has no direct capital ties with Ye Clan and Gao Tianyuan. At least you don't have to worry about the two groups of mad dogs breaking into this neutral area. Come on a killing spree.

  Because of the company's authorization, Li Pan successfully found the central building, which is still a twin tower. He walked past the splendid marble LOBBY like a church, and under the guidance of the intelligent front desk, stepped into the elevator that was larger than his apartment. As if ascending to the sky, he arrived at M Company's office in Building A.

  Li Pan clicked on the panoramic view mode of the elevator, looked at the clouds under his feet, the floating city passing through the clouds, and the Pacific Ocean shrouded in the shadow of the giant city of night, and couldn't help but swallow.

  "It's smoother than diarrhea..."

  There was a ding, and the bread was toasted.

  "You have arrived, TheM Company Business Department."

  Li Pan quickly straightened his tie and stepped out of the elevator, feeling weak at his feet.

  Damn it, carpet! So soft! It can’t be real fur! Extravagant and extravagant... I'm in a trough! Potted plants! It can’t be real flowers and grass! Luxurious and extravagant...

  It was very ungraceful to walk into the front desk of M Company's business department with such an open mouth. Li Pan couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

  Coming out of the elevator corridor is a large circular living room, where you can play five-person explosive ball. In addition to the elevator corridor, there are eleven doors on the outer edge of the living room, all closed, probably leading to various departments. , you can’t enter without permission.

  In the middle of the reception room is the service desk of Company M.

  But there is no one at the moment, not even the smart front desk.

  The Internet is disconnected and there is no signal in the public system.

  In this era, every citizen will be connected to the public safety network, and all production and life are inseparable from the QVN quantum virtual network that connects the world. It can be said that it is really difficult to leave the network.

  Due to information security considerations, those large companies will naturally not put all their data on the public Internet to avoid the risk of being invaded by electronic hackers. Therefore, they will build their own private systems and intranets. The public network is obviously blocked in the M Company building.

  "...Hello? I'm here to apply for employment today."

  Without the Internet, Li Pan couldn't contact Big Bear or Company M, so he had to try calling twice and waited for a while.

  Well, after waiting for about half an hour, Li Pan couldn't bear it anymore.

  Isn't it a prank? Why don't you take the elevator down to the lobby and ask?
  "Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?"

  Li Pan didn't dare to kick the door, lest the security robot would rush out and beat him to death, so he had no choice but to poke his head in to see if there was an address book or anything like that in the reception desk.

  Then he glanced at a phone behind the table.

  Li Pan rubbed his eyes.

  Damn it? Electricity, phone? It's still a landline? ? Or a rotary dial? ?

  These days, built-in communication chips in the human body have long been commonplace. No one in the world knows about such an old-fashioned thing as a landline phone, right? If he hadn't been a time traveler, he probably wouldn't have been able to recognize him.

  Then "ding, ding, ding," the phone rang.

  Li Pan stayed for a while and then licked his ears.


  is indeed the phone ringing...

  By the way, this kind of landline phone... can ring even if the phone line is not connected?

  Or is this just a communicator, deliberately made in a retro style?
  A... phone disguised as a phone?
  Are these rich people so idle? ? ?
  Li Pan was impatient to wait. He reached out to pick up the phone and looked up for the camera. "

  Hey, is this Company M? I'm here to join the company. Didn't Daxiong contact me? Is this some kind of test?"

  Then He heard a very familiar voice on the other end of the phone say to him,

  "Pick up the phone and come in."

  A door opened.

  "Hello? Hello? Who are you? What are you doing? Are you doing this mysterious thing? Do you want the gun to be placed at the front desk?" "

  Who are you doing? Are you going to put the mysterious gun at the front desk?"

  Li Pan shouted a few words , it seemed like there was a string of wires and he could only hear his own echo. The person on the other side probably interrupted the communication. He didn’t want to wait here anymore. He shrugged and hung up the phone. He held it in his hand and walked in. He took two steps and suddenly react to.

  Wait, the man on the other end of the phone just now seems to have his own voice... Could it be...

  Tsk, even the voiceprint was simulated, and it wasn't a personal test. Probably when I joined the company, even eight generations of my ancestors hired hackers to investigate. Is it because they were afraid of luring wolves into the house and recruiting some spies? These company dogs are really careful in their work.

  So Li Pan entered the door with the phone in hand and entered the company. He saw that both sides of the corridor were dark and empty. It seemed that he was suddenly in a void. There was neither glass nor walls around him. Only the faint light above his head shone. It was like stars leading him all the way into the dark depths of the universe.

  I don't know if it was an illusion caused by the darkness, but Li Pan felt that the space inside was far larger than the building itself.

  But Li Pan quickly shook his head and recovered from the illusion of this space.

  After all, he is very self-aware. I am originally a native of the rural earth who traveled through time. I have long been used to the various black technologies of the super-tech earth in another world. Besides, there are hundreds of more powerful earths above 0791. What? What's all the fuss about.

  So Li Pan followed the guidance of the light and came all the way to the end of the corridor.

  There is a door at the end of the corridor with a nameplate that says 'General Manager's Office'.

  Damn it, you are so hands-on, and you still need the general manager to interview you when recruiting an intern in the warehouse?

  "Hello, manager, I'm here for an interview, Li Pan."

  Li Pan casually knocked on the door and opened it.

  When you walk in, you will see that it is a large office that is often seen in TV dramas. The floor-to-ceiling windows show the exterior of the corporate campus. You can see the Twin Towers of Tower B and the restaurant and swimming pool on the bridge below from a distance. This office is quite normal.


  Li Pan called twice as the back chair behind the desk faced the window. He walked over and took a look, but there was still no one on the chair.

  Damn it, what's going on? ?
  "Ding ding ding."

  "Hey, what's wrong?"

  Then the person on the other end of the phone said to him in Li Pan's own voice,

  "Put up the business cards on the table and don't put them on your formal clothes."

  Name tag?

  Then he saw the name tag placed in the middle of the desk, the size of a poker card.

  '   Li Pan,   General Manager
  of 0791 Branch of TheM Company

  Insider 0791001'What

  the hell? Isn't this a bit too much for playing tricks? Ah, couldn't it be that reality TV show! Give a few million to a poor man, saying he won a lottery, so he can experience life, and then take the money back after the show is finished and let the fool go into debt until he dies... The other end of the phone said aggressively, "The


  manager has the right to enter all rooms."

  The general manager has the right to use the filing cabinet.

  The general manager has the right to use the fax.

  The general manager has the right to use the landline.

  The general manager has the right to customize formal attire.

  The general manager has the right to turn off the lights..." "

  Hey, hey, what a mess! I'm here to see you. From the warehouse! I'm not here to apply for the general manager! If you dare to mess with me, I will destroy you!"

  He ignored the call and continued,

  "When the general manager is deleted, the regular employees will take over as the general manager.

  When all the regular employees are deleted , , the trainee employee acts as the general manager.

  When all employees in the company are deleted, a general manager is randomly selected from the street.

  THEM, the monster company, cannot live without a general manager."

  "...the company... cannot live without a general manager..."

  This Once, an echo came from Li Pan's own mouth.

  "Wait, deletion means...dead? That big bear..."

  Li Pan subconsciously wanted to call the system to call the other party, but found that the name in the address book disappeared.

  On the deleted
  call, 'my' voice came without any fluctuation.

  "TheM, 0791 subsidiary, all regular employees have been deleted.

  The only trainee employee, Li Pan, will be the acting general manager.

  Pick up the name tag on the table and pin it on the formal clothes."

  (End of this chapter)

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