Chapter 3 Deletion

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  Chapter 3 Deletes the File and
  Is Big Bear Dead? That kind of commando military prosthetic body? Uzumaki's help?

  Are you kidding me? Can those lunatics who cut off their own organs and make their own prosthetics be able to outperform the company?

  And what's going on at the company headquarters? There was no response from the CSI security forces outside?

  And whether he's dead or not...

  these crazy things actually frightened him into deleting his address book? ? ?

  Li Pan was speechless,

  "You're fooling around over there! You think I'm stupid! I deleted everything, and you're still there, right?
  Who are you? The company's hacker? The system network supervisor? The security bureau? Can you tell me otherwise? Did you speak in my voice?"

  The phone said,
  "This is the landline phone.

  The landline phone must be left in the office area. You

  can call employees by dialing the internal line.

  When employees are unable to reply, the landline phone will forward the message to obtain the employee daily report. .

  I suggest the general manager call the internal line to get the general manager's daily report."

  "Landline, I, 伱, Mader, you crazy person..."

  Li Pan was speechless, and then he suddenly understood,
  "Fuck! Fuck you! Don't be Cyber. Be mentally ill!"

  The cyberpsychosis of the residents of the Night City is really serious these days.

  Some say that the social workers are under too much pressure working seven days a week and twelve hours a day. Some say it is the virus Mewtwo, drug overdose and illegal prosthetic use. Others say it is the toxic nerve gas leak that led to the destruction of a certain New Tokyo. It has not yet been resolved. Some people say that the current sewage treatment plant is not up to standard and recommend drinking canned Coke. Some people say that it is simply because of poverty.

  In short, this is not a curse, it is just the way of the world, most people are not mentally normal.

  The phone was still saying,
  "Pick up the name tag on the table, don't..."

  "Mad! Chat with the psycho for a long time! I'm leaving!"

  Li Pan became angry and hung up the phone for fear of being infected, ignoring the call from the other party. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. I opened the door and walked out.

  Then he stopped.

  Outside the door is no longer the corridor he came from, but a huge office area.

  And it didn't look like a serious company at all. Li Pan didn't see the virtual access cabin, the hacker cooling tank, the rows of system servers and the swarm-like security drones.

  The office area in front of you only has rows of desks, and there are ancient desktop computers, and the decoration is retro, like an ordinary trading company in the 21st century. It really doesn’t look like the scene you can see in the cyberpunk future plane of Earth 0791.

  Also, there was something standing at the other end of the office, staring at the coffee machine in the pantry.

  Apart from things, Li Pan has no other adjectives.

  How should I put it? It looks like a human being, but it doesn't look much like it if you look closely. To put it metaphorically, it's like stretching the arms and legs of a normal person like plasticine, until it is three meters high and two meters wide. Then he pressed his head into his neck, so that his scalp was just touching the ceiling, and his skin was painted a corpse-like gray. Then he put on a formal suit, and it was almost the thing in front of Li Pan.

  Well, this idiot was still wearing formal clothes, and the style was much better than the one he rented...

  Suddenly Li Pan seemed to hear his own voice, murmuring.

  The monster
  seemed to have heard it, and turned its head to look at Li Pan who came out of the general manager's office.

  There were no eyes or nose, only a mouth like a shark, with a crescent-like smile split from the neck. The mouth was bloody, and there were fragments of formal clothes left between the teeth.

  Facing that smiling face, Li Pan raised his hand and emptied the magazine. He was clearly aiming at the head, but the bullets hit the thing's formal clothes and scattered all over the floor. The clothes were not even wrinkled.

  Turtle, you still bring your own military body armor.

  Without thinking, with many years of experience in street bloodshed, Li Pan rolled over and rolled directly into the general manager's office. At the same time, a gust of wind blew over his scalp, and something swept over with a roar, destroying the walls and glass of the general manager's office. The window was shattered! The explosive scene was like being hit directly by a rocket launcher!
  Ding ding

  ding, Li Pan was rolling and crawling to the desk, grabbing the phone and yelling.

  "I, Cao Nima, keep a bionic in the office, are you stupid?"

  The landline phone also yelled at him,

  "Pick up the name tag on the table!"


  Li Pan grabbed the name tag and picked up the phone. Jump out with a lunge.

  "Bang!" With a sound, the thing rushed over like a gray bat, smashed through the wall and floor-to-ceiling glass window of the manager's office, and rushed out of the office building! He jumped dozens of meters and hit the wall of Building B with a "Boom!". His fingers grabbed the alloy outer wall and scratched out finger marks!
  The CSI patrol armed drone equipped with swarm smart-linked warheads and Thor cannons drifted past that thing, as if pretending to be a cloud... "I'm just going to blast him!

  " What kind of security insurance! Has the exclusive user experience expired?"

  Li Pan was speechless and pinned his name tag on his cheap formal wear.

  At this time, Li Pan heard the voice on the phone talking rapidly.

  "The general manager has the right to enter all rooms/spheres.

  The general manager has the right to use the filing cabinet/archive. The

  general manager has the right to use the fax machine/dimensional link. The general manager

  has the right to use the landline/psychic echo.

  The general manager has the right to customize formal attire. /Guardian.

  The general manager has the right to turn off the lights/space jump into the corridor/crack..."

  "Hey, what's going on with this additional affix?"

  Then the thing flew forward and hit the office building in Tower A with a bang. The creaking sound made it obvious that it was climbing up.

  Li Pan exclaimed, "What the hell!"

  The phone roared, "Turn off the lights! Turn off
  the lights
  . His huge claws grabbed him in from the outer window, and his fingertips dug five long marks on the bulletproof alloy wall.

  Li Pan said again Not daring to look back, he turned towards the wall and pressed the switch.

  Then it got dark.

  For a moment, Li Pan thought he was dead, then he gradually adapted to the darkness in front of him and realized that he was back in the corridor in the void. It’s in.


  “The general manager should call the manager’s internal line and leave a message to get the daily report/spiritual response.

  "I'm so scared! " "

  Awakened by the sudden echo on the phone, Li Pan's heart started to beat wildly.

  What was that thing just now? The company's biochemical weapon? Transformed soldiers? Synthetic beasts? Wait, that thing seems to be wearing formal clothes. Brand name!

  "Holy shit, that's an employee of your company!? I won't be like that, right!?" "

  The general manager should call the manager's internal line and forward the message to get the daily report/spiritual echo."

  "If you have anything to say, can't you just say it! Do it!"

  There was no sound on the other end of the phone again.

  "Fuck! It's really troublesome!"

  Li Pan looked around and saw a door from a distance in the dark void corridor. He remembered that it was the door leading to the hall, and hurriedly held the phone and moved forward. I ran, hung up the phone and redialed 0791001.

  Jingle Bell.

  As soon as I picked up the phone, the voice of 'Li Pan' came from the other end of the phone and said quickly,
  "My name is Li Pan. Today I joined TheM Company as a trainee. I found that the company was attacked by an unknown source. All employees were deleted and I temporarily took over as the president. Manager..."

  Li Pan roared and ran towards the door, "Let's get to the point! How do I escape!" "I

  can leave the company through the corridor/crack, but I found that the filing cabinet/archiving was out of control and employees could not return to the file. The paper shredder / Existence deletion is out of control, causing employees to be unable to be deleted and turn into monsters / data is missing, I must go to the personnel office immediately and restart the shredder / existence deletion, manually delete all employee files..." "I won't fucking go

  ! Love so and so!"

  Li Pan roared and rushed out of the corridor door.

  At dawn, he found himself standing at the door of the office where he came in. The thing, the monster, was still in the manager's office at the other end of the office area.

  Li Pan rushed out violently, but hit the door with a bang.

  "The company has been blocked. The monster/missing data cannot be unblocked until it is deleted. I have to manually delete employee files..." "I

  told you earlier! Where is the personnel office!"

  "Bang!" There was a sound! That thing rushed into the office area! No! It's flying over! No! It's jumping! Damn it jumps so far!
  "Next to the tea room at the entrance."

  Li Pan turned around and rushed over.

  The monster jumped at him.

  The phone is beeping.

  "If I can't delete the monster/data missing in time, I will be bitten by the monster/data missing, tearing my waist in half, tearing off the spine, and chewing the head..." "

  Fuck! There's no need to be so specific!!" "

  Haha —!"

  It was too late.

  At this time, Li Pan could already smell a strong bloody wind, accompanied by warm and moist air waves, rolling against his scalp.

  It was as if there were a pair of invisible cold hands that first clenched his stomach, then froze his heart, and finally squeezed up one by one, squeezing out the air from his lungs and the light from his eyes.

  He had experienced it once when his hand was crushed and when he was lying alone in a pool of blood.


  The phone

  is ringing.

  Ha -

  the bloody wind is blowing.

  Invisible hands are squeezing his lungs

  blue, blue, blue, blue, red, red red red red!


  At this moment, Li Pan howled, making a sound he had never heard before. He hugged the phone with his right hand, hung up the phone with his left hand, drew his gun, stretched it out, and pointed at the coffee machine.

  Then came the sharp pain.

  Li Pan's left hand was bitten off, and the metal prosthesis was pulled out in one swoop. Engine oil, blood, and immunosuppressants, red, white, and yellow, spurted out from the pipes and scattered all over the floor.

  But he survived. I don’t know what obsession that thing had with the coffee machine, but it actually turned around and bit his hand...

  But Li Pan survived. He swooped down and knocked his head away. At the door of the personnel office, he stood up and opened his eyes regardless of the swelling on his head.

  The filing cabinet/soul seal fell on the ground, and resumes were scattered on the ground, scattered everywhere.

  There are hundreds of pictures of men and women, with photos, names, and experiences, which seem to condense life.

  There was a paper shredder nearby, and it was stuck. The last stack of thick documents was stuck in the paper inlet and could not be removed.

  Ma De, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a company that is so stubborn about paper-based office...



  Li Pan felt that the whole piece of flesh on his back was torn apart, but that The thing seemed unable to enter the personnel department. It stretched out its hand and grabbed Li Pan. Before it could pull his head out with his spine, its long arms exploded! It has to burn and turn into soot.


  down, and opened the shredding box. , emptied the full container of paper scraps, and then restarted the power supply.

  The monster couldn't get in. Before catching Li Pan, his hands and feet would catch fire inexplicably and be burned. He would say "ha——" "ha——" "ha——" at the door the whole time, burning his hands and legs. There was a thick layer of dust at the door of the personnel office.

  With a final "Ah——", the remaining body, along with the pile of files stuck in the shredder, was twisted into thousands of shreds of meat by the invisible knife wheel amidst the buzzing sound, and was rotten into a piece of meat. The group turned into ashes with a bang and disappeared.

  Only a formal suit and a name tag with no words left were left in the ashes.

  "Cough cough cough, vomit - cough cough cough -"

  Li Pan vomited blood, collected the resumes on the floor, shredded them with a paper shredder, and then collapsed in a pool of blood, vomiting blood.

  The phone was still ringing.

  Li Pan spurted blood, sighed helplessly, stretched out his right hand to pick up the phone.

  The echo on the phone said to him,
  "Type out your resume, send it to the head office by fax, and then put it in the filing cabinet."

  Li Pan looked up at the instructions posted on the filing cabinet

  : "Filing Cabinet/Archive,

  employees have completed their onboarding. " After the formalities, the first archive will be created.

  When seriously injured or dying during a mission, employees can use the filing cabinet to read files and reset their status.

  The number of available readings depends on the employee's performance appraisal score.

  When the archive is damaged, employee files must be deleted manually. "


  Li Pan stared at the black ashes, recalling the guy who had just stood here quietly, staring at the coffee machine, and an inexplicable sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

  The last file was deleted by him...what about the previous ones?

  Who deleted the files of other people in the company?
  Moreover, how thick is the last stack of files? It’s so thick that the paper shredder got stuck!

  But it was deleted anyway.

  I don’t want to die like this, I don’t want to die like this, I really don’t want to die like this...

  But... but...

  he really didn't want to die...

  So Li Pan hung up the phone, got up silently, held up the filing cabinet, found his resume on the computer of the human resources department, printed it out, and signed it. Use the fax machine to send it, then find an empty folder, write 0791001, and put the blood-stained resume in the filing cabinet.

  The phone stopped ringing.

  Li Pan stood in the sudden silence, stunned, and suddenly came back to his senses, looking down at his hands.

  Both hands,

  the left hand has grown back.

  Not a prosthetic limb, not an illusion, his own hand.

  The back that was torn open by a claw was also intact. If it weren't for the piles of ashes and pools of blood on the ground, Li Pan might have thought it was just a dream.

  Is this a state reset?
  After a while, the fax machine buzzed and printed out three sheets of paper.

  One is a contract, a formal contract for public safety system certification, a trainee employee in the logistics department, 2,500 yuan a month. There are company social security and overtime pay, and the probation period is three years.

  One is an appointment letter from the head office, appointing temporary worker Li Pan as temporary acting general manager of the Earth 0791TheM subsidiary. Balabala, signed and sealed.

  The last one is a memo.

  Time XX: XX: XX
  Location TheM Company 0791 Branch Headquarters
  Employee 00791001
  Target Monster/Data Missing
  Evaluation Delete Successful
  Reward Silver Key/One Key

  Li Pan looked at the three pieces of paper. He didn’t need to call to teach him what to do. He opened the filing cabinet. He put the three pieces of paper into his thin folder and attached them to the back of his blood-stained resume.

  Then his trouser pocket sank, and Li Pan took out a cold silver key.

  Literally a silver key, the key embryo is carefully carved and covered with a flower carving of some kind of plant vine, and there is a polyhedral black crystal on the key handle.

  Li Pan looked at the key and couldn't figure out why, so he stuffed the key back into his trouser pocket.

  He stood there, looking at the mess. For a moment, he wanted to ignore everything, just rush out, take the subway back to the apartment, put on the virtual helmet, open Mewtwo, and forget everything.

  But after all, he was just thinking about it.

  I still have to repay the loan.

  So Li Pan went to the tea room, made a cup of coffee, then found a chair to sit down and made a call.

  "Hey, what's a monster?"

  (End of chapter)

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