Chapter 1 Mental evaluation is normal

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  Chapter 1 Psychiatric Assessment
  In the decades after the defeat of the Normal Company War, Earth 0791 gradually recovered from the chaos of the occupation force's rule.

  In order to return to the civilized order of the multiverse dominated by the public safety system, a number of economic recovery policies led by The Night Konzern and the 'Ye Enterprise Group' have re-divided interests and promoted rapid economic growth. The gap between the rich and the poor in Earth 0791 has further widened.

  After the defeat of the war, the old tycoon TAKAMAGAHARA Corporation and 'Takamagahara Shoji' were forced to go bankrupt and liquidated, split and reorganized, and the company's employees lost their jobs, resulting in the outflow of technology and weapons, and the crime rate in the slums surged rapidly.

  The local extremist armed forces that advocated the use of force to overthrow the rule of Ye's company quickly rose up, and their strength quickly exceeded that of the plane security forces that had lost their deterrence due to excessive losses in the war, thus causing serious social unrest.

  In view of this, in order to prevent the turmoil of Earth 0791 from brewing a new chain of hatred, balance and restrict the power of the vested interests of the victors of the war, and prevent the situation from getting further out of control and triggering a new multiverse corporate war.

  With the special approval of the Earth 0 Public Safety Committee, it was decided to establish a special maneuver that is limited to the Earth 0791 plane, retains independent authority and battlefield command rights, is equipped with reinforced armor suits, battlefield drones and heavy weapons, and is authorized to use fifth-level military technology. The police force is directly under the command of the 0791 Public Security Bureau, and the force code is CERBERUS.

  This was probably twenty years ago.


  The young man walked through the corridor of the pigeon building of the dirty apartment with his newly shaved head, stepping over the bankrupts, drug addicts, and homeless people lying on the floor, and past those wearing holographic glasses and watching illegal supermarkets. Meng, a cybermaniac who was probably trying to push cheap alcoholic drinks out of the vending machine while holding it, walked to the door of the elevator room on the 45th floor. The control panel was removed, so he had to go over and look at the surveillance camera.

  Yellow yellow red blue yellow yellow red blue yellow.

  Neon lights flickered on the irises, and then the smooth electronic sound of the public safety system sounded in the young man's ears after being interpreted by the chip implanted in his skull. At the same time, the flashing blue electronic light projected on the surface like floaters. On his retina.

  "Citizen Li Pan, the cash in the account is 1147.95, and the current loan repayment is 3379.38. The total liabilities are 25XXXX.XX.

  Your next debt will be due for settlement on the 15th of this month. Please keep the account with sufficient balance.

  Your mental deviation value 15 percentage points above the system median. Please visit a qualified mental health counselor as soon as possible, issue a valid mental health certificate, and upload a security system update backup. Thank you for using the public safety system and wish you all the best." Complete the


  scan After confirming the identity of the tenant, the elevator door slowly opened.

  "Made, the mental evaluation has been installed in the apartment subnet, so let's repair the door..."

  Li Pan was so impatient that he pulled his collar and carefully squeezed into the elevator, facing the dirty graffiti and stains. Through the glass window, he arranged his rented cheap formal clothes. While putting on his pullover and tie, he raised his neck and cast his gaze past the pigeon cages in the slums, and towards the far distance that stood between the sea and the sky, as straight as a saber. A huge alloy jungle stuck in the clouds, an artificial island in Night City.

  Yes, Night City, but it is not the Night City of 2077, but a huge urban area in a parallel universe called Earth 0791. The geographical location is not even in North America, but stands in the old city that was sunk by volcanic eruptions and nuclear wars. In the central area of ​​the archipelago, the ruins of the Thirteenth New Tokyo Metropolitan Area have gone through several times of destruction, reconstruction, destruction, reconstruction, and destruction.

  Decades ago, the chaebol 'Takamagahara Shoji' that ruled the 13th New Tokyo was dismembered by wolves as a symbol. The corporate war came to an end, and the new owner of Earth 0791 was replaced by the 'Yashi' corporate group. So this A new night city rises from the remains of the largest city on Earth 0791, sucking the blood and carrion of the defeated.

  And Li Pan, a time traveler with no system, no background, no superpowers, and an average figure, appearance, and IQ, traveled from the ordinary earth and was reborn into a world where the level of technology and the gap between rich and poor are far beyond the former. , it is naturally difficult to get ahead.

  But no matter what, Li Pan's cards are not bad yet. At least he is not like the homeless people at the door, addicted to the dream weaved by alcohol, drugs and illegal online games. Instead, he persisted in struggling in the quagmire of this cruel reality. He relied on the interest-free loan from the War Orphans Grant and worked illegally. He completed his studies at the Military Engineering College with difficulty, successfully graduated, registered as a reserve engineer, and had an implanted II in his brain. level civilian chip, and obtained a legal citizenship that can access the public network.

  Of course, this is just the minimum ticket to enter normal social life.

  Looking at the account just now, we can see that after graduation, Li Pan will have to be self-reliant and repay the interest-free loan of 200,000 for the orphan pension. He must find a way to make a living in Night City, where the unemployment rate is as high as 45%. Otherwise, what awaits him is that his credit card is maxed out, and he cannot even return to the door of the apartment in the slums. He will have to live a miserable life on the street, collecting relief funds and begging, relying on relief funds and picking up garbage.

  "Sorry! Sorry! Wait a minute, wait for me!"

  Hearing the woman's urgent cry, Li Pan subconsciously stretched out his left hand and stopped the monster's steel giant mouth from closing the elevator door like a click.

  What slipped in through the crack in the door was a mature woman with beautiful orange-red hair tied into a ponytail. It could be seen that if she were ten years younger, she would be a rare beauty. Even though she now has heavy bags under her eyes and her hair is a bit messy, it is obvious that She was in a hurry to go out and didn't have time to put on makeup, so she looked even more tired, but she could still get a glimpse of her old charm.

  Li Pan saw that her face looked familiar, and he saw the doctor's light green uniform.

  "You also live on this floor? NCHC Medical Health Center?"

  "Thank you, thank you! You are Li Ba. I almost can't recognize you after shaving my head. I am Cheng Zi."

  Li Pan remembered,

  "Oh, you are Dahe's mother, I heard that you always work the night shift."

  Li Pan recognized this woman. She was from the building. Her son Huang Dahe often played ball with her in the open parking lot. That kid was much smarter than Li Pan. It was said that he The person who was admitted to a private college directly affiliated with Ye's company and received a scholarship was a genius problem solver from the slums. After he graduates, he will be a serious company dog ​​directly under the Ye family, with a promising future.

  Orange smiled bitterly and pointed to the emergency news in the elevator,
  "Yeah, emergency overtime, the three-headed dog and Akainu are fighting again. I heard that a seven-level super-gravity ray cannon was used, and half the block was bombed into rubble. It's over."

  Only then did Li Pan notice that because the speakers in the elevator were broken, and the projection screen flashed scenes of bloody and explosive gun battles, he thought it was another advertisement for a bad plasma movie.

  Since the end of the corporate war, the old king of this world, the chaebol Takamagahara, was forced to go bankrupt and reorganize. Naturally, the security department of the old company and the mercenaries and gangster groups under the chaebol were unwilling to fail. They were reduced from rulers to the bottom, so a large number of company remnants joined the underworld. , some of the radicals formed the extremist organization 'Akai Tengu', also commonly known as Akainu, trying to use force to expel outsiders from the other world, the Ye Group.

  Faced with the annoying harassment from local gangs and criminal terrorists, Ye's company decisively chose to call the police.

  Why, they are a legal monopoly businessman, and Gao Tianyuan's legacy was won with integrity.

  Therefore, under the arbitration of the Earth 0 Public Safety Committee, the Public Security System Branch 0791 was authorized to form an independent armed force, the mobile police force CERBERUS three-headed dogs, specifically responsible for brutally suppressing these ignorant wild dogs.

  Naturally, Akainu is not a vegetarian, so the bloody dog ​​fights that have continued and escalated over the years have become the daily highlight of Night City.

  Looking at the long death list on the news, Li Pan couldn't help but be speechless.

  "It's so miserable. Wow, 453 taxpayers with social security information were killed or injured. Good guys, the prize pool of the Dead Man Lotto is about to double again. Oh, I mean you are very busy now. ..."

  "Oh, isn't it? The chips are probably melted on the floor. They probably have to be shoveled down with a shovel before they can be recovered. This will have to be cleaned up until tomorrow..." In fact, NCHC, Night City Medical Center, this so-

  called A more apt description of the public healthcare system is a morgue. After all, since the corporate war, 0791's financial system has collapsed, and the medical insurance account has long been bankrupt. If you get sick, you can only rely on various expensive aristocratic hospitals and private medical insurance. Or there are unreliable underground black market clinics, and NCHC is only responsible for collecting corpses and washing the ground.

  "By the way, Chengzi, can your NCHC still do mood assessments? I've been looking for a job recently, and my mental health certificate needs to be updated." Chengzi couldn't help but be stunned when he heard that the cut-haired young man with a fierce look in front of him actually had to do

  regular psychological assessments. He was stunned for a moment and subconsciously took a step back.

  Li Pan didn't care. After all, this was a normal reaction to hearing that someone around him had the potential for cyberpsychosis. He calmly rolled up the sleeves of his plaid shirt and showed his left arm to her.

  "It broke while doing illegal work in the garbage dump. The boss still had some conscience. Although he didn't pay me my salary and fired me, he compensated me for the prosthetic limbs that were removed from the body of a disabled veteran. It's illegal

  . Well, I don’t have a registration number, so I can’t connect to the secure network, so I have to update it manually.”

  Cheng Zi took a look at the metallic prosthesis, which was stained with rust, and knew that it was not a high-end military insert, but probably just junk from a garbage dump. It might just be the lowest level of technology, an auxiliary prosthesis for the disabled, and the other party probably wouldn't twist her head off. Then he felt relieved and said to Li Pan, "As long as the prosthesis is implanted, you can use it to some extent.

  " Immunosuppressants, not to mention not specially customized parts, will definitely have rejection reactions. If possible, you can try injecting hibernation mixture, which can stabilize the mental deviation value in a short time. In addition, I advise you not to use

  NCHC public medical health consultation For services, you have to wait in line for five years. I will give you a private communication link. It is a friend of mine. They recently opened a business for mental health maintenance. If you want to get a certificate, go to them. The price is quite reasonable. And you know, whether you are sick or not, we can issue a certificate for you."

  "Oh, thank you! It's a big help!"

  I exchanged contact information with Chengzi and added friends, and the elevator creaked all the way. After falling from the forty-eighth floor to the first floor, the two of them had to open the elevator door with difficulty and squeeze out. Because Li Pan's interview was in the city, Cheng Zi drove him to the subway station to say goodbye.

  "The executives of Night Company are all vampires! Yes! Real vampires! I'm not trying to scare you! Their prosthetics are genetically coordinated biochemicals! Level 6 technology! These bastards call themselves vampires! They live forever by sucking human blood. Stay young!! Do you know how many streetwalkers in Zhongcheng District have disappeared? Buy some silver bullets, you fools!"

  Li Pan walked past the subway entrance expressionlessly, holding up a sign and shouting as a lunatic. He can't say that. He is a lunatic. After all, he is telling the truth. Companies in this world are not organizations with hundreds or thousands of people. A more appropriate name should be called the super-capitalist conglomerate conglomerate that monopolizes the infinite heavens across the multiverse.

  They, the company, use their huge capital to monopolize all the resources of several, dozens, or even hundreds of parallel universes and earths, the real overlords of these infinite heavens.

  There is not just one such overlord, there are many. Earth 0791 once belonged to a chaebol named Takamagahara. It's just one of the countless assets in the hands of big chaebols.

  Of course, it is obvious that in order to compete for profits, wars will also break out between corporate chaebols. Gao Tianyuan was defeated in the last war and went bankrupt and reorganized. Therefore, the assets of Earth 0791 were divided among the Night Company in other planes.

  So yes, the executives of Night Company are indeed devils from another world, vampires. In the universe where their base camp is located, these people are some kind of biochemical people who have been transformed into vampires, vampires.

  Now that the Night Company has come to Earth 0791, there are still so many unfriendly wild dogs in the local area, barking and trying to tear their throats apart. The executives of the Night Company naturally also brought vampire prosthetic technology, using familiar The enhanced human prosthetic body comes to protect yourself.

  However, these gossips will not be reported by the NCHK Night City Broadcasting Association. If you want to hear it, you can only hear it from the mouths of homeless people on the streets, and most of them are sent by the gang organizations affiliated with the Red Tengu.

  And these Akainu, remnants of the old generation, made no secret of the fact that they were remnants of Takamagahara, samurai retainers loyal to their masters, and dogs of the chaebol. He constantly incites riots among the poor at the lower levels, and frequently launches attacks against the Night Company.

  Even the legendary cyberpunk mercenaries will not participate in this kind of struggle between large companies. It is purely an act of seeking death.

  "Hey yellow-skinned monkey! What size are your shoes, eh! What are you looking at!" "What are you looking at!"


  Grass-mud horse yellow-skinned monkey, you are looking for death..."


  "Ah! He killed Charles!"

  "Ah! Cyber ​​psychosis!"

  "Ah! My formal clothes!"

  With one shot, he smashed the idiot who was high and was looking for trouble. He scared away a group of gangsters who took drugs and had sex. After clearing a carriage, Li Pan found a clean place. Sitting down, he wiped the blood splattered on his sleeves and called the 'private mental health system' that Chengzi introduced to him.

  "Hey, what's going on?"

  came the young man's voice from the other side. There was no avatar projection. He was probably using an identity disguise. He was probably not a legitimate guy, but it didn't matter.

  "Is it the Mental Health Consulting Service Company under the Oak Tree? I was introduced by Chengzi. You can issue a mental health certificate, right?" "Oh,

  no problem. No bargaining for five hundred yuan a month."

  This price is fair, Li said. Pan himself asked a few companies, and a more ruthless one could kill you for three thousand dollars, but...

  "Can it really pass the security system certification? I'm looking for a job."

  "Okay, okay, just take a credit card. I guarantee you will be as smooth as diarrhea."

  Oh, can the other party not accept cash and postpone the payment until next month? Li Pan thinks it is acceptable. After all, if he really cheated him, he will not be able to get the money back next month. .

  Although it is very dangerous to use this kind of private link to identify the mental state, the other party may be some low-level electronic hacker. The crime of stealing a citizen's ID is a minor one. He could take the opportunity to load a golem, leave a backdoor, or burn it directly. It's possible that your account is hacked.

  But Li Pan is not afraid. He feels at ease when he is poor. This is the so-called price of poverty. There is no choice. After all, he could find the school doctor to be accommodating in the past, but now that he has graduated and the old channels can no longer be used, he really needs to find a stable partner to provide regular mental certification. Otherwise, in theory, he can only remove the prosthetic limb and wait for his mental stability.

  Oh, can a disabled person be mentally stable in the City of Night?
  "Okay, let's bring him in."

  "Oh, some K's."

  Thirty seconds later, Li Pan received the updated confirmation of the mental evaluation report from the public system.

  Blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue

  , really a few handfuls are as smooth as diarrhea.

  There is zero fluctuation in the mental evaluation. In the eyes of the public security system, the only person who can be more emotionally stable than him is a vegetative person.

  (End of chapter)

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