Chapter 385 Sasuke’s whereabouts (16/18)

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  Chapter 385 Sasuke’s whereabouts (1618)

  The Five Kage Talks will take place a week later. The Iron Country they are going to is a neutral country in the ninja world. Hasukawa Kishi can almost foresee that there will definitely be people from the Five Kage Talks at the Five Kage Talks. He was not too worried about the criticism from the other four villages.

  Hasekawa Kushiro stood on the completely collapsed Hokage Rock, looking at the messy wooden leaves below, and couldn't help but sigh. At this moment, Uchiha Shisui suddenly rushed over and said to Hasekawa Kushiro: "Mu Xi, I just got news from others, saying that they have found Sasuke's location, and we will set off in about three days. Do you plan to talk to Sasuke before departure, or when we come back? After that."

  Listening to Uchiha Shisui's words, Hasukawa Kushiro said slowly: "Before setting off, I am traveling at a pretty good speed and can make it in time. Besides, I only need to leave a wooden clone behind. At least when you come back, you can use the reverse channeling technique to come back." "

  Okay, then you can go talk to Sasuke, but if Sasuke is really bewitched too deeply, don't say anything more, wait until We found Itachi's body and resurrected him, and everything will be clear." "

  I understand, but don't worry, I will at least ask where Itachi is, so there is no need for you to worry too much, I don't It's a problem."

  Listening to Hasukawa Kishi's words, Uchiha Shisui spoke again: "If it doesn't work, you can go to the Iron Country venue on your own. I think it should be allowed to enter there. As for people from Konoha, Just set off with the three ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village. Although there are only two personal guards, as a ninja village in a big country, it is impossible to really let the Hokage take two followers to protect him, right?" Nod

  , Hasekawa Kushi said to Uchiha Shisui: "Shisui, I leave these things to you."

  Rolling his eyes, Uchiha Shisui said: "I understand, you can rest assured. I have found that you have recently More and more, I like to be the hands-off shopkeeper and leave everything to others. Then you, the Hokage, really only care about the prestige." "Eh? Doesn't the Hokage only care about the prestige?" "


  guys, really It's hopeless."

  "Hahahaha... Okay, please, tell me now where Sasuke and the others are. If I had known, I would have left some notes on Xianglin and the others. At that time I have eliminated all the marks and the like, and now it is really no longer an ordinary trouble to find them." After

  hearing this, Uchiha Shisui immediately said to Hasukawa Kishi: "Remember it, Sasuke now It's on the border of the Kingdom of Thunder. The specific location is here. Go find it." He

  took the scroll handed over by Uchiha Shisui, looked at the various information recorded on it, nodded slowly, and said : "It turns out to be in this place, but I just took away the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, and I stayed in Kumogakure Village for so long. I'm really proud of him. He deserves to be the younger brother of me and Itachi." Listening to Hasukawa Kishi's

  words , Uchiha Shisui blinked, you and Itachi's brother, suddenly felt something was wrong, maybe I misunderstood?
  After bidding farewell to Uchiha Shisui, and leaving behind a wooden clone, Hasekawa Kushiro stretched out two pairs of ink wings from behind, vibrating slightly, Hasekawa Kushiro instantly flew into the air and rushed towards the direction of Kumogakure Village. past.


  "So Hasekawa Kishi defeated Pain, who controlled the five tailed beasts, head-on? As for Uzumaki Naruto, he also has the power to crush a tailed beast head-on?" Listening to the words of Kito Suigetsu who repeated his own words

  , Zetsu, half of his body in the trees, nodded slowly and said: "Yes, that's it. Konoha now has five shadow-level ninjas. If Uzumaki Naruto is included, he should be more powerful than Sasuke now." Be stronger."

  Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke sneered disdainfully and said lightly: "This kind of thing is not important now, the problem lies in the Five Shadows Conference." After hearing

  Uchiha Sasuke's words, Ghost Light Suigetsu He immediately asked: "If the problem is the Five Shadows Conference, then what should we do now? Konoha has disappeared and Danzo has been killed, so what should we do now?" Uchiha

  Sasuke Looking at Kiden Suigetsu, he said calmly: "Since Danzo has been killed, then I will take revenge on all of Konoha. Besides, besides Shimura Danzo, there are three people in Konoha who know about Itachi. I am I want to kill them one by one to commemorate Itachi!"

  Hearing Uchiha Sasuke's words, Zetsu said again: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that among the three people, Hasakawa Kushiro just became Konoha's acting Hokage, I think Sasuke, if you want to kill him, you might as well go directly to the Five Kage Conference."

  Upon hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke's pupils shrank slightly and whispered: "Acting Hokage? Did he actually become Hokage?"

  After a long silence, Uchiha Sasuke finally said: "We Hawks want to take down the acting Hokage's head at the Five Shadows Conference, so our purpose has changed and we will not go to Konoha. I'm going to attend the Five Kage Conference!"

  "So, where is the location of the Five Kage Conference?"

  Things are really getting troublesome...

  Jugo is very worried about Uchiha Sasuke's intention to kill Hasakawa Kishi. Shen Mo didn't know what he was thinking, and Xianglin didn't know what he should do from the bottom of his heart. However, if things really got to that point, then Xianglin was very sure that he would choose to catch Uchiha Sasuke, and then Please let Lianchuan Muxi not hurt him!

  After hearing Xiang Lin's words, Zee spoke again: "The Five Shadows Conference is in the Kingdom of Iron. My clone will take you to the location of the Five Shadows Conference. You can rest assured that you can get there in time." After the words fell,

  Jue The pitcher plants on his body suddenly opened, and then his body was divided into two halves from the center. The white half took half of the body and rushed forward with one leg. At this time, Uchiha Sasuke and others also took action immediately. , followed closely by Bai Jue's back and chased after him.

  At this time, the remaining half of Black Zetsu slowly turned around and looked at Obito Uchiha who emerged from the big tree, and slowly said: "Things seem to be progressing very well." "No,

  I I didn’t expect that Nagato would dare to use the reincarnation technique I prepared in such a place. It’s really beyond my control. In the final analysis, he is just a childish pacifist.” (End of this chapter


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