Chapter 386 Night Talk (17/18)

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  Chapter 386 Night Talk (1718)

  "In the end, Nagato still betrayed me... As for Sasuke, even if Sasuke can surpass Nagato in the end, it doesn't make any sense if he can't control it. Now the Heretic Golem is short-term There is no way to connect within it. For the current plan, the

  best thing to do is to wait and see what happens!" "You have already prepared a plan for Nagato's death?"

  Listening to the hoarse and low voice of Black Zetsu, Uchiha led Tu nodded slowly and said: "Let's take it for granted, but this is indeed a path I don't want to take... Hasukawa Muxi, since he appeared, there have been problems with our plan, even if I enhance Pain's Six Paths Even to that extent, we were still completely defeated by him. He was a variable outside our plan!" "

  What should we do? Are we just watching from the sidelines? When will we take action?" "

  We are watching this from the shadows. The days of this world are over, now start the Eye of the Moon project as soon as possible!"


  At night, Shiro went to no one knows where. It was said that he was going to look for food, while Uchiha Sasuke and the others were lying in a forest. , take a short rest.

  At this moment, Jugo walked quietly to Uchiha Sasuke's side, nodded to Uchiha Sasuke, and the two of them arrived outside the small forest one after another.

  "Jugo, why did you come to see me?"

  Turning around to look at Uchiha Sasuke, Jugo said slowly: "Sasuke, you should know, let me and Xiang Rin bring Suigetsu to help you. Who is that person?"

  After hearing Jugo's words, Uchiha Sasuke said calmly: "Ah, I know, isn't it Hasukawa Kishi who asked you to come to me? When I saw the person behind Suigetsu When that sword was a real decapitation sword, I knew that you had gone to the Candle Organization and met Hasukawa Kushiro. Otherwise, how could he have obtained the beheading sword of Momochi Zabuza who was affiliated with the Candle Organization." "In that case,

  you Why do you want to kill Master Muxi?"

  "Master Muxi...? Oh, I should have said that I will kill anyone involved in Itachi's matter. Of course, I will take good care of him before killing him. Ask him what happened back then. If he really betrayed Itachi, then I will not let him go! I will... kill him with my own hands! Kill... Hasukawa Kishi!"

  When he said the words "Kill Hasakawa Kishi", Uchiha Sasuke suddenly felt a wave of pain in his heart. He did not delve into it, or he had no intention of delving into it, nor did he want to delve into what this feeling was. , he just looked at Chongwu and said his words expressionlessly.

  Jugo looked at Uchiha Sasuke and said slowly: "Master Mu Xi asked me to help you, then I will go all out to help you, I will help you enter the venue of the Five Shadows Conference, and I will help you intercept all enemy, but when you want to kill Master Mu Xi, I will not help you. If necessary, I will stop you at that time." "Whatever you want, Zhongwu!

  But I want you to know that anyone who dares to stop I will kill my people completely, even you who have saved me many times, so if I really want to kill Hasukawa Muxi, Chonggo, just run away and leave there, so that I I don’t have to kill you, but you have to help Haschuan Muxi.”

  After hearing this, Zhongwu slowly shook his head and said: “No, I will not leave. As for whether you want to kill me, that’s all. Your free Sasuke."

  After saying this, Jugo turned around and returned to the woods, lying down in his previous position.

  At this time, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly looked towards the sky, his pupils shrank slightly and quickly disappeared.

  When Uchiha Sasuke appeared on a huge rock on the cliff, there was already a person sitting there. He was looking at the moon in the sky. Who else could it be if it wasn't Hasukawa Kushiro.

  At this time, Hasukawa Kiki threw a bamboo tube to Uchiha Sasuke with his backhand, and then said directly: "In it is your favorite sour plum soup. You seem to be very angry recently. Drink some jianghuo." Looking at his

  hand He looked at the back of Hasekawa Kushiro again. Uchiha Sasuke took a deep breath. After all, he still couldn't make up his mind to fight Hasekawa Kushiro so quickly. He slowly sat on Hasekawa Kushiro's back. Next to him, he said calmly: "Lengchuan Muxi, why are you here?" "

  Coming to see you, maybe you want to talk to me, maybe you don't, but I will always come." "

  What do you want to talk about ? , Itachi?"

  "Okay, let's talk about Itachi."

  "What to talk about, about how I killed him?"

  Ignoring the trace of resentment and anger in Uchiha Sasuke's mouth, he just said lightly: " Sasuke, have I ever told you that I have mastered the ninjutsu that can resurrect a person, as long as that person's body is intact."

  Upon hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke turned his head sharply and stared at Hasukawa Mu. Xi, with a deep voice, said word by word: "Lianchuan Muxi, don't deceive me with this kind of thing, otherwise I will really kill you!" "Oh,

  what a murderous intention, but I didn't lie to you, You should also know that among the people who killed Pain, there were me, Jiraiya, Naruto, and Shisui who you are also familiar with, Uchiha Shisui!" Uchiha Sasuke heard

  this , he was certainly not stupid, and knew what Hasukawa Muxi was referring to, but he still said in disbelief: "You just concealed the fact that he is still alive!" "No,

  Shisui is really dead, but now I'm alive again. If you don't believe it, when you go to the Five Shadows Conference to kill me, you can directly ask the Mizukage. She also knows about this matter. I think the shadow of a village will not help me, an outsider. People from the village are here to deceive you."

  After hearing this, no matter how much Uchiha Sasuke was brainwashed by Uchiha Obito, he was extremely shocked and said to Hasukawa Kishi: "Now I will find Itachi's body for you. , help you find it now!"

  "Do you believe it? When you asked the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara for Itachi's body, all you could see was Itachi's eyes. As for Itachi's body, since it has been If it falls into the hands of the guy who calls himself Uchiha Madara, it will be impossible for you to get it again." "

  That's why, why does he want to control Itachi's body in his hands!"

  Turning to look at Uchiha Sasuke, Hasukawa Kihi said calmly: "Silly boy, he guessed that I had the resurrection ninjutsu earlier than you did, so he took Itachi's body in order to blackmail me at the critical moment. When I was blackmailing you who knew that I had resurrection ninjutsu, do you understand now?"

  (End of this chapter)

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