Chapter 384 Gathering (15/18)

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  Chapter 384 Gathering (1518)

  "Sai? Is that your disciple? The one who inherited your Mo Dun Ninjutsu?" "

  Yes, that's him. What do you think?" "

  Of course, but why did you bring him ? Are you going with Tang Guang?"

  "Other than my disciple, Tang Guang is the one closest to me among the three Zhuludie clans. After all, the three Zhuludie clans have given me a lot of help and can solve some problems. If you want to help, it's natural to help."

  "I understand... But having said that, you are really suitable to become the shadow of a village. I think you brought Saai because you wanted him to become those who once did The trust of the ninjas who are members of the Roots, right?"

  "Sai was originally the person Danzo wanted to train as the future leader of the Roots. Now that he is my disciple, it is better to let him, a person who already has a position in the Roots, lead them as Okay."

  "Okay, since you have thought of it, I won't say more, but yesterday Scorpion reminded me, let me tell you, don't forget to seal the body tissue cells of the Eight-Tails, and separate the golden horn and silver horn. Problems with the Nine-Tailed Cells in the body."

  After hearing this, Hasukawa Muxi nodded suddenly and said: "Okay, I understand, I really almost forgot, but once I really forget, Then the trouble will really be too big."

  After saying this, Hasukawa Kishi signed the remaining documents, and then quickly returned to his basement. After looking at Tsunade, there was no special problem, everything When he was safe, he walked into the underground laboratory and came to the room where the body tissue cells of the seven tailed beasts were stored, as well as where the heretic demons, the ten-tailed bodies, were cultivated.

  After turning on the instrument, Hasukawa Muxi first put the scroll that sealed the eight-tailed body tissue cells into the groove under the eighth empty biopod, then turned on the instrument, and the eighth biopod suddenly started up. , and soon a small section of octopus tentacles appeared in the biological cabin, slowly squirming, and gradually stabilized under the cultivation of the biological cabin.

  After taking out the scroll and putting it up, Lianchuan Muxi came to the open space in the room again, stretched out his hand directly and pressed it on the ground. A large amount of ink spread along Lianchuan Muxi's palm and quickly turned into a The extremely complicated sealing technique formation exudes a faint luster.

  Then Renchuan Muxi took out another scroll from the scroll, took out the lifelike corpses of Golden Horn and Silver Horn, placed them side by side on the sealing spell formation on the ground, and immediately activated the sealing spell array. With this method, the two corpses were completely sealed.

  Immediately afterwards, Lianchuan Muxi quickly formed seals with his hands, and ink flames rose up from Lianchuan Muxi's body, turning into two normal-sized palms, and slowly fell on Jinjiao and Yinjiao, but they saw These two ink palms gradually penetrated into the bodies of Jinjiao and Yinjiao, as if they were looking for something, constantly fishing for something from the bodies of Jinjiao and Yinjiao.

  At this moment, Yinjiao's ink palm seemed to have suddenly grabbed something, and quickly pulled it outwards. However, a dark red chakra was gradually pulled out of Yinjiao's body by the ink palm. came out, and during this period, Yinjiao's body suddenly shook slightly. If it were not sealed by the sealing spell, Yinjiao's body would probably shake even more violently at this time!
  At the same time, just as the nine-tailed chakra in Ginjiao's body was being extracted, the ink palm that stretched into Jinjiao's body finally found the nine-tailed chakra stored in Jinjiao's body. Just like Yinjiao, it quickly It was pulled towards the outside.


  A sound like water rang out, and two strands of Nine-Tails chakra were quickly pulled out. Although there was some resistance, after all, it was not taking the chakra from Nine-Tails' body. Kara, they are just two corpses, so although the tissue cells of the Kyuubi's body that have been completely transformed into chakra resisted Hasukawa Kishi's extraction, they still had no resistance after all!

  Two strands of Nine-Tails Chakra were extracted directly. Under the kneading of two ink palms, they gradually gathered into a ball, slowly solidified, and finally turned into a fist. The flesh and blood, big and small, beats slowly like a heart!

  "Dong dong...dong dong...dong dong..."

  Looking at the Kyuubi's body tissue cells in front of him, Hasukawa Kishi hurriedly put this small group of Kyuubi's body tissue cells into the ninth creature. in the cabin.

  When Kyuubi's body tissue cells were put into the ninth biological cabin, in the large biological cabin in the center of the room, a small sapling cultivated in it suddenly emitted waves of fluctuations. , as if cheering for finally gathering the body tissue cells of the nine tailed beasts, filled with a joyful mood.

  Yes, it’s emotions!
  After Hasukawa Muxi cultivated the sapling with his own blood for several months, he finally made the sapling and himself become two different beings. He could feel the weak emotions emitted by the sapling, and the sapling would also respond to Hasukawa Muxi. Xi feels dependent on her, as if she were a parent.

  In the plan, Hasukawa Kishi plans to completely integrate the body tissue cells of the nine tailed beasts into the saplings after the cultivation is completed, and cultivate his own Ten Tails. Whether he can succeed or not will ultimately lead to his own. What he wants is not something that the current Lianchuan Muxi can determine.

  Imposing multiple layers of seals, Hasukawa Muxi made this room into an iron barrel. In fact, if someone wants to break through by force, this laboratory will be immediately teleported to the base of the Candle Organization. This is the last piece of insurance for Lianchuan Muxi.

  After leaving this laboratory, Hasekawa Kishi looked at Tsunade, and said some words to Shizune before leaving. In fact, Shizune was here, not only to guard Tsunade, but also to help Hasekawa Kishi guard the interior. Thing, there are many people in Konoha who are eyeing this laboratory of his. When he was in Konoha, of course, that guy didn't dare. But after Hasukawa Kishi left Konoha, his reputation was very important to those old foxes. How much deterrence it has remains to be seen.

  So before he left, he asked Shizune to help him guard this place, and Yamato was also asked by Hasukawa Kishi to come here to guard him at any time. However, in fact, with his current status, he is not that insecure. As an acting Hokage, then He is also the Hokage, and the Hokage's private space and privacy cannot be offended!

  (End of chapter)

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