Chapter 208 The Beginning of the Righteous Path Conference (2/3, please subscribe)

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  Chapter 208 The Beginning of the Righteous Dao Conference (23, please subscribe)

  Although the newly born Qingcheng Sword has been put away, it cannot be used without undergoing sacrifice. Fortunately, he still has the Purple Galaxy and Yuanyang Swords on him, which are enough to deal with the following three. Personal.

  As Yan Daoxing rushed down from the air, Zi Xinghe and Yuanyang Sword turned into two streams of light around Yan Daoxing. Then the moment they fell to the ground, the two streams of light turned into sword wires as thick as half a finger, spinning and flying, It draws an arc and spreads around.

  Whoosh whoosh...

  The purple and red sword threads continued to spread outward, forcing the three young men to retract their flying swords to resist.

  It's just that among the three of them, there is only one monk who is in the realm of refining qi and transforming into a god. The remaining two are still at the level of refining qi. They face a god who controls two flying swords and performs the art of refining swords into silk. When they were monks in the realm, they had no power to fight.

  Except for the monk who was also in the realm of refining qi and transforming into a god, the remaining two monks who were in the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods all flew upside down, spitting blood from their mouths, and the flying swords fell to the side, dim and dull, as if they were struck by A serious injury.

  With blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, the monk who was in the realm of refining energy and transforming into gods looked at his words and deeds and said in a hoarse voice: "Who are you?" "Who am I? I am the

  master of the flying sword you just tried to seize."

  Without further nonsense, he said Dao Xing's right hand turned into a sword and he raised it, and the two sword threads shot out again, slashing towards the opponent with a stern look.

  Bang bang bang...

  The two sword threads, under the control of Yan Daoxing, bombarded the flying sword in front of the monk one after another, causing the monk to retreat step by step. Yan Daoxing did not take the opportunity to defeat him, but chose this method. He made him surrender with sword after sword, and finally knocked the monk's flying sword away completely. Blood spurted out from his mouth and nose, and he fell to the ground unconscious. Then he withdrew the two flying swords and looked at Li Yingqiong who was standing aside with a cold expression.

  "Yingqiong, what do these guys do?"

  Li Yingqiong looked at Yan Daoxing in disbelief: "What did you just call me?"

  "Yingqiong? Can't you?"

  Yan Daoxing smiled slyly, as usual. Seeing such a smile, Li Yingqiong had already struck out with a sword. However, after experiencing the swordsmanship professor and the accidental fusion of souls, Li Yingqiong's attitude towards words, deeds and actions was invisibly different. She just saw After a long while, he nodded slowly and said, "It doesn't matter, my senior brothers call me that, so of course you can do the same." "You can also

  call me Daoxing."

  Li Yingqiong's ears felt a little confused after hearing this. Slightly red, he looked at Yan Daoxing angrily, and whispered: "Don't push too far!" "

  Then will you agree or not?"

  "Friend Yan, please respect yourself!"

  After speaking, Li Yingqiong stopped paying attention to Yan Daoxing. Turning to look at the three people who were unconscious at the end, he released the sky fencing sword to roll up their bodies and flying swords, and returned with a sword light towards the Golden Summit of Emei.

  At this time, Yan Daoxing looked at Li Yingqiong's back that looked like he was running away. He smiled, the sword light under his feet rose, and followed him back to the Golden Summit of Emei.

  When Yan Daoxing returned to the Golden Summit of Emei, Li Yingqiong had handed the three people to Duan Lei, the great steward of Emei. Watching Duan Lei with a black look on his face take those people down, Yan Daoxing felt like snickering secretly. the meaning of.

  Walking to Li Yingqiong's side, just when he was about to say something, a figure with wings on its back landed next to Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong again.

  "Friend Yan, Master wants to see you."

  Are all the bulbs in Emei so unconscious?
  Complaints are complaints, words and deeds are not yet seeking death. Dan Chenzi is a person at the peak of refining gods and transforming into voids. He is as powerful as his master Chen Taizhen. He is the highest level below the older generation of great monks. In words and deeds, He has not grown so big that he starts to ignore people with Dan Chenzi's strength.

  "Please ask Fellow Taoist Dan Chenzi to lead the way. I'm going to meet Master Baimei."

  "Okay, follow me!"

  "Yingqiong, after I return, we will continue to study swordsmanship."

  Li Yingqiong was a little bit concerned about the names of words, deeds and deeds. Dan Chenzi nodded helplessly, but Dan Chenzi seemed not to have heard anything. He didn't care about these things at all, and went directly to meet Master Baimei with his words and deeds.

  The two wings behind Dan Chenzi are an extremely powerful magic weapon. It integrates offense and defense. It can also be divided into a large number of flying knives for long-range attacks. Each flying knife is equivalent to a not weak flying sword. It is extremely powerful and cannot be used. underestimate.

  Following Dan Chenzi, Words and Actions came to the main hall of Emei. He looked at the white-browed master sitting on the cloud platform, covered with stars, and immediately knelt down on one knee to salute.

  "In words and deeds, I have met Master Baimei."

  "Friends, please rise."

  "Thank you Master Baimei."

  "It's not you who should thank me, but I should thank you. As you said, the legendary Chi You's blood The acupuncture point really exists under Emei, and it contains the most filthy power in the world. Once it is really occupied by the Youquan Blood Demon, the consequences will be unimaginable. We in Emei, and even the entire Bashu land, will fall into the devil's path. With my own hands, the people of Bashu will suffer heavy losses."

  "We are both on the right path, and these are what I should do. Besides, our Qingcheng is also in the land of Bashu, and the land of Bashu is also the home of my Qingcheng. Naturally, in order to maintain If the safety of the Bashu land does not fall into the hands of the devil, my Qingcheng disciples will do their best and not fall behind others."

  Nodding, Master Baimei said with satisfaction: "Qingcheng has a third-generation disciple like you, it's really great It's a great blessing. It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier, otherwise it would be a blessing if you were my Emei disciple." What were you

  doing earlier?
  "Now that the disciple has become a disciple of Qingcheng, he has no intention of turning his back to another sect. Moreover, Emei and Qingcheng are both righteous sects. Emei and Qingcheng have the same spirit, so there is not much difference. They are both for this world. I'm just trying my best to maintain my righteousness during this time."

  "Well said, you are worthy of being the most outstanding disciple of the third generation of Qingcheng. I would like to trouble you with something. I wonder if Fellow Taoist Yan can agree to it?" "If it is

  for the sake of justice in the world, I will do it. It's my duty."

  Tsk tsk, I really feel that I am becoming more and more like a well-known and upright boss.

  "Okay, then I would like to ask fellow Taoist Yan to go back to Qingcheng and help me bring a message to Master Jiang Shu in Qingcheng. I would like to invite the masters of various sects to come and talk about it on the first day of next month. I also ask Master Jiang Shu to be there at that time. ."

  "I will definitely bring the message to you!"

  "Okay, I'll trouble you, go ahead."

  He bowed to Master Baimei again, turned around and left.

  After Yan Daoxing left, Dan Chenzi said to Master Baimei: "Master, this meeting with the leaders of various sects is about the Youquan Blood Demon?" "Yes, it is about Youquan

  . Regarding the matter of the Blood Demon, Dan Chenzi, you have to go down the mountain to find the Xuantian Sect in Kunlun. As the leader of Kunlun, he is naturally qualified to come here to talk about it!" (End of this chapter


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