Chapter 207: Spiritual Soul Interaction (1/3, please subscribe)

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  Chapter 207: Spiritual Training (13, please subscribe)

  "Fellow Daoist Li, I have seen your swordsmanship. In fact, under the influence of Tianfeng Sword Spirit, your swordsmanship has already reached one of the four extremes of sword refining. It’s

  just that you don’t know how to practice, and you don’t know how to practice further. Although I can’t tell you the method of practice directly, I can demonstrate it to you. How much you can understand depends on you, Taoist friend Li. ."

  After saying that, Yan Daoxing stretched out his finger, and a red sword thread spilled out from his fingertips, and kept wandering around Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong. Seeing this, Li Yingqiong also released his Sky Fencing, accompanied by the red sword thread's continuous flow. Swimming, through the wandering and intersecting of swords, he understood the ultimate swordsmanship that words and deeds concealed for him, which is called refining swords into silk!

  I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know how many sword skills he used to refine the sword into silk.

  Li Yingqiong's words, deeds and actions were indulged in the further understanding of the art of refining swords into silk, while Li Yingqiong was indulging in the understanding of the sword art of refining swords into silk. The two sat opposite each other, one thick and one thin, one red and one pink. The Dao sword threads are intertwined and intertwined.

  The sword energy emitted is like strands of willow catkins floating away, like water ripples, and silently penetrates into the things around the two of them, whether it is stones, flowers, grass, or soil and trees, they are all here silently. The sword energy was penetrated and turned into powder that dissipated with the breeze.

  Invisibly, the two of them slowly sank into their minds through the flying swords in their hands. Their spiritual thoughts intertwined and they were vaguely connected. Just when the two of them were about to take a step forward unknowingly, an explosion suddenly erupted in the thatched house. There was a long roar, causing Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong, who were immersed in understanding and divine communication, to wake up instantly and escape from the mysterious and mysterious realm of understanding.

  When they woke up, the sword energy that was originally blowing like a breeze suddenly started to rage, spreading out like a violent storm. The ground suddenly became three feet lower, and within ten feet around them, there was nothing else except the huge rocks under the two people's buttocks. You can be safe and sound.

  Tianfeng Sword and Yuanyang Sword returned to Li Yingqiong and Yan Daoxing respectively. At this time, both of them clearly felt that they had made great progress.

  Words, words and deeds not only pushed the ultimate swordsmanship of refining swords into silk to the point where it is on the verge of success, but also because of the previous divine friendship, Li Yingqiong took a big step forward in his cultivation, and absorbed Li Yingqiong's three points about the soul. Understanding, taking a big step towards the realm of refining gods and transforming into emptiness.

  Li Yingqiong relied on the power of divine friendship and the guidance of words, deeds and deeds to learn the art of refining swords into silk, and her progress in swordsmanship was extraordinary.

  But when Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong felt their own realizations, they also understood what they had done unintentionally. For monks, this matter of divine intercourse is undoubtedly the skin-to-skin contact of mortals, which has no trace and is like a dream. , but it is a real reality. The two are addicted to swordsmanship, which makes them temporarily put down their guard and baggage. In the process of learning swordsmanship together, they touch people with swords, but they enter into a divine friendship like a coincidence. territory.

  If it had not been for the further critical period, when the old man surnamed Mo had gained some experience in forging swords and could not help but scream loudly, Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong would have really taken a further step, truly blended their souls, and practiced the dual cultivation.

  If the dual cultivation is really successful, Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong's respective gains will be several times greater, but now they have no time to think about this. The two of them looked at each other without embarrassment. After a long time, Yan Daoxing considered it. Then he opened his mouth.

  "Fellow Daoist Li... just now..."

  "Thank you so much for the teachings of fellow Taoist Yan. My swordsmanship has improved greatly. Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Yan. As for other things, they are just illusions. There is no need for us cultivators to pursue it like that. "


  "Friend Yan, that's it!"

  "...That's it, that's all."

  Just when the two people didn't know what to say, the door of the thatched house was suddenly pushed open, but when they saw that Mo Mo The old man surnamed came out and said to Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong: "I have found a way to repair and strengthen this sword. As long as I can successfully repair and strengthen it as I want, this sword may even become a sword." Magic weapon, you two watch it!"

  After saying this, the old man surnamed Mo returned to his thatched house again and began to repair and strengthen the Yu Qingcheng sword.

  Yan Daoxing wanted to go in and take a look, but was stopped by Li Yingqiong.

  "Senior Mo doesn't like people watching when he is forging swords. We just wait here."

  Looking at Li Yingqiong, she regained her indifferent look at this time, as if what just happened did not exist.

  Seeing this, he didn't say much in words or deeds. He sat cross-legged on the boulder, closed his eyes and practiced, feeling the rapid growth of cultivation in his body. He gained the understanding of Yuan Shen from Li Yingqiong's three points, and quietly waited for Qing Qing. Cheng Jian's rebirth.

  The sound of jingling bells echoed endlessly from inside the thatched house, and this sound lasted for a month. When the sun rose on the exact day of the month, the first ray of sunlight shone on the thatched house, and at this moment , all the sounds disappeared completely, and then a cyan rainbow rose into the sky and shot straight into the sky!
  "Boy, that's your sword. If you don't put it away quickly, your sword will escape!"

  Hearing the weak voice of the old man surnamed Mo, there was no time to delay his words and deeds, so he could only thank you later. It turned into a purple galaxy-like sword light and soared into the sky, chasing the reborn Qingcheng Sword.

  Li Yingqiong also followed closely, so people in Emei might misunderstand that she was following Yan Daoxing. Originally, there were disciples from Emei who wanted to check the situation, but when they saw Li Yingqiong, they immediately retreated and stopped disturbing Yan Daoxing. Dao Xing went to retrieve his flying sword.

  However, the people from Emei took the initiative to retreat, but it does not mean that other people will do the same.

  Just when Yan Daoxing was about to retrieve the Qingcheng Sword, suddenly three sword lights flew from below, chasing and intercepting the Qingcheng Sword.

  Seeing this, both Yan Daoxing and Li Yingqiong's expressions changed. Just as Yan Daoxing was about to release his Yuanyang Sword to fight against the enemy, Li Yingqiong rushed up and said directly to Yan Daoxing: "These people are not from Emei, I will deal with them, you Continue to find your flying sword!"

  "Thank you!"

  Without any delay in words or deeds, he once again controlled Zi Xinghe and followed closely. At the same time, he released the Yuanyang Sword to chase and intercept the Qingcheng Sword. Finally, the Qingcheng Sword caught the Yuanyang Sword. With the help of Yan Daoxing, he returned to Yan Daoxing's hand. Before he had time to look at it, it turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared into his hand.

  Immediately afterwards, Yan Daoxing looked down with a cold expression. Looking at the three monks who were wielding flying swords, without any hesitation, he immediately drove the Purple Galaxy and Yuanyang Swords to kill them!
  (End of chapter)

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