Chapter 209 The Demonic Path Gathers (3/3, please subscribe)

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  Chapter 209 Demonic Path Gathering (33, please subscribe)

  "Red Corpse!"

  On Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun, which used to be the righteous path, has now become like a ghost land. The voice of the figure sitting on the throne in the center of Kunlun Hall rang out. Among the strange red flowers growing out of the pile of skeletons outside the main hall, a girl about the size of a thumb opened a pair of red butterfly wings, flew into the main hall and came to the figure.

  "Ancestor Youquan!"

  "Chishi, in recent years, I have deduced the secrets of Chi You. The blood point of Chi You that should belong to me seems to be covered with a layer of mist. I am afraid that my plan has been known to Bai Mei. , we can no longer continue to act according to the original plan."

  Chi Shi was shocked when he heard this. According to their original plan, the Youquan Blood Demon attacked Emei in advance in order to find opportunities to sneak into Chi You's blood cave and use it to He used his power to form the Blood River Formation, so that the Youquan Blood Demon could swallow the sky and the earth, become a demon among demons, and rule the world, but now it is obvious that there is a high probability that there is no hope.

  "Ancestor, what should we do next? Continue to choose Emei, or change the plan?"

  "Bai Mei is about to ascend, Emei must attack, but since they already know the existence of Chi You's blood point, they simply don't engage in those conspiracies. Let's have a real face-to-face meeting!"

  "Ancestor, what do you mean...?" The

  Red Corpse Lord already had a guess in her mind, but she couldn't believe it. These guys who were considered to be evil heretics, Are we really going to join forces and have a fight with Emei?
  "Chishi, your guess is good. I just want to invite the demons and evil spirits from all over the country to form an alliance and destroy Emei together!" "

  Ancestor, these demons and evil spirits are more selfish than the other. I am afraid that even if they agree, they will not work. If you try hard, we will be defeated by Emei one by one. Aren't we asking for trouble?" "

  So I need you to go to three places first. They will be willing to come here to discuss the plan. When they arrive, you won't be afraid. If others don't come, no one will wait and see when the situation is complete. Moreover, only if the chaos continues, will I have the opportunity to enter Chi You's blood cave, gain the power of the endless blood river in it, and achieve my blood river demon body. The devil among the devils!"

  "Then those three places that the ancestor mentioned are...?"

  "Tianyin Sect! Baiman Mountain! Wutai Mountain!"

  Chishi's face changed slightly, and she was shocked. She looked at Youquan. Blood Demon said in disbelief: "Mount Wutai? They are a side sect, how can they go against Emei?" "The

  side sect is not the right way after all. Besides, Xu Feiniang from Wutai Mountain has a deep hatred for Emei. If they deal with other sects, Wutai Mountain may still They won't join in, but since we are dealing with Emei, Wutai Mountain, under the influence of Xu Feiniang, will definitely join in and become our new force!" "Old Ancestor, why did

  Xu Feiniang of Wutai Mountain behave like this?"

  "Although the side sect is not like me. Demonic path, but they are also different from the righteous path, so many things their disciples do are not tolerated by the righteous path. No less than ten of the three generations of disciples of Wutai Mountain died at the hands of Emei, and Xu Feiniang regarded these disciples as his heirs Naturally, the deep hatred and hatred in this treatment cannot be washed away!"

  Hearing this, Chishi nodded slowly and said: "This move of the ancestor is really brilliant, so my subordinates immediately rushed to the Tianyin Sect, Baiman Mountain, Wutai Mountain, three places, we must invite them to our ancestors!"

  "People of the Demonic Way are ruthless and unjust, and value treasures and pursue profits. When you go to Tianyin Sect and Baiman Mountain, you can tell the people of Tianyin Sect, I can promise them to wait until then to release their leader, the demon corpse Gu Chen.

  As for the green-robed ancestor of Baiman Mountain, you can tell him that I have an extraterrestrial demonic silkworm here. If it mates with his Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm, he will be born. The golden silkworms that came down can be stronger, and these two advantages exist, so the two of them can come here as promised." "

  In this case, I will go!"

  "With the twelve centipede guards, you can also save your life."

  "Don't worry, ancestor, my subordinates have mastered the magic of inner demons. If they don't exist like Bai Mei and Jiang Shu, there is no way they can catch me." After saying this,

  the red corpse turned into a stream of red light and disappeared in front of the Youquan Blood Demon. Seeing this, the Youquan Blood Demon didn't say much. He closed his eyes and continued to absorb all the remaining spiritual veins on Kunlun Mountain. Once the spiritual veins were completely absorbed, Kunlun would become a place of death for practitioners within a hundred years.


  Farewell to Li Yingqiong, her words, words and deeds drove the sword light to fly through the air. Now after passing through Emei's elixir, and the unintentional dual cultivation of soul and soul with Li Yingqiong, her cultivation level has greatly increased. Among the monks in the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods, In terms of cultivation alone, he is no longer weak. Coupled with his swordsmanship and three powerful flying swords, among the monks in the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods, he is definitely considered a strong one, even when facing the realm of refining gods. The monks at the virtual level are not completely incapable of fighting.

  Above the boiling sea of ​​clouds, Yan Daoxing crossed over the sea of ​​clouds, rolling up a wave of clouds. Looking at Qingcheng, which was also above the sea of ​​clouds, Yan Daoxing showed a smile on his face. He drove his flying sword forward and passed through Qingcheng. The surrounding defensive clouds fell on the Qingcheng square.

  At this time, just when Yan Daoxing's feet had just landed, a little blue light exploded in front of him, and Chen Taizhen's voice came from inside.

  "Daoxing, come see me quickly!"

  Hearing Chen Taizhen's words, Yan Daoxing blinked.

  How does it feel to skip school and cause trouble, only to be caught by your parents?

  Quickly returning to Chen Taizhen's cave, he immediately saw Chen Liuxian waiting at the entrance of the cave. From his words and deeds, he could see that Chen Liuxian's strength had improved a lot. Of course, he still couldn't compare with himself.

  Ah, this is what it feels like to be caught by your parents, and it turns out that your younger brother is secretly helping you, right?
  He walked forward and whispered to Chen Liuxian, "Liu Xian, how is the master feeling?" "

  It's not too good, it's not too bad. In fact, I can't tell what the master is thinking, but senior brother, you Master already knows what happened at Hanyin Mountain and Emei, please take it easy later." He

  patted Chen Liuxian on the shoulder and said in words and deeds: "Good junior brother, senior brother owes you once!"

  As soon as he finished speaking , and heard Chen Taizhen's voice coming from the cave.

  "Dao Xing, since you are back, come in quickly."

  Chen Liuxian walked into the cave with a wishful look in his eyes. He immediately knelt down on the ground and said, "Disciple has met the master." "

  Well, kneel down first. Let's go."

  When Yan Daoxing, who was about to get up, heard this, he knelt down again and said to his master: "Master, I..." "

  Okay, I know all the things you did. You have not embarrassed Qingcheng, nor have you given up on your own practice, but you have only forgotten one thing. I asked you to guarantee your own safety. Have you really guaranteed your own safety?" (End of Chapter


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