197. Chapter 196 Klande really wants to make progress! (Please subscribe! Two-in-one!)

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  Chapter 196 Klande really wants to make progress! (Please subscribe! Two in one!)
  The sky is just getting bright.

  There is still some morning mist floating outside the city.

  The rising sun shines through the thin clouds, casting wisps of mottled morning light into this slightly dilapidated city. It seems to have dispelled the haze brought to the city by the relics of the restoration of the country, and also illuminated the city. Flags flying on the city walls.

  This is the first time that the double-headed eagle flag of Antoria flies over the territory of the Principality of Norton.

  It is undoubtedly a new day for the city of Navarre.

  The potholes in the city still smell of feces and water, and the buildings in the city are still dilapidated and messy.

  The soldiers of Antolia were walking back and forth deep in the streets, collecting the corpses of the remnant believers of the restoration of the country, intending to burn them cleanly at noon, so as not to delay for too long and cause plague and disease.

  As for the brass masks they wear...

  Leon has already ordered people to collect them, and plans to wait until the end of the war and send them to the royal capital in stages and batches to prove that the south of the Principality of Norton has long been deeply affected by the restoration of the country. The reality of legacy poisoning.

  At the same time, under the supervision of the soldiers, civilians in ragged clothes also walked out of the dungeon one after another.

  Although the early morning sunlight was not dazzling, the long-lasting darkness in the dungeon made them feel a little at a loss when they were bathed in the sunlight again.

  In addition, most of the civilians imprisoned in prisons have been tied up with ropes, so many of them still look shaky when they walk.

  And when they saw the soldiers holding weapons around them, most of the civilians showed an extremely obvious panic and fear in their eyes.

  Even when they just stepped out of the dungeon, some people tried to run, but they only staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

  After staying in the cold and hungry dungeon for so long, these people had already lost their strength.

  "In this dungeon alone, at least three thousand people are imprisoned."

  "Nearly a hundred of them have died in the prison due to hunger and cold. If the Antolian army had not arrived in time before they were on the verge of collapse, I'm afraid half of these people can survive is a question."

  "Including the people detained in some buildings and other prisons, there are about ten or twenty thousand people."

  Stein walked slowly to Leon's side, his voice There was a slight hesitation in his voice, and he couldn't help complaining: "It seems that the Duke of Navarre is not a good guy, otherwise who would build the dungeon so big..." "Has the

  gruel been distributed?"

  Leon was silent for a moment. , changed the topic somewhat dullly.

  Just handing out gruel is definitely not because Leon is stingy.

  The Duke of Navarre is the largest nobleman in the southern part of the Principality of Norton. The amount of food stored in the granary in the city is enough to amaze people.

  The main reason is that most of these people have been hungry in prison for a long time. If they are suddenly overfed, their already weak physical condition may become more serious.

  "I have already ordered people to do it."

  After saying that, Stein immediately added: "Andrew and Juan have also led their troops out of the city. According to the map found from the Lord's Castle of the Duke of Navarre, they will attack the surrounding towns. We will carry out targeted cleaning with the manor."

  Leon nodded, indicating that he already knew.

  Strictly speaking, today's Navarre City can be regarded as the territory of the Jimena family.

  The people in front of them are naturally the subjects of the Jimena family. If the survivors of the restoration of the country dare to do this on this land, they have already found a way to die.

  These people are the most valuable people under Leon!

  "Let's leave the task of maintaining order and distributing gruel to the levies provided by the other nobles first, and let the mercenaries of Antolia have a good rest first." "After all..." "What happens next


  " Dar Port, I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle."

  Leon said in a deep voice.

  Even if the news that the city of Navarre has been captured by the Antolian army may not reach Port Idar in these three or two days.

  However, since Leon still needs to free up his hands to appease the newly rescued people, Antolia's army also needs to carry out targeted cleanup of the surrounding areas of Navarre.

  Therefore, by the time Leon led his army to Port Idar, the survivors of the restoration of the country must have already received the news.

  This also gave rise to a premonition in Leon's heart.

  If you want to seize the Port of Idar, which is adjacent to the coast, I am afraid it will never be as smooth as the night attack on the city of Navarre.


  There were gradually some sounds on the street.

  After the initial panic, the people who were previously imprisoned finally gradually realized that the city now has a new owner.

  The relics of the country wearing ferocious brass-colored masks disappeared, replaced by a group of soldiers wearing soft armor that they had never seen before.

  Although in the eyes of the ignorant citizens, most of the nobles' private armies are also a group of villains.

  But for some reason, these soldiers in front of me always seem to give people an unusual feeling.


  this is because he was just released from prison by this group of soldiers?

  However, Hal Cland didn't think so.

  At this time, he was squatting under the wall on one side of the street, holding the wooden bowl in his hand containing the gruel he had just obtained, and glancing at the street not far away from time to time.

  In front of him, the subjects captured from the city of Navarre by the survivors of the restoration of the country were lining up in a long line under the supervision of the Antolian soldiers to receive the city's new conqueror-Antoli Meals donated by the Marquis Leon Jimena.

  This is not something that ordinary noble lords can do!
  Hal Kland is very convinced of this.

  Because his ancestors were once rich, and even served as honorary nobles of the Duke of Norton, at least that's what Klande's deceased father had always said.

  However, honorary nobility and hereditary nobility are still different after all.

  Since there is no fiefdom that can be passed down from generation to generation, by the time Clande's generation comes, he will be just an ordinary free citizen.

  Fortunately, with the savings left by his father, Klande opened a large tavern in the city of Navarre and made many friends, so he was able to live a good life.

  If compared with most people in this era, it is already quite good.

  However, the civil war in the Principality of Norton broke Clander's originally peaceful life.

  In fact, he didn't think that this sudden civil war in the principality would bring much change to his life.

  Isn't it a civil war?

  After fighting a few battles and replacing a few nobles, it might only take a few months for the civil war to subside naturally.

  Anyway, the city of Navarre is located in the south of the Principality of Norton, and it has never really become a battlefield in so many years.

  At most, they will be levied some additional taxes by the noble lord, but no matter how difficult it is, it is still much better than losing one's life on the battlefield.

  But what Ling Keland, or rather all the nobles and civilians did not expect was that a civil war that was supposed to subside soon would gradually take shape with the invasion of the Kingdom of Walras and the landing of the remnants of the restoration of the country. Overcome a prairie fire.

  Even the city of Navarre, located in the south of the kingdom, was captured by the remnant believers of the Restoration.

  And then...

  all the people living in this city, including Clander, became prisoners in the hands of the survivors of the restoration of the country.

  Some people were imprisoned in the manors outside the city, while others were imprisoned in the dungeons of the lord's castle.

  A dungeon that never sees the light of day, a prisoner who suffers from hunger and cold. During the time they were imprisoned in the dungeon, no one cared about their life or death, and no one cared about their mental state.

  Every few days, the believers wearing brass masks would transport a group of people imprisoned in the prison and then bring in another group.

  Kland didn't know where those people were sent.

  But the ending will definitely not be happy.

  But he had no intention of thinking about the fate of others, because the dungeon under the castle was not only cold and depressing, but could not even guarantee the most basic two meals a day.

  Because the prison was so overcrowded, the believers who were responsible for guarding the prisoners just threw baskets of black bread at the entrance of the dungeon, regardless of whether it was enough or not, and whether anyone would eat it. Not enough, not enough drinking water and died.

  Kelland didn't know how long this situation lasted.

  He only felt that he was imprisoned in the dungeon, like a walking zombie, and would die there sooner or later.

  Until last night, Antolia's army captured this city controlled by the remnant believers of the restoration of the country, and took the prisoners, including Klande, out of the prison, allowing them to see the sky in the sky again. Warm sun.

  "Marquis of Antolia..."

  Although the Klande family has long been reduced from minor nobles to civilians, he knows much more than ordinary people of this era.

  Therefore, he was very sure that the title of Marquis of Antolia did not belong to any noble in the Principality of Norton.

  And judging from the faces of these soldiers, it is obvious that they are not the Walras people from the north, so...are the nobles of the Kingdom of Idrit or the Kingdom of Andal also involved in this war?

  "Do any of you people know how to read and write?"

  Just as he was thinking, the shouts of the Antolian soldiers broke the whispers on the street, and a group of soldiers wearing soft armor walked through the middle of the street.

  Seeing this, the crowds on the street immediately dispersed to both sides of the road, and the residents who had just eaten gruel also hugged the wooden bowls in their hands and lowered their heads.

  In people's perception, the nobles of this era are not easy to get along with, and the same is true for the soldiers under the nobles.

  If you accidentally block the way of a soldier, you might get a few whippings.


  the soldiers of Antolia have no intention of considering the thoughts in the hearts of these citizens. The strict military discipline of the Antolia army and their status as civilians will not allow them to embarrass these people who have just been Civilians rescued from prison by the Antolians.

  They just used their scrutinizing eyes to scan the surrounding civilians, waiting for someone to reply.

  Klande tightened his grip on the wooden bowl in his hand, a trace of hesitation flashing in his eyes.

  Finally, seeing the group of Antorian soldiers gradually disappearing, Klande suddenly stopped and shouted at the backs of the soldiers: "I can!"

  After all, he was a descendant of a down-and-out noble.

  Although for the vast majority of civilians, learning to read and write is of little use, Klande's fathers did not want to disappear forever, so before Klande's father passed away, he taught Klande Things that many civilians have no chance to learn.

  The most basic reading and writing are naturally one of them.

  "Can you read and write?"

  Seeing that someone finally responded to his call, the leading soldier quickly turned around, with a hint of joy on his face.


  Kelland said bravely.

  He doesn't want to be a dispensable civilian all the time!

  What's more... the wealth he accumulated and the tavern he ran all turned into dust the moment the relics of the Fuguo took control of the city.

  This undoubtedly had an indelible impact on Kelland's heart!

  How can you protect what belongs to you?

  That is to prove one's ability and gain the favor and protection of a great noble!

  According to Kland's inference, first of all, the Duke of Navarre was very powerful, but the relics of the restoration of the country overthrew the rule of the Duke of Navarre. Then, the Marquis of Antolia drove the relics of the restoration of the country out of this city. City.

  To sum up, in order of strength, the Marquis of Antolia is greater than the Relic of the Restoration, greater than the Duke of Navarre.

  Therefore, he must seize this opportunity!

  "What's your name?"

  "Hal Clander!"

  He quickly replied: "My grandfather was once an honorary baronet by Duke Norton himself! So I learned how to read and write!" "

  In that case, what do you think about Na? You should be familiar with the city of Vara, right?"

  When Antolia's soldiers brought the young man to them, Leon was sitting in the study room that belonged to the Duke of Navarre.

  Of course, the flag that originally symbolized the Duke of Navarre has been replaced by the double-headed eagle of Antolia.


  "The villain used to run a tavern in the city, so not only can he read and write, but he is also quite familiar with the situation in Navarre and its surrounding areas."

  Looking at the young noble in front of him, Crane Virtue dare not show any sign of neglect.

  Because before he was brought to this study, he had already heard that the young noble in front of him was the only marquis in the Andal Kingdom, and the highest-ranking noble in the southern Andal Kingdom!
  So... was it actually an army from the Kingdom of Andal that captured the city of Navarre? !

  Kland could not imagine how the Antolians got here.

  But he was already very clearly aware that the next decision of the young noble in front of him would be enough to change his lifelong destiny.

  "There should be many people in Navarre who can read and write, right?"


  Kland nodded extremely seriously: "However... most of the attendants who were originally loyal to the Duke of Navarre were massacred when the remnant believers of the restoration of the country entered the city, so most of the rest were from declining noble families like me. Guys, as well as a few free people who have a pretty good living situation."

  "Three days."

  Leon said calmly: "I will give you three days to pull out a team of bureaucrats who can read and write. If you can do it, , then you are their leader. If not, I will let someone else do it." Even though

  Leon is bound to implement military management in this city before the end of this war, at the moment, Antolia's The militiamen and soldiers of the La Pluc Army are still cleaning up the remnants of the restoration of the country entrenched around the city of Navarre.


  at least before leaving for Port Idar, Leon still has a week, so that he can take this opportunity to search for available talents in the city of Navarre!
  Three days!

  Hearing this, an infinite fighting spirit suddenly surged in Klande's heart.

  It’s not that people in this era don’t have dreams, but there are no channels across classes and no opportunities to go further.

  At this moment, the young Marquis has already placed this hard-won opportunity in front of him.

  He, Kelland, really wants to make progress!

  "I will definitely not disappoint you, my respected Lord Marquis!"

  Klande looked into Leon's eyes and promised extremely seriously.

   Please read it! Ying Ying Ying! How is your rhythm lately?
  (End of chapter)

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