196. Chapter 195 Leon had to change his tactics (two in one!)

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  Chapter 195 Leon had to change his tactics (two-in-one!)
  Is it faster to shoot arrows or cast spells?

  this is a problem.

  Standing next to Clementi, Leon saw with his own eyes the elf elder's method of sealing his throat with one arrow, and naturally he had such a question in his mind.

  Of course, a strong man at the mage level can release a magic shield around him as a barrier as soon as he senses danger.

  However, from the moment Clementi shot the arrow to the moment the cardinal's throat was choked by an arrow, it was just a matter of a flash of lightning.

  Considering that he couldn't let Clementi shoot an arrow at him to verify the answer to this question, Leon felt that he needed to improve his security measures.

  He is a man who cherishes his life!

  Otherwise, if he fails halfway through his business, wouldn't he become the most miserable time traveler in history?
  Therefore, this dispatch of troops to the Principality of Norton is not just an on-the-spot investigation of human military strength by the elves. It is also an on-the-spot investigation of the elves by the Antolians or Leon, the lord. Observe the actual combat power of the archers, and then study and judge the overall strength of the elves.

  Obviously, perhaps in terms of overall strength, the Moon Elf clan may be inferior to Antoria, but at least in terms of long-range strike capabilities, the Elf long archers have a very obvious advantage.

  This means that the Antolians need to have sufficient long-range defense methods!

  Even if the current relationship between Antorians and elves is friendly and their favorability is positive, even the close relationship between human nobles may change due to interests or even end up turning against each other. Humans and elves are completely different. This is even more true between different races.

  Long-range defense must be launched!

  Magic engineering must also find some clues as soon as possible!
  At the moment when Clementi shot the Cardinal in the throat, Leon finally made up his mind.

  If it is difficult to resist long-range attacks like the Moon Elves through ordinary methods, then magic must be used, maybe... Although the Antolia High School of Magic may be very expensive, but now that I think about it, it is really not worth it. It should have been delayed forever!
  If that doesn't work, you can just build a few buildings to make ends meet!

  However, now is obviously not the time to think about this. Thinking of this, Leon simply gathered his mind and looked at the city shrouded in night again, observing the battles taking place in the city.

  The death of Cardinal Deco Altus can be said to have drawn a predetermined ending to this night attack, writing down the fate of defeat for those remnant believers who have not yet left the city.

  The stars in the night sky flickered with hazy light and shadow, and the shouts of death in the city became increasingly sparse.

  Leon stood on the city wall, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the dark night, and with the torches held high in the hands of the Antolian soldiers, he swept across the vast city in front of him.

  The city of Navarre looks like most cities of this era.

  Narrow and crowded streets, row upon row of houses.

  The streets and alleys of the entire city are filled with the smell of excrement that is very common in this era.

  In the land of Antolia, Leon had not felt this smell for a long time, so much so that he actually felt an...inexplicable peace of mind?

  Leon quickly cleared this strange thought from his mind.


  looking at the city shrouded in night before him, Leon always felt an indescribable weird feeling, something seemed a little wrong.

  "The Cardinal is dead!"

  While Leon was observing the battle situation, it was not known whether it was the Antolia soldiers who shouted first, or whether it was the remnant believers who finally discovered the body lying in the middle of the road.

  Cries that the Cardinal was dead finally spread through the city.

  Even those believers who were still stubbornly resisting finally became discouraged after hearing these words.


  there was no need to even wait for Antolia's military mages to take action. Stan and Andrew arrived hand in hand.

  "Your Majesty the Marquis!"

  the two said in unison.

  "Has the city of Navarre been taken?" Leon said calmly.


  Hearing this, Andrew replied in a deep voice: "Antoria's army has controlled the gates and walls on all sides of the city of Navarre. Most of the remnant believers who had previously resisted our army have surrendered, and a small number have surrendered. Seeing that their defeat was certain, they simply committed suicide and followed their so-called gods." "

  Tell the soldiers to be careful. Although most of the relic followers of the restoration of the country are a group of lunatics, there are also some lively guys among them. No one is allowed to hide in the houses in the city."


  Andrew nodded quickly.

  "But... Mr. Marquis, there are some things you'd better take a look at in person."


  "The dungeon under the Castle of Navarre."

  At this point, Andrew's face couldn't help but become a little ugly.

  "Let's go together."

  Leon glanced at the mages behind him and said.

  It's not that he is timid, after all, Leon himself is a genuine mage, and his own hard power is there.

  But the problem is that this city has been controlled by the remnant believers of the restoration of the country. Leon thinks it is better to be careful about these religious lunatics who yearn for eternal life.

  The Lord's Castle of the Duke of Navarre is located at the end of the central street, and is particularly conspicuous among the low buildings.

  "Is this the cardinal?"

  The body of Deco Altus was lying on the road leading to the lord's castle, and it was surrounded by soldiers from Antolia.

  "That's him."

  Andrew nodded: "Before the Antolian army liberated the city, he was the actual controller of the city."


  Leon was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "That's a good word!"


  Andrew scratched his head at a loss: "The literacy class specially organized by the Marquis for the officers is not for nothing!"

  At this time, Leon had already leaned down. Go and stare at the mask that wears the cardinal's face.

  As an Adventist believer among the remnants of the restoration of the country, the mask of the Harpy can be regarded as a must-have for every believer.

  On the brass mask, some half-assed craftsman barely managed to depict an extremely cruel image with extremely abstract lines.

  Sharp and slender eagle claws, wide and intricate wings, and a ferocious monster-like face with two fangs.

  "I can see the harpy, but what do you mean by the banshee? Just because the hair is a little longer?"

  Leon asked curiously, looking at the brass mask on the cardinal's face. .

  "Perhaps... the cognition of the remnant believers in the restoration of the country is a little more abstract?"

  "Probably so."

  Leon nodded, then waved his hand, motioning for the guards behind him to step forward and uncover the brass card. colored mask. Then...

  an old face with a sallow complexion, shriveled, thin, covered with acne, and ulcerated skin appeared in front of everyone.


  Even the calm Antolian warrior couldn't help but take a breath of elk and goose at this moment.

  No wonder you have to wear a mask!

  Regardless of whether the appearance is anthropomorphic or not, the pile of bumps on the face alone is abstract enough.

  "Your Majesty the Marquis!"

  Andrew handed over a piece of tree bark that looked slightly dry and hard:
  "This cardinal was chewing this thing before and rushed to the street. According to the previous news, chewing this thing seems to be visible. Go to the harpy's projection and gain power from the gods."

  These words silenced Leon.

  Based on previous observations and everyone's descriptions, as a time traveler, he can roughly understand what this thing is used for.

  "Inform the entire army of Antolia that all such barks seized in the city will be turned over. Those who hide them privately will be punished under military law!" "Anyone who

  holds this item will be regarded as a relic believer in the restoration of the country!"

  Andrew did not . Thinking that his lord's order would be so straightforward and the reaction would be so fierce, he still replied immediately: "I understand!" "

  Let's go!"

  "I want to see, there are still some in the Duke of Navarre's lord's castle. What."


  A tapestry with exquisite textures hangs from the wall, and in the picture frame made of precious wood, there are still portraits of the ancestors of the Duke of Navarre family.

  When Antolia's soldiers pushed open the heavy door of the lord's castle, Leon seemed to be able to feel the rich history of the Navarre family.

  In fact, the history of the Navarre family is much longer than that of the Duchy of Norton.

  Before the establishment of the Principality of Norton, the Navarre family located on the south bank of the Meyerson River was already the supreme ruler of this land. Their family history can even be traced back to the period of the Holy Brun Empire.

  The seats in the castle are all made of white sandalwood from the Edwardian Hills area, which is one of the most precious woods in the Principality of Norton.

  The floor of the corridor is covered with a deep red carpet, and there are even hand-woven embroidery badges on the corners of the carpet.

  Not far away, passing through the stairs of the castle dungeon, Antolia's soldiers were lined up in a row with serious faces. Their look of preparedness made people think that there was some great terror being held in the dungeon.

  Leon frowned and slowly walked down the stairs.

  The old wooden ladder creaked from time to time, which seemed particularly loud in the silent environment.

  As soon as I walked a few steps down the stairs, the heavy historical atmosphere in the castle disappeared and was replaced by a depressing and cold atmosphere.

  It's not that Leon doesn't want to go further down, but that the dungeon, even the passages of the dungeon, are filled with densely packed people with their hands and feet tied up.

  When they saw someone coming, they started struggling violently.

  The cloth was stuffed into the mouth, and whimpering sounds could be heard from time to time.

  Leon's eyes swept over it, and he only felt that the ships that transported slaves during the triangle trade period were probably nothing more than this.

  Even worse!

  After all...

  the dungeon was so packed that it was difficult for the civilians imprisoned in the dungeon to even sit down.

  "According to the information from previous interrogations, almost all the people in the city of Navarre, except those who escaped, have been imprisoned." "

  And except for the three prisons in the city of Navarre, the vast majority of the people in the territory have been imprisoned. In the manors and castles around Navarre."

  Andrew's voice trembled slightly.

  Such behavior is too appalling.

  "What are the relics of the state doing?"

  Although in the previous interrogation, Leon had already learned that the relics of the state, a group of religious lunatics who yearned for eternal life, jumped out during the civil strife in Norton in order to capture enough people. bait.

  But hearing it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another thing entirely.

  "According to the news we just received, the 'bait' captured by the relics of the country on this land will eventually be sent to Port Idar." "

  Port Idar?"

  Upon hearing this, Leon couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.


  "I speculate that they may want to transport these people living in the south of the Principality of Norton to other places by sea." "Let's

  release all the people first."

  After a moment of silence, Leon said :
  "I don't know how long these people have been detained here..."

  "Send the order, the city of Navarre will implement military control, and let all the soldiers be in high spirits." "

  Open the granary in the city and give each of them first Prepare some gruel."

  Leon's original plan to attack Idar Port was definitely not feasible now that he thought about it.

  It's not that the Antolian army can't do it, but... as Andrew mentioned before, the remnant believers of the restoration of the country have kept most of the ordinary people living on this land in prisons and manors. middle.

  Compared with the assault on Idar Port, rescuing these imprisoned people is the first priority for the Antolian army.

  Otherwise, if there is not enough population, what is the point of the Antolians occupying this land?
  The cultivation of fields requires people, and the prosperity of cities requires people.

  Even though the land on the south bank of the Meyerson River is extremely fertile, food cannot grow on this land out of thin air.

  Moreover, now that the Cardinal of Navarre is dead, the plan to transfer the population to Port Idar is naturally affected.

  Leon didn't dare to bet on what those remnant believers of the restoration of the country who were guarding the people could do.

  "Andrew! Juan!"

  "Now that the city of Navarre has been captured, this land is the territory of the Jimena family, and the people here are the subjects of the Jimena family!" "

  You each lead your own men. The legions will be accompanied by a hundred elven long archers and two accompanying mages, and they will clear out all the manors in the area surrounding the city of Navarre."

  You know, except for the Antolian mercenaries in Stan's hands, there are still only a few hundred people. However, after this period of development, the number of soldiers in the two main legions commanded by Andrew and Juan has already exceeded Thousand people mark.

  It is natural for them to clean up the relics of the restoration of the country entrenched in the surrounding manors and towns.

   Some book friends previously told me not to use the word "下" in my articles, saying it was too Chinese. They also asked me to use as few idioms as possible, so I would like to collect opinions from book friends here. I have always felt that fantasy is just the background, and the specific title is purely a matter of translation. Is it really a drama? What do you think is an appropriate title?
  (End of chapter)

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