198. Chapter 197 On that day, the Antolians learned to fly

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  Chapter 197 On that day, the Antolians learned to fly.
  The moment Klander walked out of the lord's castle, the morning sun shone on his shoulders.

  At this moment, what appeared in front of him was still the familiar city, with low buildings, narrow streets, and citizens queuing up to receive gruel... But

  Kland knew clearly that from this moment on, Everything is different.

  At this time, he only knew one thing in his heart.

  That was when he finally got the opportunity he had dreamed of.

  The young nobleman gave him three days.

  If within three days, he, Kelland, can do what Leon ordered, then Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, will become the thickest thigh he has ever hugged!
  That's the Marquis!
  Although if you look at the title alone, Leon's title is not higher than that of the city's previous ruler, the Duke of Navarre, but the rule of the Duke of Navarre has long become the history of this land.

  Leon's attitude was very clear. The arrival of Antolia's army was not just for plunder, but also to bring this land under the rule of the Jimena family forever!
  Clande saw with his own eyes the spirit of the Antolian army, so... Clande was convinced of this.

  And if I can do things effectively, I might not be able to gain the respect of the young Marquis and change my future destiny!


  Leon doesn't know what's going on in Klande's heart, and he doesn't need to know.

  The city of Navarre has a large population.

  Although at this moment, the vast majority of the population is imprisoned, but among the hundreds of thousands or even two hundred thousand people, we can find some civilians who can read and write, or find a few declining nobles. Presumably it won't be a difficult task.

  Therefore, the three days Leon mentioned were really just three days.

  If Kelland fails to fulfill his promise within three days, then Leon will choose someone else to do it.

  Because although today's Jimena family hopes that talents will be scarce, they must first determine that the person is a talent before recruiting and understanding them.

  Leon doesn't care whether the person doing things for him is Kelland, Doland, or Delank. As long as he can get things done, Leon will naturally give him a chance.

  "The Duke of Navarre has accumulated so much food!"

  Compared to paying attention to a little person who is now simply insignificant, Leon is actually more concerned about his profits from this battle.

  The population under the Duke of Navarre is naturally the most precious resource in Leon's heart.

  In addition, this fertile land located on the south bank of the Meyerson River has brought unexpected surprises to Leon.

  Although the Duke of Navarre certainly does not have a land reclamation artifact that can improve the soil like a land compactor, the unique natural advantages of this land have also allowed the Duke of Navarre to accumulate an astonishing amount of money.

  With such an astonishing addition, let alone distributing food to the civilians living in Navarre City, the food seized from Navarre City alone may not be able to support the Antolian army in the Principality of Norton. The South's war effort.

  You know, the money and food in the city were probably shipped to Port Idar together with the population.

  The believers of the remnants of the restoration of the country have even packed them into trucks, which greatly facilitated the subsequent transportation process of the Antolian soldiers.

  "It's better to make money faster by fighting!"

  Leon couldn't help but sigh: "The nobles are indeed rich!"

  The city of Navarre alone was enough to make Leon's mouth water.

  If Idar Port is captured again, not to mention anything else, all the holes in the war bonds issued previously can be paid off, and there will even be a large surplus that can be used for the construction of new cities in the abandoned land. !
  "Are all the things I asked you to prepare ready?"

  "Reporting to your lord, the Marquis, they are all ready. I just need you to go over and inspect them in person."

  After hearing this, the craftsmen accompanying the army stood up quickly and said.

  You know, Leon can be said to be imperative in this western expedition to Normandy.

  In addition to the mages who accompanied the army, they also brought many craftsmen with them.

  It was early in the morning, and the weather conditions were quite suitable, so naturally it was time to try out the hot air balloon built by the craftsmen of Antolia.

  [PS: The hot air balloon thing is only used temporarily. After all, it is an old routine in farming articles. Everyone is tired of reading it, and I am tired of writing it. However, some things must be transitioned, so I would like to explain it here.

  As a time traveler, Leon is very familiar with hot air balloons.

  I remember that when he went to Cappadocia to inspect the work, he tried it himself.


  hot air balloons in the previous life may have been just a popular entertainment activity for tourists, but here, in this world, at least for today's Antolian army, it is extremely important.

  Neither Leon nor the many generals in Antolia are familiar with the southern part of the Norton Principality.

  If there was something like this floating from the sky, reconnaissance of the enemy situation for the Antolian army every day, and overlooking the surrounding situation, it would undoubtedly bring great convenience to the march of the Antolian army.

  At least you don't have to worry about being ambushed or being caught off guard.

  After all...

  the Kingdom of Idrit had a precedent. Because they were not familiar with the local situation, they had a very tragic encounter with the Walras cavalry heading south.

  Although the external claims are that the soldiers are brave and the generals are decisive, the final result is victory.

  Therefore, as the Marquis of Antolia, Leon naturally has to consider all possible situations.

  And when Leon finally arrived at the temporary military camp outside the city under the protection of everyone, the craftsmen of Antolia had already lit a fire under the balloon.

  The fuel used is naturally the nightmare fuel with the characteristics of Antolia.

  Small size and easy to store.

  It is really the best choice to carry with the army.

  The heated and expanded gas made the originally weak balloon become strong again and collided. If it were not for the rope pulling it, it would have been dragged up to the sky in the next second by dragging the basket underneath.

  Leon raised his head, glanced at the sky, felt the breeze blowing around him, and felt that nothing unexpected would happen.

  The biggest disadvantage of hot air balloons is that they have extremely strict requirements on meteorological conditions.

  Usually only in the early morning are there conditions for flying.

  The two Antolian warriors who had been prepared for a long time were already sitting in the basket under the balloon as if they were dead.

  Leon doesn’t want to be the first person to fly in Antolia.

  Since the hot air balloon built by Antolia's craftsmen was a bit crude, even Leon himself couldn't figure out what it would be like when it flew up.

  If the wind direction suddenly changes, and the wind strength changes suddenly, then where you land will really depend on your luck.

  However, under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

  In the face of extremely high pensions, even if there is a 50% mortality rate, some people are naturally willing to take the risk.

  If those at the bottom want to rise to the top, they have to risk their lives!
  Otherwise, why would you stand out?
  For the vast majority of Antolian people, this is the truth they firmly believe!
  "When I come back, I will personally confer medals on you!" Leon hugged the heads of the two middle-aged soldiers and vowed.

  "I am willing to serve you!"

  The soldier sitting in the basket had already regarded death as home, but after hearing his lord's promise, he still couldn't help but have red eyes.

  Every Antolian has sincere respect for this young lord.

  Before Leon came to power, if they lost the battle, the whole family would have to eat dirt.

  But now, at least there is a kind Marquis who is willing to treat their family members, relatives and friends well.

  So, since I have the opportunity, I naturally have to give it a try!
  "Let it fly!"

  Leon took a few steps back and finally gave the order.

  As the ropes binding the hot air balloon were untied, the huge balloon, which expanded due to heat, finally began to fly upward.

  For most people in this era, this is definitely a strange scene!
  It can even be said that it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

  And when the hot air balloon with the double-headed eagle clan emblem finally floated over the city of Navarre, everyone in the city raised their heads in shock.

  Kelland, who was walking briskly on the street, also looked towards the sky amidst the exclamations of everyone. What caught his eye was a clan emblem that was extremely familiar to him.

  The Jimena family...

  After a while, Kelland gathered his thoughts and walked quickly towards the house not far away.

  He must not miss this opportunity that he finally got!


  South of Nuodu Principality, Idar Port.

  The surging waves crashed against the rocks on the shore, and the sparkling waves seemed to be mixed with the color of the morning sun.

  Although it is adjacent to the coast, Port Idar is not actually very prosperous.

  The sea breeze blowing into the town is mixed with the unique salty smell of the sea, which brings a completely different atmosphere to this seaside town and also brings a unique atmosphere to the people living in this city. experience.

  If you rely on the mountains, you will eat the mountains; if you rely on the sea, you will eat the sea.

  Before Leon came to power, the Antorians, who were surrounded by mountains, made a living by hunting in the mountains and forests, while the residents of Port Idar relied on the fish caught in the sea.

  Compared with the vast majority of the people in this era who could only dig food in the fields, the situation of the Idar people was actually much better.

  Until one day, the survivors of the restoration of the country came.

  As the civil strife in the Principality of Norton intensifies, Port Idar has actually become the most important stronghold in the south of the Principality of Norton for the survivors of the restoration of the country.

  All "baits" caught from the south of the kingdom and even the north bank of the Meyerson River will be sent to Idar Port, and then loaded onto ships from this port adjacent to the coast and sent to the sea to the final destination.

  Therefore, the most important group of remnants of the Adventist Restoration in the south of the Principality of Norton are gathered here.

  Now three full days have passed since the fall of the city of Navarre.

  As one of the cardinals who controlled this town, Delon Altus naturally received the news from the east.

  All bad news, no good news!
  One was the fall of the city of Navarre.

  The second is that he finally got the bait and became someone else's wedding dress.

  As for the third one...according to the information provided by the believers who ran away from Navarre, his younger brother, Deco Altus, had died in Navarre.


  Since Leon had never concealed his identity, the survivors of the Restoration naturally understood who the opponents they were about to face were.

  Noble of the Kingdom of Andal, Marquis Leon Jimena of Antolia!
  A young marquis who was ennobled for his outstanding military exploits!
  But... how did the Antolians get here?
  If the news from the north of the Principality of Norton is correct, isn't it true that the Andal Kingdom's army has been blocked by the Walras people at the national border?
  However, at this time, he obviously had no intention of thinking about how the Antolians came to the south of Norton.

  "There is absolutely no room for error in Port Idar!"

  During the meeting with the other two cardinals, Delon Altus said without hesitation: "Port Idar is the key to this layout. If it cannot be If Idar Port is guarded, then the bait will not be transported to the sea. Not only me, but everyone will be punished by those adults!" "Only by

  dedicating our lives to the harpy can we redeem the crimes we have committed. Sin!"

  "Isn't your brother doing something good?"

  One of the cardinals said unhappily:

  "Fortunately, he is dead. If he had not died, I would definitely kill him with my own hands. He is useless. , there is no need to live."

  "This is natural."

  Although he wore a harpy mask on his face, Deron's expression hidden behind the mask did not change at all because of these words.

  It seemed that in his eyes, the death of his own brother was nothing but a trivial matter.

  He just asked calmly:

  "How much bait do we still have available in our hands now?"

  Hearing this, the other two cardinals couldn't help but look surprised.

  "The bait cannot be used!"

  "This is what the adults on Tsukishima want!"

  "But if it is not used, can Port Idar be defended?"

  Seeing this, the cardinal named Delong asked sharply: " There are only more than a thousand believers in Idar Port today. Only by sacrificing the blood of the bait to the great harpy and the projection of the gods can we win this war!" "Our opponent is Anto

  . The Marquis of Leah is the nobleman who eradicated the Duke of Galicia!"

  "Clapp, don't forget that the Duke of Galicia is the person you win over. If the Antolians hadn't obtained the Braves family's With wealth, how can they support the consumption of this war? So... in the final analysis, this matter is all caused by your mistakes!"

  Hearing this, the Cardinal known as Clapp became a little weaker.

  "As long as we defeat those Antorians who came from afar, we can definitely get more bait. Presumably the adults on Tsukishima will not be blamed for this." "Port Idar, those damned

  people The grave of the Antolians!"

  Deron clenched his fists and slammed the table in front of him.

  At this moment, he had already sketched out a hundred ways for the young nobleman to die in his mind.

   Please read it! Please read it! Again, if the pace is slow, just mention it in the latest chapter. It’s still a two-in-one chapter, no more today, thank you for your support~
  (End of this chapter)

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