195. Chapter 194 Adventist, Night Raid and Harpy (two in one!)

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  Chapter 194 Adventist, Night Raid and Harpy (two in one!)
  It’s night.

  South of the Principality of Norton, the city of Navarre.

  As a hereditary fiefdom of the Duke of Navarre family, the city of Navarre, adjacent to the Meyerson River, can be regarded as the largest and most populous quasi-mega city in the south of the Principality of Norton.

  The reason why it is called a quasi-megacity rather than a megacity is mainly because according to the understanding of city size in this era, if the number of people living in the city exceeds 200,000, it is enough to be called a city. Mega city.

  For example, Essex, the capital of the Kingdom of Andals, or Bolton, the capital of the Principality of Norton, can both be called truly giant cities.

  The total population living in the city of Navarre is around 150,000. If we add in the people and serfs living in the villages, towns and manors outside the city, the total population of the city of Navarre and its surrounding areas , has already exceeded the 200,000 mark, and even approached the 300,000 mark.

  Naturally, it can be called a quasi-mega city.

  The surging water of the Meyerson River has nurtured this fertile land in the south of the Principality of Norton. As one of the most important granaries of the Principality of Norton, the Duke of Navarre has become a One of the few nobles in the Principality of Norton.

  It's just that...

  this city had already changed its owner long before Antolia's army crossed the southwestern highlands.

  As early as the noble rebellion, the Duke of Navarre took away more than two-thirds of the military forces in the territory. The chaotic situation in the Principality of Norton allowed the noble private army led by the Duke of Navarre to return. By the time they reached the city of Navarre, only a few hundred people were left.

  Therefore, at this moment, the person who controls this city is no longer the Norton noble Duke of Navarre, but Cardinal Deco Altus, a devout Christian who has resurrected the country!

  Compared to the Kingdom of Andal, the Kingdom of Idrit and the Principality of Norton have always been areas where restoration activities are more frequent.

  Deco Altus naturally seized this opportunity, gathered many believers, and took over this important southern town that originally belonged to the Norton nobles in one fell swoop.

  So when night fell and the Antolian army prepared for a night attack after several days of running around, the soldiers guarding the city wall were no longer the noble private soldiers of the Principality of Norton, but instead wore brass-colored eagles. The remnant believer of the Banshee Mask.

  "Jie Jie Jie!"

  The believers patrolling the city wall uttered a voice pack commonly used by villains: "This is the first time I have noticed that the night sky in the Principality of Norton is so beautiful!" Isn't it


  For the remnant believers of the restoration of the country who usually huddle in the dark places in the corners of the country, the opportunities to walk on the city wall openly and openly are very few.

  It's not that they don't want to blend in with the ordinary citizens, it's mainly because it's quite difficult for the remnant believers of the Advent sect to blend in with the crowd.

  You know, there are also factions within the Fuguo Relics.

  For example, the majority of the remnants of the Restoration believers who are rooted in the Principality of Norton are Adventists.

  Of course, this coming is not that coming.

  The Adventists, the remnants of the restoration of the country, advocate the use of cruel blood sacrifice rituals to gain the favor of the gods they believe in, thereby granting them eternal life.

  The harpy on their brass masks is one of the gods worshiped by the remnants of the Adventist Restoration.

  It is said that one can obtain immortality by sucking human blood.

  As for Advent believers who are relics of the restoration of the country, perhaps because they engage in too many blood sacrifice rituals on weekdays, most of them are not in a normal mental state. In popular terms, they have the face of a murderer. Face, it is difficult not to attract attention.

  That is to say, the city of Navarre they occupied now has the opportunity to walk on the city wall in an upright manner.


  for the Antolian army, it doesn't matter what they believe in, nor does it matter who controls the city of Navarre. Anyway, it will eventually be controlled by the Antolian people.

  What's more, the current city of Navarre is occupied by the survivors of the restoration of the country, which actually saves Leon the step of killing the Duke of Navarre's family after occupying the city and then framing the survivors of the restoration of the nation.

  And just as the believers on the city wall were sighing in groups of twos and threes at the vastness of the night sky and the brilliance of the stars... the

  Antolian mercenaries carrying a series of climbing tools such as grappling hooks had already touched Nagoya under the cover of night. Under the walls of Walla.

  Among the three main legions in Antolia, Leon undoubtedly has the highest requirements for Antolia mercenaries.

  Although most of today's Antolian soldiers have seen blood and set foot on the battlefield during the kingdom's civil war, in terms of battlefield experience, the Antolian mercenaries have undoubtedly the richest experience.

  Therefore, in this night attack, the Antolian mercenaries led by Stan himself naturally became the first batch of siege troops appointed by Leon.

  Stan looked around.

  The soldiers standing close to the edge of the city wall were already eager to try.


  As Stein showed the already agreed combat gestures in front of the soldiers, the soldiers took out the grappling hooks they had prepared, swung them several times and then threw them high towards the city wall.

  With a tug and pull, the sharp grappling hook was embedded in the gap on the inside of the battlement.

  At the same time, just before the mercenaries were about to climb the city wall, the elven longbowmen who had already prepared their bows and arrows fired arrows, mercilessly harvesting the defenders on the city wall under the dark night. life.

  If the night vision of the Antolians can roughly reach the level of lv.3, then the night vision of the elves can reach the level of lv.5!
  This is not because the elves are born like this, but because the abandoned land is filled with darkness. Even if the eternal fire illuminates the way, the elves have long been accustomed to walking in the dark in a hazy situation.

  This is all done through practice!

  As the first wave of arrows shot by the elves penetrated the dark night, the excited words of the believer who was still talking nonsense on the city wall almost stopped abruptly.

  He lowered his head in disbelief, only to see a sharp arrow deeply embedded in his chest. In just a flash of lightning, severe pain filled his mind, and crimson blood flowed spontaneously. There was gurgling water from the wound.


  He tried hard to shout, but he still fell heavily on the city wall.

  The believers who were still chatting with him were almost all stunned at this moment. It was not until a soldier named Antolia jumped onto the city wall with a sharp grappling hook and a strong rope that they felt like they were in a dream. I woke up and suddenly realized what had happened.

  "Enemy attack!"

  "Enemy attack!"

  The sharp horn sounded across the night sky, once again bringing the clouds of war to this city that had long fallen into silence and sleep. But Leon didn't think that he could easily win this city with only Antolian mercenaries.


  After the mercenaries who climbed the city wall cleared away the few patrolling believers, they rushed to the gate of Navarre without hesitation.

  So, after a while, the city gate opened!

  "Attack the whole army!"

  After finally hearing this sweet command, the Antolian militiamen and Lapruk warriors who had been waiting for the moment cheered up almost immediately. Wearing full sets of personal armor, they headed toward Rushing towards the nearby city of Navarre.

  It is obviously unrealistic to cover the whole body with iron armor.

  Even though Antolia's iron-making factories have made considerable progress and breakthroughs in iron-making technology, it is still impossible to equip all Antolia soldiers.

  What's more...

  heavy armor will greatly limit the charging speed of soldiers. It is not suitable for all situations, and it is not suitable for all branches of the military.

  For example, if a back-row output position like the Elf Longbow also wears full-body armor, it is not a luxury, but a disease.


  Leon specially prepared soft armor covering the whole body for Antolia's soldiers.

  Although this kind of light armor made of leather and thin iron sheets is slightly inferior in terms of defensive properties, it is at least several levels lighter in weight, and at least it will not make people out of breath after running for a few steps.

  At the same time, the remnant believers of the restoration of the country in the city were finally awakened by the sharp sound of trumpets.

  A relic believer, armed with a stick and sword and wearing a brass harpy mask, poured out of the houses on both sides of the street. They looked at each other in shock and listened to the sound coming from the city gate. There were bursts of shouts of killing.

  After all, the remnant believers in the restoration of the country are not regular soldiers.

  In the past, he was able to defeat the levies in the hands of the Duke of Navarre all because of his faith buff. Now he is facing an Antolian army that is obviously many times stronger than the ordinary noble private army...

  This is like gold. The player mistakenly entered the bronze round, and Grandma Liu stole the White Tiger Hall, which ultimately caused the Norton District's excellent matching mechanism to temporarily fail.

  "For the harpy! For the remnant of the rejuvenated country!"

  Even though there are many relict bishops who are still in the city and are already aware of the danger coming, they are shouting to their followers to pick up the weapons in their hands to resist the incoming attacks. Enemy, but...the process may be tortuous, but the ending is already determined.

  Who would have thought that the city of Navarre, located in the south of the Principality of Norton, would be attacked by unknown enemies at night?
  Even though the Antolian army has entered the city, in fact, the believers in the city still don't know who they are fighting or where they are resisting an army from.

  There is no way. In the minds of the believers, the noble private army of the Duke of Norton should have been contained on the north bank of the Meyerson River, so the focus of their defense has always been on the north side of the city. Who would have thought that there would be an army? A sudden attack from the east?
  Especially when the city gate opened and soldiers from Antolia poured into the city from the city gate, the believers of the remnants of the restoration of the country had the bonus of their faith, even if the harpy masks on their faces made them The frightened expressions of his companions could not be seen, but the brass masks could not conceal their frightened eyes.

  An atmosphere of decadence and defeat has begun to spread among the remaining believers of the restoration of the country.

  Moreover, almost all of the Lapruk warriors who arrived later had a repeating crossbow. Such repeating weapons with a relatively short effective range could be said to be invincible in the narrow streets of Navarre, so much so that the people in the city The defenders simply did not have a few decent lines of defense organized.

  Even just a few Lapluk warriors armed with repeating crossbows can control a fork in the road.


  Compared to the confusion and helplessness of the defenders in the city, Antolia's soldiers became more and more energetic as they fought.

  After all, at the beginning of the night attack, when Leon couldn't see the flag of the Duke of Navarre flying on the city wall, he already realized who the current controller of the city was.

  Restoration of the country’s relics! notorious!
  Although the tough Antolian people have never personally experienced the ravages of the remnants of the restored nation, they have finally heard about the inhumane behavior of these guys from the mouths of the refugees who moved into Antolia.

  And this means that Leon's troops are definitely a just war, and the Antolian army is a resounding force of justice!
  What's more...

  when Leon was attacking the city, he had no intention of leaving all the remnant believers in the city at once during this night attack.

  Therefore, there is clearly a way to escape from the battlefield behind the defenders, which further destroys the fighting will of these believers who do not dare to show their true colors.

  "Damn it!"

  When Cardinal Deco Altus woke up from his sleep, the city of Navarre was already filled with the shouts of the Antolians.

  "Your Majesty Bishop! Escape quickly!"

  Without the reminders from the believers around him, Deco could realize that the city of Navarre could no longer be defended!
  Because no one knew the strength of the group of believers under his command better than him, he even considered the feasibility of running away at the first opportunity.

  But the problem is...

  He came to a very clear conclusion, that is, he must not run away.

  The dungeons in the city also contain a large amount of "bait" that he captured during these days.

  If the city of Navarre is lost, then the gains made by the regent of the country by capturing the city of Navarre will be greatly reduced. Even whether he himself can survive is probably unknown.

  After all, the believers in Port Idar are still waiting for them to transport enough bait!
  Thinking of this, Deco's thoughts became more and more irritable. He ignored the believers who were trying to persuade him. Instead, he quickly took out a large piece of shriveled bark from the bookshelf on the side, and then put it into his mouth carefully. chew.

  In an instant, he seemed to see the phantom of the Harpy in his field of vision, and even his thoughts seemed to become much "clearer".

  And the most important thing is that at this moment, the cardinal feels full of power!

  I saw him snatching the spear from the hands of the believers behind him and striding onto the street outside.

  "Children of the Harpy, this city will definitely belong to..."

  Before he could finish his words, an arrow flashing with cold light passed through his throat in an instant.

  For a moment, blood splattered.

  On the city wall not far away, Elf Elder Clementi took a deep breath and slowly put down the bow and arrow in his hand...

  (End of this chapter)

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