170. Chapter 169 A true perpetual motion machine

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  Chapter 169 A true perpetual motion machine
  Leon has actually thought about this problem for a long time.

  But I didn’t think deeply.

  Because before that, he always felt that thinking about this issue was meaningless.

  I've already worn it myself, can I think about it and go back in time again?

  But looking at the skeleton farming in front of him... Leon thought very seriously for the first time about everything the world presented to him.

  From the shadow monsters, the moon mushroom forest, and the plateau hounds at the beginning, to the elves and skeletons now...

  Is this a fantasy world, or a world full of weirdness?

  At least in Leon's eyes, the style of this world is constantly changing.

  But after a brief resolution, Leon finally made his decision - to stop worrying and face reality.

  Anyway, no matter how much Leon thought about it, he couldn't figure out why the skeleton in front of him was wandering around this land like a corpse.

  Moreover, since the existence of shadow monsters can explode enchanting materials, and since the diffuse black mist can drop nightmare fuel, then the farming skeletons in front of us...can it also bring some new changes to Antoria?

  When this idea appeared in Leon's mind, Leon's thoughts couldn't help but spread.

  Just now, Leon could hear clearly the conversation between Andrew and Bello.

  When these sluggish skeletons receive the blessing of fire, they seem to be able to produce a wonderful ecological reaction, turning them into special creatures with simple wisdom.

  Yes, after leaving the black mist, these skeletons walking out of the black mist will soon turn into powder.

  But this does not include skeletons with fire in their heads.

  The fire from the elves burns in the empty eye sockets of the skeletons, like the rising fire of the soul, giving them simple wisdom!

  They are still not smart, but they seem... able to carry out some extremely simple production activities?

  And what does this mean?
  This TM is simply a perpetual motion machine!
  After all... these guys are all skeletons!

  It is a skeleton that does not need to eat, drink or sleep, nor does it need any material protection or spiritual food!

  Well, just as Leon was thinking wildly, with a crisp sound, the skeleton in front of him finally fractured during this somewhat heavy labor.

  It fell to the ground with a snap.

  This was probably a comminuted fracture of the left leg caused by ankle dislocation.

  "Can you change a bone for him?"

  Leon asked on a whim.


  Andrew was a little confused, and then shook his head in confusion: "I haven't tried it yet..."

  "Then give it a try!"

  Leon suddenly became interested.

  What to do if a bone is broken?
  Get a bone!
  Although Leon had experienced the influence of modern medicine, he decided to use the simplest and most simple treatment method for the foot disease of the skeleton in front of him.

  Replace whatever is broken!
  So, Andrew quickly dragged Leon to a skeleton.

  Well, it was the one that the farmers of Antolia had just pinned to the ground and hammered.

  Anyway, if there is no fire in its head, it will break to pieces and fall to the ground soon. It is better to make a selfless contribution, which can be regarded as doing good deeds!
  Andrew took matters into his own hands.

  The left leg of the unlucky skeleton was completely removed with ease.

  Then he struck at the hip bone on the left side of the farming skeleton...


  The farming skeleton, which had a shattered left leg, was stunned for a moment, and then... it seemed to realize something, kicked off the ground and stood up.


  This is the first time humans have heard the sound made by skeletons.

  There are no vocal cords, only bones, but it can make sounds.

  But because Leon had seen so many things that he couldn't understand, at this time, he actually felt that the scene in front of him was normal.

  It seemed that he felt his left leg return again.

  With everyone looking at each other in disbelief, the vegetable-growing skeleton raised the farm tools in his hands again without hesitation and hoeed the land in front of him fiercely.

  And Leon finally withdrew his gaze and said to Andrew, "You did a good job!" "

  This is all because of the wisdom of the Marquis!"

  After hearing this, Andrew said without hesitation.

  "It's just...are there other kinds of fire?"


  Andrew rolled his eyes and immediately replied: "However, what we know so far is probably in the hands of the elves."

  "The elves..."

  Leon He groaned.

  Before that, he had been thinking about waiting for the elves to take the initiative to contact them.

  But now... the skeleton in front of him has proved to him that if he has the fire of the elves, then the dull skeleton can also have the potential to become a tool man!
  And this is not just a tool man in the ordinary sense!

  If you don't consider the need to find bones for them to replace, this is simply a perpetual motion machine that doesn't cost anything at all!
  "Lord Marquis, do you want me to catch some elves?"

  Andrew asked eagerly.

  As the commander of Lapruk's army, Andrew has long been quite unhappy with the elves.

  Yes, he did uproot the elves' World Tree saplings.

  But he didn’t kill the World Tree!

  On the contrary, the saplings of the world tree that were almost withered are now thriving on the land of Antolia, and the originally yellow branches and leaves have once again shown a touch of green color.

  But in these days, scouts from the elves would poke their heads out of the black mist from time to time.

  This feeling of being observed at close range by other races really made Andrew quite unhappy.

  On a normal day, Andrew would have fired several arrows at him.

  But Leon had issued a strict order before, not to take the initiative to conflict with the elves.

  This also made him somewhat helpless towards the elves who came close to conduct reconnaissance.

  "Can you determine the location of those elves?"


  "The elves can be said to be monitoring the Antolian people 24 hours a day, and most of them gather at the edge of the black mist on the west side." Andrew said, patting his chest.

  As the commander of the Lapruk Army, he still has some observation skills.

  "Antolia's craftsmen have newly built three shadow manipulators."

  After a moment of hesitation, Leon finally said: "Try it, but even if you can't catch it, don't hurt them. Tolia can't support a two-front battle!"

  Under the temptation of the elves' fire, Leon finally decided to take the initiative.

  After all...

  according to the observations of the Antorians these days, the elves living in the abandoned land should not be too powerful.

  And Leon doesn’t intend to rob him!

  He just wanted to make a deal with the elves.

  For example, the fire in the hands of the elves, or the information about the abandoned place.

  Although the Antolians have already set foot on this land with the help of the Shadow Manipulator, it is undeniable that the Antolians know very little about the information about the abandoned land.

  (End of chapter)

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