171. Chapter 170 Antolia has unique diplomatic methods

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  Chapter 170 Antolia has unique diplomatic methods.

  Elte felt like she was about to cry.

  When the elves finally verified and confirmed the news of the return of humans, as the first elves to discover human traces, Erte and his elf team naturally received the heavy responsibility of observing human activities.

  After all, among the elves who have only heard of the existence of human beings, he is already the most experienced one.

  And this decision also made Elta feel like she was on the verge of tears.

  Because in his mind, the image of the Antolian army has always been lingering.

  So even though she was only observing from a distance on the edge of the black mist, Elte was still quite panicked in her heart.

  What's more...

  Erte has long realized that humans have actually discovered his observations in these days!

  However, compared to the panic in his heart, what shocked him the most was what humans did on this land.

  As the impressive human army opened up a pure land without black mist on this land, more and more traces of humans appeared on this land.

  Amidst the roar of a machine that Elte had never seen before...

  these humans who had just arrived here were beating the ground constantly with many tools that seemed to have simple structures but that Elte could not name. .

  After Elte's careful recollection, he felt that this should be a method of obtaining food called farming that the moon elves elders mentioned when explaining the human race.

  According to the moon elves elders, this is a way of making a living that is far inferior to that of the elves.

  Under the protection of the World Tree, the moon elves can reach out and pick juicy berries from the berry bushes, but on the other hand, humans need to use a lot of manpower to harvest enough food to barely satisfy their hunger.

  In short, after a series of theoretical analysis, the elders of the moon elves came to the conclusion that although the human race once had extremely powerful power, they always lived in dire straits.


  after Elte's observations these days, a question suddenly appeared in his mind.

  If it is really as difficult as what humans described to the elders, then why do they have the means to dispel the black mist? And why was he always the real controller of the abandoned land before the black mist filled the air? !

  Elte couldn't understand.

  So during these days of observation, he repeatedly inadvertently poked his head out of the black mist because he was too immersed in thinking, and then was hurriedly pulled back by Angelica and other elves.

  And today, Elte finally made the most significant discovery.

  Because he saw a young man coming.

  The young man was followed by a large group of waiters and guards, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were shouting in front of him and swarming behind him.

  And when the young man arrived, all the human soldiers guarding him were respectful and polite.

  Even the man who looked like a general also knelt on one knee.


  that young man is not simple!
  It is even possible that he is the leader of these humans!

  In addition, the young man has a handsome face that is not inferior to that of the elves. Every time he moves or moves, he will inadvertently exude an aura unique to the upper class, a kind of aura that he only has among a few elders among the moon elves. It was even an aura that I had only felt from the Elf Queen.

  It was under the order of the young man that the soldiers who were originally on guard placed some large, square wooden boxes with wheels underground not far from the elves.

  "Will we be discovered?"

  Angelica on the side couldn't help but asked worriedly.

  "It shouldn't be a big problem."

  After a moment of hesitation, Erte finally gave his judgment.

  Humans have discovered them long ago, but have never taken any action.

  What does this mean?
  This shows that humans do not want to have a direct conflict with the elves.

  However, Elte's judgment this time obviously had a certain deviation.

  Especially when those human soldiers placed those strange machines with an inverted triangle structure not far from the edge of the black mist, he suddenly realized the error of his judgment.


  it was obviously too late to realize this at this time.

  This was the first time that Elte had seen the operation of those instruments from such a close distance, and it was also the first time that Elta had a close understanding of the means by which humans dispelled the black mist.

  Along with a roar, the black mist that originally filled Elta's side seemed to be suddenly stripped away by a powerful suction force.

  It took almost only a few seconds, when the elves were still in a state of confusion, their figures holding torches were already revealed in front of the Antorians.

  Immediately afterwards, I saw a few square wooden boxes placed not far from the elves, and the baffle on one side suddenly opened.

  What emerged from it were arrows that shone with cold light.

  This is the latest achievement created by Antolia’s craftsmen after working day and night.

  Mechanical quiver.

  Just press and pull out the latch on one side of the wooden box, and sharp arrows can shoot out of the air, sifting through all the creatures not far away.


  Leon planned to use these newly developed weapons to entertain hostile creatures that might appear in the abandoned land.

  But the presence of vegetable-growing skeletons made him temporarily change his mind.

  He wants to make a deal with the elves.


  Although the change of situation happened in the blink of an eye, Elte still instinctively let out a low roar.


  it was accompanied by the sound of arrows piercing the air.

  One piece is on the left and one piece is on the right.

  One piece is in front and one piece is behind.

  The arrows that burst out almost blocked all directions for the elves to escape in the blink of an eye, and were firmly nailed to the ground around the elves.

  At the same time, those Lapluk warriors who were dressed as farmers and quietly approached the edge of the black mist also rushed out quickly, taking advantage of the elves' daze to surround these uninvited guests.

  After several days of unscrupulous observation, the elves relaxed their vigilance, which gave the soldiers of Antolia an opportunity to take advantage of them.

  It turns out... that

  my Lord Marquis actually has such extraordinary foresight and wisdom?
  Forcibly calming down the shock in his heart, Andrew took the lead and shouted to the elves trapped in the middle by Lapruk's warriors:

  "This is Mr. Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia!"

  "We come with the wish of peace, hoping to live in harmony with the elves on this land!"

  Peace? friendly?
  Looking at the Antolian soldiers surrounding her, looking at those swords flashing with cold light...

  At this moment, Elte couldn't help but be filled with questions.

  (End of chapter)

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