169. Chapter 168 The Antorians are trying a very new way of farming.

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  Chapter 168 The Antolian people are trying a very new way of farming
  . March 12th is a good time to travel.

  Under the guard of the Antolian mercenaries, the great Marquis of Antolia Leon Jimena finally arrived at this land south of the mountains.

  Even though the red cordyceps from the abandoned land feeds the potion production workshop of the entire Antolia, even though the fluorescent grass from the abandoned land lights up the night of Antolia, but... this is Leonti Came here once.

  "Lord Marquis!"

  Andrew knelt down on one knee, expressing his infinite loyalty to the lord who came from afar.

  "Get up!"

  Leon waved his hand and glanced curiously at the pass under construction in front of him.

  The cliffs on both sides are hundreds of meters high.

  At the narrow Bergori Pass, the rolling mountains in southern Antolia seemed to have been split with an ax and a huge gap was opened, allowing the north and south of the mountains to be connected.

  The stones used to build the city wall were all obtained from mines located in the southwest highlands.

  Since Leon has no plans to build a city wall in the new city on the west bank of the White Blade River for the time being, when the order to build the pass was issued, the citizens of Antolia took action as soon as possible.

  As Leon said before, this is the southern gate of Antolia.

  Especially when the news from the abandoned land was placed on Leon's desk one by one, building a pass at the Bergoli Pass has become a top priority in Leon's eyes.

  There is no other reason. The abandoned land is full of unknowns.

  In less than half a month, there were elves first, and then skeletons.

  The races that appeared one after another in front of the Antorians forced Leon to make plans in advance.

  Yes, according to Aaron's analysis, the power of the elves probably does not threaten the rule of the Jimena family, and according to Andrew's description, the brain circuits of those skeletons seem a bit stupid.

  But Leon didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't gamble.

  Who knows that one day a race powerful enough to crush Antolia will appear in the Abandoned Land?

  Therefore, although the fields outside the passes are cultivated as usual, there is no room for sloppiness in the construction of the passes.

  It’s not even just the pass at the Bergori Pass. Leon came this time to choose a site for Antolia’s first city in the abandoned land!

  No way, during the previous civil war, Leon packed up a lot of refugees from all over the kingdom.

  From the city of Palma alone, tens of thousands of residents were packed away, so that the construction of new cities on the west bank of the Bairen River was completely unable to meet the needs of the large number of refugees for jobs.

  You know, although the west bank of the Bairen River is called the New City, in fact, the only thing that really requires a lot of manpower and material resources is the Pantheon built under the guise of a church.

  As for the houses in the new city...

  there was no need for Leon to personally call for them. The Antolians, who were extremely capable, were able to build the houses themselves very quickly.

  The only thing Leon had to do was actually to order people to supervise the quality of the houses and the overall planning of the new city.

  "Take me to see those skeletons first!"

  Leon quickly gathered his mind and said towards Andrew.


  Although due to the existence of shadow monsters, Leon does not have much resistance to these things.

  But Andrew's description was really too bizarre, and it had already aroused Leon's curiosity.


  Under the leadership of Andrew, the group slowly passed through the city wall that was under construction.

  Then, when Leon looked around...

  he saw a vast farmland that had been reclaimed, and... wait, his subjects were...

  Leon rubbed his eyes and took a closer look.

  The Antorians dressed as farmers were seen pressing a weak and helpless skeleton to the ground. They held the shovel in their hands and struck the skull with a hammer.

  Leon:? ? ?
  "Those skeletons don't seem to have obvious self-awareness."

  Andrew scratched his head and explained with some embarrassment: "It's spring plowing now, but they always like to wander among the field ridges, and if they are not careful, they will step on the newly planted soil. Crops."

  Leon was silent for a long time.

  In his impression, creatures like skeletons should theoretically be the big BOSS that time travelers will eventually face, right?
  Why did his painting style become a little weird after he arrived here?

  "What's the situation over there?"

  Leon digested it for a while. After he finally accepted the reality, a casual glance made his eyes, which had returned to calm, widen again.

  Andrew looked in the direction of Leon's finger.

  I saw a thin skeleton, turning the farm tools to hoe the ground.


  This has only happened in the past few days.

  Andrew tried to organize his words and explained: "I originally wanted to report it today." "

  Although those skeletons themselves have no intelligence, if the torches in the hands of the elves... are poked into the skulls' heads, Those creatures seem to have some simple wisdom." "

  We are trying a brand new way of farming."

  Leon: "..."

  "Captain Andrew, that is the kind of ability that the elves have to dispel The fire of the black mist?"

  Bello, who had been standing behind Leon, asked curiously.

  As the mayor of the mining town and acting mayor of Salt Lake Town, Bello is responsible for managing the southwest highlands. He is also a member of the abandoned land research team.

  Due to Aaron's poor health, Bello became the highest-ranking official in Antolia who followed Leon on this investigation.


  Andrew also showed full respect for the young man following Leon. He explained: "Although the Marquis has previously ordered that there is no need to actively contact the elves at the moment." "But

  ... ...Ever since the traces of elves were discovered that day, they have never stopped scouting us." "So much

  so that from time to time, an elf head would poke out of the black mist in the edge area." "

  And the fire of the elves, It was dropped when they retreated in a hurry."

  As he spoke, Leon was already walking towards the skeleton who was working hard to learn farming.

  It must be said that the farming posture of this skeleton is extremely non-standard.

  The bones on the fingers seemed to have become slightly decayed over time, so much so that the hoe in his hand fell to the ground from time to time.

  But he would soon bend down and pick it up again, as if performing an extremely solemn ceremony.

  And every time this skeleton wields a hoe, there will be a crackling sound of joint collisions in the joints of his body, and it seems that fractures may occur at any time due to this simple movement.

  Looking at the skeleton in front of him that was trying hard to farm, Leon couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  For the first time, he considered something so seriously.

  What kind of bizarre world is this... that I am in now?
  (End of chapter)

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