Chapter 5 Where in life do we not meet each other

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  第5章 人生何处不相逢



















































































  Fang Che wiped the knife on Su Yue's clothes, who was stunned, and then the tip of the knife touched Su Yue's right knee, seemingly unintentionally, and chuckled: "We brothers are talking to each other, and there is an outsider listening. It's a bit uncomfortable after all, what do you think?"

  His voice was very gentle.

  Su Yue shrank.

  His dull eyes turned and looked at his brother's body with his head missing. The blood from his neck was flowing out, spreading on the rocks and flowing from the edges of the rocks.

  Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

  His eyes met his brother's wide eyes that were still confused until his death.

  Su Yue trembled all over.

  Turning his head to look at Fang Che, his eyes suddenly became filled with infinite fear. "Devil!"

  he roared.

  He wanted to draw the sword, but when he reached out, he felt a sticky hand.

  That's my brother's blood.

  Suddenly it felt like everything in front of me was so unreal.


  Fang Che smiled: "Is it worse than your Su family?"

  Su Yue roared and drew his sword and stepped forward, but Fang Che stabbed the knife into his knee without hesitation, and the shiny tip of the knife penetrated his leg with bloodshot eyes. And out.

  The tip of his knife had always been resting here.

  Su Yue rushed forward in anger, but hit the tip of the knife himself.

  Just as he screamed, a stone hit his mouth.

  With a pop, the broken stones fell down together with the teeth.

  Su Yueyang fell down, and one foot firmly stepped on his chest and throat.

  Put your toes against your throat, lean forward slightly and press down.

  The Adam's apple sunken slightly under pressure.

  "Don't scream. Let's talk. By the way, help me sort out my thoughts."

  Fang Che said seriously: "Brother Su, I need you."

  Su Yue collapsed.

  Listening to Fang Che's gentle and serious voice, his whole body could not stop trembling.

  He never expected that this little brother who had obeyed him for so many years would suddenly turn into a vicious man.

  His whole body revealed a kind of indifference that regarded human life as nothing.

  Now he had forgotten his hatred, only fear remained.

  Susu trembled: "Tell me...what did you say?"

  "Tell me about your Su family's identity, tell me your purpose, tell me that you have been in contact with me since I was twelve years old, and you have begun to influence me. What do you want to do?"

  Fang Che slapped Su Yue's face with the blade of the knife and made a snapping sound: "Tell me what I want to hear, do you understand, Brother Su?"

  Su Yue was trembling more and more.

  Fang Che sighed: "Actually, I quite look down on you. I don't think it's too much to use a child who is inexperienced in the world, to use the child's natural rebelliousness, to use the sensitivity of a child whose relatives live in the grandfather's house and who naturally feels dependent on others, to do your things." ...Did you do something wrong?"

  Su Yue's lips trembled, and the severe pain made his mind almost blank.

  Fang Che wasn't in a hurry either.

  Just sorting out the harvest nearby.

  This wave of seizures from the Su family are really rich.

  He had no scruples about Su Yue. With his combat experience in his previous life, he was not afraid even if Su Yue's cultivation level was several levels higher than his own.

  What's more, this guy is spoiled and has a bad character.

  Even his sanity had been shattered by a series of blows, and he had lost a leg, making it impossible to fight back.

  More importantly... when he killed Su Yun and injured Su Yue, he clearly felt that the Five Spirit Gu in his body moved.

  And a bloodthirsty malice suddenly rose. This malice is fueling his murderous intent.

  Fang Che's heart trembled, and he seemed to understand something.

  "That's it."

  Then he used the Infinite Scripture to completely suppress the Five Spirit Gu, and his heart became clear.

  Then he silently muttered in his heart: "So that's really the case!"


  A moment later, under Fang Che's questioning again, the collapsed Su Yue finally began to speak.

  Although he didn't know much, it was enough for Fang Che now.

  simply put.

  The Su family and the Fang family both belong to the same kind of ninth-level martial arts families, but the difference is that the Fang family suffered a lot in an accident twenty years ago, and the family power was in ruins.

  For so many years, I have been on the verge of being dropped.

  The Su family had secretly joined the Yixin Sect under the Wealthy Orthodox Sect in the early years, and had been very stable with the secret support of the sect.

  So he started to have ambitions very early, because if he annexed the Fang family's power, it would be possible to upgrade to an eighth-level family.

  The family level is twelve. The twelfth level is the weakest and belongs to the newly established family; then the eleventh level is the blooming stage, the tenth level is equivalent to the strengthening of the eleventh level, and the ninth level is the stable stage.

  The ninth-level family can be said to be very large. At least the population of the same bloodline exceeds hundreds, and there are strong men from the Wuzong taking charge.

  Twenty years ago, Fang Xingmeng, one of the two martial arts masters of the Fang family, died accidentally while on a mission.

  Fang Qianyi, a cultivation genius of the Fang family, disappeared with her best friend when they went out to play.

  Two years later, Qianyi came back and brought back a child, Fang Che.

  It caused a great sensation at the time.

  No more gossip.

  The Su family took action on several fronts at the same time, suppressing the Fang family in business, blocking the Fang family in martial arts, and also blocking the task of guarding the main hall.

  Suppression in all aspects.

  When Fang Qianyi's martial arts cultivation was getting higher and higher over the years and gradually began to become a backbone force, the Su family began to abduct Fang Che, who was only in his teens at the time.

  Through various explicit and implicit methods, he successfully implanted a feeling of "depending on others" in the heart of this rebellious young man.

  Once this feeling arises, dissatisfaction and hatred towards the grandfather's family will arise spontaneously.

  Use this to influence Fang Qianyi - although the child is disobedient, he is his biological child after all; being naughty and being scolded by his grandpa's family is a bit uncomfortable, right?
  Therefore, in the past few years, under the constant tossing of a naive child, the Fang family has not been very happy.

  On the one hand, the crisis of downgrading the family is looming, and on the other hand, the pressure of tasks is looming. There is also an ignorant child at home who has a picky nose and picky eyes and needs to be coaxed all the time...

  to understand everything.

  After a few years of this, the Fang family had an opportunity. By some kind of chance, they obtained an incomplete treasure map.

  So Su Yue began to continue to influence Fang Che again...

  and this was also the last chance.

  A master from the Yixin sect, a subordinate of the Only One Orthodox Church, happened to be passing by Bibo City, looking for five spiritual seeds for the sect.

  The Su family simply pushed Fang Che up.

  If it succeeds, it will completely become a dog taught by Yixin. Wait for him to complete a few tasks and then report him immediately. Just in time to implicate and knock down the Fang family! You can also get rewards for guarding the main hall.

  If it fails, Fang Che will die on the spot.

  Then Fang Qianyi will definitely go crazy: How could he not react when his son died at his father's house?

  So this is a situation that is beneficial to the Su family no matter what.

  At worst, it can cause the Fang family to become distraught and severely damaged.

  After the Fang family's vitality was severely damaged, it would naturally fall to level 10 if it failed to pass the rating of the family that guarded the main hall, and the Fang family's level 9 resources would naturally be divided between the Su family and several other families.

  And since the Su family secretly supports the sect, they will definitely get more benefits.

  The Su family made the entire plan extremely detailed.

  But no one in the Su family expected it.

  This plan, which was going well no matter how it developed, unexpectedly went awry.

  Fang Che, a fool who allowed himself to be manipulated by others, suddenly threw out the inheritance of the Absolute Sword Monarch - this was a fatal temptation for the Su family.

  So the elite members of the Su family were buried together in this barren mountain and wilderness in a daze.

  And no one knows.

  All the insiders are here! ——The Su family didn't worry about keeping an informed person at home, because the envoy of Yixin Sect was coming soon.

  The messenger has many tricks. If he is deceived into losing this information, will this 'Inheritance of the Absolute Sword Monarch' still have a share in the Su family?
  Things are so twisty and bizarre.

  Who would have thought that a car that was running fiercely and steadily on the highway would turn around and go into a ditch in a very clear mind without the person in the car making any mistakes?
  And this ditch is actually a cliff leading straight to hell.


  [New book released, everyone is welcome to collect it. The world is full of ups and downs, let us join hands and take another journey. ]

  [It's the first day of release. The word count is too small and it doesn't look good. I'll post four chapters first in the morning, and at six o'clock in the afternoon, there will be another chapter for everyone.

  (End of this chapter)

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