Chapter 6: Be brothers for life

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  Chapter 6: Be Brothers for Life

  After hearing all this, Fang Che finally understood.

  I just feel a little speechless. This matter is not complicated at all. It's just two families plotting against each other.

  But it is not complicated, but it is full of twists and turns.

  "The arrangements of your Su family are really... colorful. You advance with caution and retreat with back-up, I admire you."

  Fang Che praised: "If you hadn't met me, you would have succeeded. Oh, what a pity."

  Then he asked Questions that interest me: "What's the name of the messenger of Yixin Cult, the guy who uses Five Spirit Gu? What does he look like? What kind of cultivation level is he?" "Oh, Sun Yuan? Grand master or above? White robe?

  " Thin? Pointed face? A mole on his upper lip? Tsk, this guy is pretending well, and he actually walks openly on the mainland."

  Fang Che snorted.

  He knew very well that as a subordinate unit of the Solipsism Orthodox Church, the things they did must be shady.

  And this Sun Yuan can walk openly in the mainland, so 'Sun Yuan' must be a well-hidden fake identity. It even has a positive image on the surface.

  Then this is interesting.

  "Brother Su."

  Fang Che sighed and said with some regret, "It's time for us to say goodbye."

  "Don't kill me, please, don't kill me..."

  Su Yue cried desperately and begged desperately.

  "Brother Su, please go in peace. Don't worry about your Su family's business. As your best brother, I will take care of everything for you." Fang Che inserted a knife into Su Yue's chest, inserted his heart and moved his wrist

  . After stirring it for a few times, he said in a serious and earnest way: "A man, you must learn to let go. You are born to die. What is the difference between dying earlier and dying later? You have to think about it." Su Yue opened his eyes

  . Ang Tu looked at Fang Che with blood foam coming out of his mouth, struggling: "I can't even be a ghost..." He died

  before he finished speaking.

  "Being a ghost..."

  Fang Che sighed: "Why do you think so beautifully... Where do you have the chance to be a ghost?"

  A milky white shadow hovered in the air.

  It is the soul of the golden horned dragon.

  Suck up the soul energy particles of the Su family one by one.

  He let out a satisfied burp.

  This kind of soul power that is on the verge of dissipation cannot be grasped by humans, but for a special spirit like the Golden Horned Dragon, it is a great supplement.

  "Are they all clean?" Fang Che asked, "Make sure there are no more than one hundred and twenty-four alive. This is very important." The golden-horned

  dragon nodded flatteringly.

  The body is still a little shaky.

  The big devil in front of me was someone who could strangle him to death when he was at his peak!
  When I saw it today, it was still the same horror.

  More than a hundred people died like this without a word, how terrible!
  "Check again. Especially this Su Yue's soul must disappear completely. After all, he will be my good brother for the rest of his life." Fang Che ordered


  Then he started to collect all the trophies. The gold and silver tickets were naturally put aside. The monster spirit cores were stored separately. The weapons... found a place to bury them.

  This thing is bad luck.

  Things that can prove identity are buried together.

  Then the body was disposed of.

  "I'm so tired."

  Fang Che filled in the last shovelful of soil and stepped on it with his feet.

  Then he jumped a few times on the grave.

  "Speaking of which, you are really proud enough to let me bury you in person. I have to say that this is a very generous treatment! How happy you are. If I die one day, let alone you coming to bury me, I'm afraid you won't even be able to bury me with a wreath. You can't even send it, it's such a shame if you think about it." "

  Besides, it's actually a blessing for you and your family to be neat and tidy." "Come on,

  let's see, how will this Thousand Poison Demon King survive? What good stuff has been planted!"

  Fang Che, with the help of the inner ghost, the Golden Horned Dragon, inspected all the treasure caves of the Thousand Poison Demon Lord.

  "There are so many treasures!"

  A pile of spiritual crystals for cultivation, a pile of various secret books, a pile of various heavenly and earthly treasures, and strange metals.

  "It's a pity that except for the lowest level spiritual crystals, there aren't many that I can use for my cultivation right now."

  Fang Che smiled bitterly.

  In fact, even the lowest level spiritual crystal is still a bit beyond the level when used now.

  But there are still surprises.

  In the Thousand Poison Demon King's Cave, Fang Che discovered a pool of spiritual spring.

  Although Lingquan is not a high-end product, it is enough for the present. The biggest surprise is that there is a Tianmai Zhuguo in Lingquan.

  The red fruits are ripe and appear purple-red.

  And it's a bit overcooked. There are lines on it.

  "It has been at least a thousand years. This is the good thing that can really be used now. It can cleanse the meridians and cut the marrow and improve the qualifications!" The

  Tianmai Zhuguo is the thing that lays the foundation for improving the qualifications.

  Presumably, the Thousand Poison Demon King prepared it for his descendants or descendants.

  "The last time I killed you, I did it right, Qiandu. Otherwise, how would this thing get my turn?"

  Fang Che sighed.

  Just grab three of them.

  One Tianmai Zhuguo can improve one's qualifications, but that is only when there are powerful practitioners to help him move his skills.

  But now there was no such thing, so Fang Che directly took the maximum limit: three!

  After three, there is no use eating anymore.

  There are still six pieces left on the red fruit tree.

  Transport countless scriptures and eat them.

  After taking one, my whole body felt itchy and impurities began to be excreted.

  After eating two pills, the secretion is like pulp.

  The three lower belly are shaped into strips by hand-rolling them, and they are as thick as a finger and seven inches long.

  The smell suddenly became very authentic.



  Fang Che sat cross-legged, absorbing the power of the medicine.

  A quarter of an hour later, Fang Che took a bath in the pool outside the cave.

  The golden-horned dragon soul looked at the black strips that had fallen at the bottom of the pool with complicated eyes.


  Fang Che called it a day and unexpectedly discovered that his cultivation had improved by one level, becoming a third-level warrior.

  "This Heavenly Meridian Vermilion Fruit is clearly not something that can improve one's cultivation level..."

  Fang Che sighed. His cultivation level was too low, so he made a breakthrough with some benefits.

  It's really too weak.

  But when I checked my qualifications, I was a bit stunned.

  This immeasurable scripture, combined with the Tianmai Zhuguo, almost exerts the medicinal power of the Tianmai Zhuguo to several times its effect. At least I can't find any fault with it.

  "But my current top-level qualifications should be enough to seduce the envoy Sun Yuan, right? Tsk tsk, top-level qualifications, and have passed the test of Five Spirit Gu. I will survive the disaster... To the Yixin Sect, I am simply a gift from God. Give them the seeded player they dream of."


  Fang Che began to disguise the cave.

  After all, it was destroyed by the Su family.

  And with so many trophies, I simply can’t take them away.

  "I really want to have a space ring, but it's a pity that I don't have that thing in this life."

  Fang Che said a little melancholy: "I didn't have that thing in the previous life either."

  Seeing Fang Che leaving, Jinjiao Jiao felt a little sad. Reluctant to give up.

  Although he was the enemy who beat him to death, he was the first human being who could communicate with him since he transformed into a spirit body.

  I have been alone and lonely for too long.

  "It is inconvenient for you to follow me now. If you enter the city, you will probably be captured by the guardian soon, because the spirit body is a heretic."

  Fang Che comforted: "You just stay here to practice well, and take care of our home by the way." . You make good use of that eye spring to practice. When you are successful in practice, your soul is condensed, and you can hide perfectly, I will find a way to get you a weapon or something. Then follow me." "You have already started

  . When the soul is condensed, it must be cultivated to the point of being invisible as soon as possible."

  Fang Che warned. In the cultivation of the soul body, it first changes from virtual reality to reality, and then becomes invisible. Only when it changes from visible to invisible again can it be considered the beginning.

  The manifested soul body is too easy to be discovered and dispersed. Only by becoming invisible can we ensure a little safety.

  The golden-horned dragon writhes up and down happily.

  Wow, I have a master again!

  And more powerful than the last one!

  "Those poisonous insects and so on, we can cultivate a group of housekeepers. The more, the better. Don't let anyone take care of our old nest." The

  golden horned dragon nodded hurriedly.


  Fang Che dragged a deer down the mountain.

  The deer's entrails have been removed.

  It is filled with the harvest of this time. Six Heavenly Meridian Vermilion Fruits, a bag full of low-grade spiritual crystals the size of a fingernail; a bag of low-grade monster spirit cores, and gold and silver tickets.

  Other than that, nothing more.

  There are high-grade and medium-grade spiritual crystals in the cave. It's not that he doesn't want to take them. Firstly, there are too many. Secondly, before the innate breakthrough, the meridians cannot bear the innate spiritual energy in the medium-to-high grade.

  The same is true for the monster spirit core.

  Taking these things back now will not be a wealth, but a disaster.

  Just leave it here and pick it up anytime.

  He has always been very considerate about these extraneous things - even if they are found stolen here, it is much better than bringing them back and causing trouble for himself.


  all the way down the mountain.

  As expected.

  Sure enough, there was no trace of the horse.

  "Good luck, Ma. I wonder if you've been eaten."

  Fang Che sincerely wished, and then he found a suitable partner. Well, he stole a horse.

  For Fang Che's character, as long as the real goal is correct, there is no need to care about some flaws in the process.

  However, he still left a one hundred tael silver note and a note.

  "Borrow a horse."


  Back to Bibo City again, it's afternoon again.

  Fang Che rode a horse with a deer on his back and swaggered in through the city gate.

  "Young Master Fang has returned from deer hunting? Which mountain is this deer from? It's so fat." The

  fat gatekeeper at the gate of the city obviously knew the young cousin of the Fang family and said hello with a smile.


  Fang Che looked at the other person's belly thoughtfully.

  The city gate official paused, and then he didn't want to say a word.

  With a dark face: "Let him go!"

  Watching Fang Che walk away, the city gate official spat angrily: "This guy is really annoying!"

  People around him said: ...Who told you to say the word fat?

  You blame others for making things look bad for yourself.


  Fang Che returned home, entered the Fang family compound, and headed all the way towards his own courtyard.

  "Master Cousin shot a deer? It seems that everyone is in for a treat tonight."

  The martial arts master of the Fang Family Nursing Home said with a smile on his face: "I haven't seen you in the past few days, where are you going..."

  Before he could finish speaking, Fang Che had already turned around. He looked at him: "How come you are so happy with the deer I shot? I told you to eat it?"

  The nurse was talking about 'us', but Fang Che was talking about just one person: you.

  Just because as long as this guy is here, Su Yue can go in without anyone noticing every time.

  In his predecessor, he was very lucky to have such a person and indulged him, but now Fang Che wanted to kill this guy with a knife.

  The nursing home originally wanted to ask him what he had been doing these past two days, how worried his family was, and so on... It was also a good idea to report to both sides.

  But this sentence made his face turn red, and he couldn't say anything. He said: "This... this..."

  Fang Che snorted: "I just think about eating and drinking for free every day. How old are you?" How can I get some face?!"

  Dragging the deer, he walked away and entered the small courtyard.


  The door is closed.

  Gu Yuan stood outside the door and gasped for air, feeling like his stomach was going to explode.

  But Fang Che was very pleased: Well, people with bad tempers have this advantage.

  If you don't want to talk about something, just get angry.


  Enter the courtyard.

  Fang Che quickly moved everything to his room.

  The silver and gold tickets were placed directly under the pillow, the spiritual crystal was thrown on the shoe cabinet, and the Zhu Guo was contained in six small jade boxes, which was a bit difficult to handle. So I put it under the fruit plate on the table.

  Buried underneath with a bunch of apples and pears.

  The demonic beast spirit core is placed in the cupboard; this can be handed over to the noble family who guards the main hall, so just find an opportunity to take it out.

  Anyway, don’t ask.

  To ask is to lose your temper.

  Then I changed my clothes and started processing the venison. I hung it up in the yard, cut out strips of meat, and made a barbecue.

  After all, I got it back, even if it's just a formality, I still have to eat a little.

  As he did so, he sighed.

  "Having to do it yourself is really... a sin!"

  As a relative of the Fang family and the eldest daughter's child, Fang Che naturally has people to serve him.

  It's just that the two maids are my mother's, and I'm out on a mission. I can't stand the cautious, flattering, yet full of temptations of these two maids.

  They all rushed home for vacation.

  "You guys come back when my mother comes back. Come back early and break her legs!"

  But this was a great benefit for the two maids: they could go home and stay for a few days.

  So the two maids went back directly.

  So far, I haven't come back, and neither has the maid.

  So Fang Che could only work alone.

  Just then.

  Suddenly a voice with a smile said, "Would you like me to help you?"

  Fang Che turned around and looked.


  White robe? Skinny? Pointy face? Is there a mole on your upper lip? Middle-aged in forties or fifties?

  Isn't this... the messenger of Yixin Sect that Su Yue mentioned?


  [Can I ask for a monthly pass?

   Thank you brothers for supporting me, thank you for your support, thank you for the old bookworm brothers, thank you for Piao Ping, Grammar, Hu Luo, Mo Shang, Yu Bone, Hai Hai, Dong Qi, Qiniang, Island Master, Doctor, Xuefeng, Qianchou , Xixi, Maomao, Sunshine, Xiaorui, Xueer, Bubble, Yiyun, Garfield, Shen Shen, Yiyi, Da Mao and other brother leaders, thank you Xiaodao for your support, thank you Amnesia Zimi, Bingbing, etc. The dedication of all brothers and sisters.

    It’s the first day of the new book. I hope everyone is satisfied and happy reading it.

    I won’t talk about how hard I worked in this book. I can only say one thing responsibly: try not to be sloppy.


    In addition, after the plot unfolds, at least three of the ten sentences I will let the protagonist say have different meanings or purposes.

    Give it your all!

    I have only one goal in writing this book, so that everyone who reads this book will still remember this book many years later. This is my biggest goal!


    Chapter 6 will be updated regularly at zero o'clock.

  (End of chapter)

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