Chapter 4 Bai Mias Peak

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  Chapter 4 Bai Mi Peak Fang

  Che thought and started his own practice.

  "Infinite Sutra!"

  is the name of the mysterious technique he obtained.

  Open the first page.

  "Practice of Kung Fu is just the beginning; the road to becoming a strong person is endless. How far can you go by taking you in? The starry sky is vast, and I am here." There is such a sentence on the title page


  Fang Che frowned.

  After a long while, Fang Zhanyan smiled and said softly: "I may not be as good as you!"

  Turning the page.

  "When the power reaches the extreme, the Dharma reaches the deepest level. In the world of mortals, you can take whatever you ask for. There are thousands of stars and rivers, but they are not enough. If the heart is immeasurable, the path will be immeasurable; this is immeasurable!" Then there are the formulas for the exercises


  After reading the first chapter, Fang Che knew that this technique was hundreds of times stronger than the technique in his previous life!
  As for the past life skills... don't mention them.

  What else can you say? Practice!
  Fang Che quickly began to meditate and practice the first level of the Infinite Sutra.

  The spiritual power in the body was activated instantly, and he walked strictly according to the lines of the Infinite Sutra. In an instant, he felt that his whole body was suddenly heated up, and countless Yang-attributed spiritual energy particles entered his body one after another.

  Instantly I felt like there was smoke coming from my head.

  This speed of absorbing spiritual energy suddenly made Fang Che feel horrified.

  too fast.

  After the first week...

  I just felt a shock in my body.

  Fang Che couldn't help but opened his eyes in shock.

  This warrior has just broken through the first level of warrior level?

  Although he is reborn, he has countless training experiences, and from being a warrior to a warrior, it is only the most superficial level of training. However, the breakthrough was so easy that Fang Che was stunned for a moment.

  This immeasurable it so magical?
  Then he frowned in thought.

  Now that he has made a breakthrough, then...

  he picked up the Wuyuan Qi and Blood Pill given by his eldest cousin and swallowed one bottle in one gulp.

  Start moving.

  A ball of blazing energy gathered in the small courtyard again.

  After a while...


  "Second-grade warrior."

  Fang Che stabilized his realm and opened his eyes.

  "My eldest cousin is indeed a real person."

  What surprised him most was that once the Infinite Scripture was activated, the Five Spirit Gu in the Dantian was suddenly restricted!
  Fang Che had a feeling: If he wanted to, he could even slowly refine the Five Spirit Gu at any time.

  Part of the spiritual power in the Dantian has turned into the immeasurable true spirit, and the five spirit Gu huddled in the Dantian, trembling.

  It clearly felt that this spiritual power could refine itself.

  Fang Che felt the power and was suddenly surprised. At the same time, he hurriedly withdrew his spiritual power and soothed the Five Spirit Gu in his body with great care.

  This is a treasure that you can use to break into the enemy's interior.

  But I can't die.

  However, isn't this Five Spirit Gu impossible to refine? How can my countless scriptures be easily refined? !


  and the other side.

  Su family.

  After Su Yue brought back the news, he immediately started an emergency meeting.

  There are two topics at the meeting: Is this news true? Fake?

  If true, who will go?
  After discussion, the result soon came out: it is absolutely true.

  Because Lord Juejian was a powerful man who once existed in real life.

  "That kid didn't know anything at all. He heard such a sentence while still in a coma. According to my guess, it should be that old man Fang Wending and his son Fang Zhenghang talking. There is no one around, so there is nothing to worry about. But I didn't expect it. This guy fell into a coma and woke up just in time."

  An old man from the Su family had a gray beard and his eyes were full of wisdom.

  There is quite a sense of 'I have seen through everything'.

  "Even if it were me, it would be hard to imagine such a change."

  "That's right."

  Another old man said: "And Yue'er has become a close friend with Fang Che in the past few years, and that kid obeys Yue'er's words , and will never tell lies."

  "Yes, hahaha, this is true, that little fool is very innocent." "

  Yes, not to mention that during this period, it was the subtle way that the boy was almost beaten to death by his cousin. It's even more impossible to lie at all times."

  "So, what happened about this Absolute Sword Lord must be true." "

  I didn't expect that this old guy from the Fang family could be so insidious. A piece of false news has confused everyone for so many years!" "

  This It can be considered that Skynet has not missed anything. I'm afraid this old man never thought in his wildest dreams that the news would come out like this! Hahaha..."

  Amid laughter.

  The head of the family, Su Yunhe, made the final decision: "Since it is confirmed, we need to act immediately without further delay. Who will go this time?" The leader of the

  white-bearded old man frowned and said solemnly: "It should be noted that the Fang family has also searched for it more than once. It has never been successful. I guess, firstly, they didn't find the right place. Secondly, they didn't have enough strength. Didn't they say there were countless poisons? There were also master-level poisonous snakes?" "Firstly, the Fang family didn't have enough strength, and secondly, they didn't dare to speak out

  . For this kind of thing, you also know that no one can find helpers or reinforcements."

  Everyone smiled and nodded.

  Yes, how can I ask for help?

  If the helper's cultivation level is lower than his own, it will be useless. If his cultivation level is higher than his own... then wouldn't it be too dangerous? It's almost like digging your own grave - which helper can resist the temptation of such a treasure or inheritance?

  "In this case, the number of people who go must not be too small. The strength cannot be too low!" "To

  be on the safe side, it is better for everyone to go."

  One of them raised an objection: "Should we wait for the envoy to come back?"

  The others said in unison: "No! "

  When he comes back, will this good thing still be ours?"

  "Without further ado, call on the manpower immediately!"


  That night.

  All the elite members of the Su family dressed up in disguise and left the city separately. They gathered in the wilderness outside the city and shot into the darkness like an arrow.


  On this night.

  Fang Che also tidied up, put a face mask in his arms, and walked out of the small courtyard.


  What if the Su family really gets it?
  "Master Ciao, where are you going?"

  He was stopped when he walked out of the gate of Fang's house.

  "Going to find a girl, what's wrong? What else can you do when you go out at night?" Fang Che rolled his eyes.


  The guard guard silently moved out of the way, filled with sadness.

  You rock!
  You go out and find girls!

  I'm still here to watch the door.

  Fang Che walked out of the door casually.

  Walking towards Nancheng, where the scent of powder fills the air.

  Soon the figure disappeared.


  half an hour later.

  The home of a wealthy man outside the city.

  There was a commotion.

  The sound of horse hooves was as fast as a rain shower and disappeared in an instant.

  The big fat man was rolling around on the ground: "Catch the thief... He stole the one I was riding..." The

  martial arts guard came after hearing the news: "Master, the third aunt was stolen?"


  Fang Che was lying on the horse. On his back, he looked like a black ghost.

  Lean forward and adjust your sitting position with every ups and downs of the horse. Your butt bounces up every time it lightly touches the horse's back. Instead of becoming a burden to the horse, your body weight becomes an urge for the horse to move forward. thrust.

  His extremely skilled equestrian skills allowed him to almost become one with the horse. In the dark night, with the sound of horse hooves like heavy rain, he shot into the distance like arrows.


  Baimias Peak.

  While running like flying, Fang Che stretched out his hand into his arms.

  Shake off the mask.

  Slowly wrap it around your face.

  The night wind howled, causing the mask to cling tightly to his face, revealing only a pair of eyes shining in the darkness of the night, reflecting the starry night.

  Four hours of racing.

  It was already bright.

  It is already seven hundred miles away from Bibo City.

  The horses were exhausted.

  Fang Che dismounted at a waterhole and led the horse over to drink water and rest.

  "Thank you, Ma. If you know the way, go back by yourself. If you don't, just wait for me to come back with you."

  Patting the horse's neck, Fang Che jumped away as the horse neighed.

  …He stole a horse again. A familiar road.

  Keep running.

  Three hundred miles later.

  We have entered the vast mountains, which are rugged and difficult to navigate. This place is already close to the outskirts of the Forest of All Souls.

  He once again let the horses roam near the stream at the foot of the mountain, and then ducked into the dense forest.

  Just like a chameleon walking in the forest, it disappeared in an instant.

  Not being able to see with his own eyes how the Su family died, Fang Che always felt that his thoughts were unclear.

  The Su family left much earlier than him, but they needed to constantly verify and determine their direction along the way.

  Although Fang Che left late, he still entered Bai Mi Peak two hours faster than the Su family.

  Standing on the top of the mountain next to it, I determined my position and then flew down.

  Walking through the dense and pathless bushes, avoiding all the sharp thorns, it was extremely smooth.

  He even had time to continue to use local materials and dig out herbs one by one.

  Finally...all the herbs were smashed to pieces by him on the stone with his knife.

  It becomes a medicinal paste that emits a pungent smell.

  He applied a small amount of the paste on his body.

  Then he took most of the remaining ones around to the back mountain without hesitation.

  Along the way, countless poisonous insects smelled this smell and all fled away.

  We successfully reached a tight pool behind the mountain that was covered by shrubs.

  Gently push aside the shrubs covering the pool, revealing the deep blue water.

  There was a pop.

  He threw most of the remaining medicine into the pool.

  Then he leaned against a big rock and became motionless.


  It was like a boiling pot in the pool.

  When the medicinal paste is immersed in water, it is like quicklime cubes immersed in water. Bubbles bubbled, and then the entire pool became turbid.

  That unpleasant smell exploded under the water and spread rapidly toward the bottom.

  The surface of the water is calm, but the bottom of the water is already a world equivalent to a poison gas bomb.

  A few minutes later.

  Countless venomous water snakes and other bizarre water poisonous creatures rushed out of the water, climbed onto the shore, and fled.

  This smell is so disgusting!

  A quarter of an hour later.

  The waves rolled in the pool, and a round, triangular crocodile's head emerged from the water. It made a snoring sound and ran away.

  He seemed to be cursing the smell, and even vomited twice.

  Fang Che still didn't move.

  Half an hour later.

  There are no poisonous insects crawling out.

  Fang Che watched the water in the pool slowly become clearer; then he also looked at the bottom of the water, where the color of the mud slowly turned gray.

  Still didn't move.

  Another half-quarter of an hour later.

  The bottom of the water was rolling, and a walnut-thick, milky white dragon emerged from the water.

  The body is a bit illusory, it is a spiritual dragon, but it is close to having a physical body.

  A golden horn on the head of the spiritual dragon was already shining with substantial golden light.

  Fang Che showed a smile in his eyes, showed his figure, and used his new warrior cultivation to activate his soul's pressure.


  Fang Che said with a smile.

  In the previous life, right by this pool, I killed the Thousand Poison Demon King and his pet, the Golden Horned Dragon!
  But he did not kill all the souls of the golden-horned dragon and fled into the pool.

  Because he discovered that this place turned out to be the Nine Yin Land that was rarely seen in a thousand years, the best place in heaven and earth to nourish the soul.

  It was a consensus that it was difficult for the soul to survive; it was rare to find such a place, so he let go of the golden horned dragon's soul to give himself a backup plan.

  Unexpectedly, I didn't wait for the soul body to take shape in my previous life, but I did wait for it in this life.

  Now, it can be regarded as a reunion of old friends.

  And soul pressure is the real trump card of Fang Che's arrival this time.

  With these three words, the golden-horned dragon's spirit body that had just appeared froze in the air.

  Feeling the familiar terrifying soul pressure, the Golden Horned Jiao turned his head in disbelief and despair. Zheng saw Fang Che's friendly smile.


  The golden-horned dragon cried on the spot.

  It turned out not to be a nightmare.

  If the Golden Horned Jiao was still in full condition, Fang Che would not have come at all this time.

  But the golden-horned dragon only has a spiritual body, so Fang Che is not afraid.

  Although his strength cannot be underestimated, Fang Che is sure to subdue him.

  Sure enough, just relying on the pressure of the soul, he directly made this little guy obey.

  "Don't be afraid. I'm here to ask for your help this time."

  Fang Che sent out soul waves.

  After a while, the golden-horned dragon finally calmed down. The fear still existed, but it could be restrained.

  A moment later...

  Fang Che jumped down and entered the pool.

  The golden-horned dragon turns pure white in the water, like a real entity, leading the way.

  He successfully entered the mountain and entered the cave.


  Just when Fang Che entered the cave entrance...

  On the other side, the people from the Su family also arrived on the other side covered in dust.

  When we set off, a total of 124 people came from the Su family.

  Now, here, only ninety-six people are left.

  "Twenty-eight people were buried in this jungle."

  Su Yunhe, the head of the Su family, said with a heavy face: "I didn't expect this jungle to be so dangerous. There are indeed many poisons." "

  But now that we have finally found the place, it is worth it. ."

  Su Changying, the elder of the Su family, said: "No matter how dangerous this kind of treasure hiding place is, I won't be surprised."

  As he spoke, there was a sudden scream from the people in front who were dealing with weeds and exposing the hole.

  Twenty or thirty people were rolling on the ground.

  On the ground, a layer of golden ants appeared. It's about the size of a soybean, but it has copper skin and iron bones. It can't be crushed to death by one foot.

  Many of them have quickly crawled onto people, ignoring the true energy protection and biting into the flesh with one bite.

  There was a buzzing sound.

  The overwhelming golden ants spread their small wings and flew over.

  On the ground, some golden-headed centipedes appeared one by one.

  Swish, swish, swish... a venomous snake appeared one after another.

  Whoosh whoosh...

  From the surrounding trees, countless poisonous snakes flew out like arrows.

  Countless poisonous insects flew in one by one, and could no longer be seen in the sky.

  "Quick! Quick...dispel the poison!"

  Su Yunhe shouted in panic.

  After a lot of confusion.

  The Su family's poison dispelling powder covered the entire ground with a layer, and the corpses of poisonous insects all around fell on the ground in a thick layer.

  Countless snakes were cut into several sections and were still twisting.

  Wait until this crisis finally passes.

  The Su family lost sixty-six people!
  Of the one hundred and twenty-four people who set out, only thirty were left, and they had just found the entrance to the cave.

  And the cave entrance is still closed.

  ——Inside the thick stone door, the golden-horned dragon is working hard to send out soul fluctuations to let the poisonous insects outside attack.


  "Why are there so many poisons!"

  Su Yunhe said in shock and anger: "What kind of monarch is this? Can such sinister arrangements be considered a monarch?" "

  But we found it after all!"

  Su Changying said with an eager face: "Open it This door is the hope for the rise of our Su family. Even a seventh-level family is not without hope." "For

  this, no matter how much you sacrifice, it is worth it!"

  "Get ready to break down the door."

  Su Yue hid behind a few martial arts guards. Among them, his face turned pale.

  His eyes were extremely frightened - in front of him were the bones of his own relatives!

  As the pampered second son of the family, when had he seen so many deaths? The person who was still alive and chatting and laughing with me just now is now lying stiffly next to him and turned into a corpse!
  Don't know how.

  At this time, he suddenly remembered Fang Che's faint words when he parted with Fang Che.

  "This is a small way for me to repay Brother Su for taking care of me for so many years."

  The expression looked like a smile but not a smile.

  (End of chapter)

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