Chapter 25 Plague!

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  Chapter 25 Plague!
  "First-order mid-grade!"

  Wang Yan looked at the white light rising in the burning smoke with some surprise.

  Despite his speculations, he still couldn't help but feel a little groggy when his grade of Grade A-5 was confirmed at this moment.

  Jiawu didn't have any consciousness of being a middle-grade spiritual chicken, and he rubbed himself around Wang Yan to please him.

  Wang Ba immediately rewarded him with a few discarded spiritual insects.

  But there was still some pity in my heart.

  "It's a pity that Jiawu is just a chicken, not the kind of spiritual beast that can fight. Otherwise, it would be great if there was a first-level mid-level spiritual beast to protect me!" For some reason, Wang Hao felt vaguely the atmosphere in the sect recently

  . Something strange.

  It wasn't obvious when he was at Lujialiangji before, but when he saw that the products in the herbal medicine shop and the talisman shop were sold out, he felt vaguely uneasy.

  But being in the sect, he really couldn't imagine what kind of danger there would be, and where such danger would come from.

  He simply stopped thinking about it, since the sky had fallen and it wasn't his turn.

  Time flies.

  It was the fifth day after Wang Ba successfully broke through the sixth level of the Strong Body Meridian.

  At the foot of the villa.

  Lao Hou looked at the extra buckets of chicken feed with some confusion.

  "What's going on with you? Why do you use more and less chicken feed, and it fluctuates so much?" "As you know,

  I've been studying how to breed spiritual chickens recently, so the consumption is really unstable. Let's do this, you can keep these few barrels. It's getting colder anyway, so it won't matter if the fermentation time lasts longer."

  Wang Yan also said with a helpless smile.

  He did not hide the matter of researching the spiritual chicken from Lao Hou. It could even be said that he deliberately let Lao Hou know about it.

  But he deliberately concealed the results.

  This was also done on purpose by him, to vaccinate the sect in advance.

  Let the sect know that he did not produce so many spiritual chickens all at once, but that he had a track and a process.

  Even if there is a problem with Deacon Li, he can still leave a foreshadowing in the sect through Lao Hou's big mouth.

  It can be used at any time when needed.

  It's double insurance.

  The purpose of not mentioning the results is to avoid premature leakage and attract the prying eyes of others.

  After all, there are many chicken farmers who want to make a comeback by raising spiritual chickens, but few of them actually produce results.

  Even if everyone knows that Wang Yan is doing research, most of them will not believe that he can produce results.

  This was Wang Hao's usual rhetoric, so Lao Hou didn't bother to ask any more questions. He gently helped Wang Hao deliver the chicken ingredients to the villa.

  Seeing that Wang Yan seemed to be completely immersed in the business of raising chickens, he shook his head helplessly and said:

  "Brother, you can really sit still! Don't you feel that something is wrong in the sect recently?"

  "What's wrong? I think it's quite good. Okay, what? Did something happen?"

  Wang Hao's heart moved, but his face still looked completely unaware.

  When Lao Hou looked at Wang Hao, there was suddenly a hint of anger in his eyes, and he immediately showed his good mouthy style:

  "Don't you know, the sect has recruited young men!"

  Wang Hao was a little confused.

  "They just sent some handymen to work outside the sect as coolies!"

  Lao Hou continued to reveal the news.

  "Working as coolies? Isn't this impossible? The immortals of the sect can do anything with their hands, so why do we need handymen to do coolies?"

  Wang Hao thought for a while, shook his head, and looked at Lao Hou with suspicious eyes:

  "It won't happen again. Did that person from the Immortal Society tell you that?"


  Lao Hou quickly raised his finger and looked around: "Keep your voice down!"

  "Does anyone else need to say this? I saw it with my own eyes. The disciples of the 'Foreign Affairs Office' personally escorted the handyman out!" "

  And I also heard from people in the Jingshan House that a spiritual spring was discovered not far from the sect, and they were probably asked to dig it! "

  What's more, if these sect disciples can really solve the problem with their hands, why do they have to let us work here!" As he spoke

  , there was much dissatisfaction with the sect disciples.

  Wang Yan thought about it. If the immortals were really omnipotent, there would be no need for them to raise chickens for them.

  "But, this has nothing to do with us, right? We belong to the Ten Thousand Beasts House, so the Foreign Affairs Office shouldn't have any control over us, right?" "

  Besides, I raise chickens, so I can't just leave so many chickens alone and go out to dig them up. Spiritual spring, right?"

  "Don't immortals need spiritual food anymore?"

  Wang Yan's words were reasonable and well-founded. Lao Hou couldn't say anything, so he ruminated and finally said with an indignant look on his face:

  "Anyway, I think we These low-level handymen must gather together, so that no one dares to look down on us or bully us!" "

  This is not like what you, Lao Hou, can say, nor can it be said by someone from the Immortal Association? ?"

  Wang Hao joked with a smile.

  "Go, go, go! Why are you and I chatting here? Go feed your chickens!"

  Lao Hou glared at Wang Yan angrily, and then drove away in the donkey cart.

  But before he had gone far, he seemed to remember something, jumped off the donkey cart again, and ran back quickly.

  He quickly crossed the road of more than a hundred feet, and when he arrived in front of Wang Hao, his face was not red and he was not out of breath.

  "I almost forgot about the important matter!"

  Lao Hou said quickly: "I heard that the pig-raising A-zi village and the cattle and sheep-raising B-zi village are all getting sick! By the way, there are now more than 20 villagers in Dingzhuang suffering from chicken plague. You must be careful!"

  After hearing the news, Wang Yan couldn't help but change his face slightly.

  "More than twenty Zhuangzi suffered from the chicken plague?! I remember, didn't the chicken plague start more than three months ago? Haven't the immortals from the Ten Thousand Beasts Room solved it yet?" He had also heard from shopkeeper Lu that

  some Zhuangzi in Dingzizhuang were causing trouble. Chicken plague, but unexpectedly it has affected more than twenty Zhuangzi.

  "I don't know about this. I didn't send the Zhuangzi chicken feed that suffered from the chicken plague. I also recently saw the carcasses of many livestock in Jingshan House and found out after asking more. Anyway, you must pay attention. Order!"

  After Lao Hou finished speaking, he hurried away. He had to deliver a lot of things to Zhuangzi every day, and he didn't have much time.

  Not sure if it was an illusion, but Wang Hao vaguely felt that Lao Hou's recent skills seemed to be much more flexible than before.

  But his mind was soon distracted by the chicken plague.

  "More than twenty Zhuangzi have chicken plague! This is really troublesome!"

  Chicken plague is a general term for poultry diseases. In his previous life, there was another name that Wang Yan was more familiar with: avian influenza.

  Even in the previous life, there was still no effective treatment for this disease. The only way to prevent the spread was through disinfection, isolation and mass slaughter of livestock.

  And if the immortals in this world are helpless against the chicken plague, then the rare chickens in Dingzi Village may be about to undergo an extermination massacre.

  No, maybe the entire Dongsheng Sect will never see a rare chicken again!
  Wang Ba has no intention of caring about the sect's losses. What he cares more about is that once the rare chickens in the sect are affected by the disaster, his plan to rely on the rare chickens to reach the tenth level of the Zhuangjing Sutra will be aborted.

  And more importantly, he felt something strange:

  "There was a chicken plague three months ago. Logically speaking, it should have attracted the attention of the sect, right?" "

  But the result is that the chicken plague broke out again. "

  Moreover, the causes of chicken fever, swine fever, and cattle and sheep fever are all different, but they broke out together by such a coincidence." "

  There is... something wrong here!"

  (End of this chapter)

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