Chapter 24 Changes!

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  Chapter 24 Changes!

  Wang Ba waited patiently for a few days, and then took four male chickens that had been imbued with longevity and brought them to Lujia Liangji in Xiyuanfang City.

  Although he showed his true face, Wang Yan still tried to reduce his presence as much as possible and waited until the crowds in the store were sparse before walking in.

  "Hey! Brother Wang, why are you here just now? All the Tongmai grass seeds have been sold out early in the morning. Do you still want the nematodes?"

  Shopkeeper Lu was particularly enthusiastic when he saw Wang Yan.

  It was impossible not to be enthusiastic. After all, although Wang Yan was a handyman, he visited the store many times and bought a lot of tendon-cutting nematodes.

  He is the only loyal customer who is willing to repurchase after being fooled into buying it once.

  With such a net worth, among the handymen, although he was not considered a big customer, he was still considered wealthy.

  Wang Bao waved his hands and said, "Not to mention this, can you still accept the spiritual chicken?" "The

  spiritual chicken? Of course, no one will be refused, the more the merrier! What, you have one?"

  Shopkeeper Lu heard that it was a spiritual chicken , quickly walked around from behind the counter with a smile, and took the bamboo basket carried by Wang Hao.

  When I opened the lid of the basket and took a look, I immediately felt happy.

  "Four low-grade spiritual chickens! What a guy! Brother Wang, have you robbed the Dingshi Village?" "

  How dare I, a handyman, to rob the village guarded by the immortals? Don't worry, it's absolutely safe!"

  For Lu Wang Hao smiled and deflected the shopkeeper's temptation.

  As Wang Ba stayed in the sect longer and chatted with Lao Hou, he also learned a lot of common sense.

  For example, Dingzizhuang is a place dedicated to raising chickens under the 'Wan Beast Room', with hundreds of chickens in total.

  Among them, the first ten Zhuangzi are places where spiritual chickens are raised and are guarded by outer disciples.

  Others are kept and managed by handymen.

  Generally, the higher the number is, the deeper the background is and the more rare chickens are raised.

  For example, the previous Ding Shiliu Village raised four to five hundred rare chickens, while Wang Yan's villa was Ding Baishi Village. When Mr. Sun left, there were only a little more than a hundred rare chickens in total.

  Of course, the higher the Zhuangzi's number is, the larger its monthly payment will generally be, and the pressure will not be any less than that of the lower Zhuangzi.

  This is why Song Lun of Dingliuzhuang couldn't wait to buy rare chickens everywhere as soon as he received the compensation.

  Shopkeeper Lu's words just now were just a joke. Seeing Wang Ba's assurance that there was no problem, he also took out the yellow paper with a smile and tested them one by one.

  "Brother Wang, don't say I don't believe you, this is the rule!"

  Shopkeeper Lu explained.

  Wang Hao nodded and did not object, but he suddenly thought of 'Jia Wu'.

  "I don't know if this guy is still a low-grade spiritual chicken..."

  "Four low-grade male spiritual chickens, tsk, it's a pity that they are not hens." Shopkeeper Lu shook his head with regret on his face, but he also knew that most people would not be willing to part with hens. Chicken, he raised his head and said:
  "Brother Wang, we are all acquaintances, so I won't be polite to you. I'll give you three yuan and three cents for these four spiritual chickens!" "I don't want

  spiritual stones, so you can exchange them for me." Rare chicken!"

  Wang Yan said decisively.

  "All changed to rare chickens?"

  Shopkeeper Lu looked surprised, but he still quickly moved the abacus: "That's it! I'll give you the purchase price, but the price of rare chickens has increased recently, and now there is only one hen 5 points and 7 centimeters, roosters are 2 cents and 1 centimeter...just 34 can be exchanged, male and female in half, and I will give you a male!" "I don't want hens,

  just roosters."

  Wang Yan waved his hand again.

  Since they plan to barter and exchange quickly, it is naturally more cost-effective to replace the rooster.

  "Just a rooster?"

  Shopkeeper Lu was stunned for a moment, but he responded immediately.

  "That's 62!"

  "Give me two more!" Wang Yan gave full play to his spirit of taking advantage of any number.

  "Two of them are worth four points of spiritual stone... Okay, for the sake of old customers, I will suffer a little loss and give it to you!"

  But for some reason, shopkeeper Lu always felt that this scene seemed familiar, as if it had happened before. Experienced the same.

  After the transaction was completed, Wang Yan was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he asked with great interest: "Shopkeeper, can you sell me this technique of raising and breeding nematodes?" "You want to breed it yourself?" Shopkeeper Lu shook his


  . : "The method is not difficult, but I have to advise you, bro, the breeding of muscle-cutting nematodes takes a lot of time and money. I see that you buy a lot of muscle-cutting nematodes, so I know that you must be determined to cultivate your spiritual roots. If you go to the Immortal Road, there is no need to waste this time."

  "Thank you shopkeeper for your concern. I will just ask. It's too time-consuming, so forget it."

  Wang Hao said with a smile.

  Shopkeeper Lu didn't hide it, and soon taught him the methods of raising and breeding the muscle-cutting nematodes without charging him any money.

  "This tendon-cutting worm actually uses the bones of high-grade spiritual beasts as its nest. It will lay eggs after eating and drinking enough, and it also needs to replace the bones of spiritual beasts regularly... It is indeed troublesome." However, he still kept it in mind, and if there is a chance

  , If so, he planned to save some lifespan on this tendon-cutting worm.

  After leaving Xiyuanfang City and making sure that no one was following him, he returned to the villa.

  After that, he followed the same pattern and took four spiritual chickens to Dongshanfang City and Beisongfang City respectively, and exchanged them for more than 120 male rare chickens.

  I didn’t go to Nanhu, the rip off of customers there was too serious.

  It took a lot of effort and several transports to finally bring back all these rare chickens.

  At this time, the number of rare pheasants in the villa suddenly increased to about 260.

  Among them, there are 6 spiritual pheasants, 202 male pheasants and 53 female pheasants.

  There are fewer hens than when he first arrived, mainly due to the monthly supply and insufficient number of newborn hens.

  And having too many roosters is only temporary.

  Considering the impact, he only gave 60 of them and deposited longevity yuan respectively.

  In the past few months, he ate more than ten spiritual chickens. Counting the lifespan he gained, his lifespan now has reached 190.2 years.

  Ten days later.

  After the transformation of the rare chicken was completed, he harvested it directly, and his longevity successfully exceeded 550 years.

  This is a quantity that Wang Ba has never had.

  Although he was reluctant to part with it, he still chose to consume it.

  [Current longevity - 72 years]

  The fourth level of the Strengthening Body Sutra is completed!
  [Current lifespan - 144 years]

  The fifth floor!
  [Current lifespan - 288 years]

  The sixth floor!
  In one breath, I reached the sixth level!
  Feeling the sense of power overflowing in his body, Wang Yan became more eager to become a practitioner.

  But his breakthrough pace had to be slowed down.

  As soon as his body was filled with a sense of strength and pain, he vaguely understood that although the technique could be achieved quickly through longevity, his body might not be able to bear it all at once.

  You have to take it slow and let your body get used to it before making a breakthrough.

  Secondly, he found that the rare chickens in the market had recently been unable to keep up with his demand.

  He accidentally learned about this when he went to Xiyuanfang City two days ago and chatted with Shopkeeper Lu.

  Due to the recent frequent outbreaks of unknown chicken plague in some farms in Dingzi Village, some chicken farmers in Dingzi Village began to reversely acquire rare chickens.

  This has resulted in a shortage of rare chickens on the market and a rapid rise in prices.

  "Not only this, many outer sect disciples are also purchasing rare chickens in large quantities. Now I don't even have a hen! I have to go to other markets and even casual monks outside the sect to buy them. The casual cultivators will not give face to us mortals..."

  Shopkeeper Lu complained to Wang Yan.

  When Wang Hao heard this, he wanted to buy a batch of rare chickens. However, when he asked about the price, he immediately gave up.

  Because even the male rare chicken has increased to six points of spiritual stone!
  You know, when Wang Yan first sold spiritual chickens, the purchase price of a male rare chicken was only one cent and five cents.

  Even when I exchanged the spiritual chicken for the rare chicken not long ago, it was only two cents and one centimeter.

  The price difference was too big, and Wang Yan was not going to be taken advantage of.

  After all, if he wants to successfully reach the tenth level, he will need at least more than 5,100 years of life, which translates to nearly 900 rare chickens.

  There are still more than a hundred male rare chickens in the villa that have not yet been deposited into longevity. In other words, he is still short of eight hundred rare chickens.

  If you buy it at a high level, its cost will be horribly high.

  "And it's not safe to replace too many spiritual chickens at once. It's better to wait until the price drops. Anyway, it's not too urgent." After that, he went to the nearby herbal medicine shop and Talisman shop

  . Shop and visited several shops.

  However, what surprised him was that almost all the products in the herbal medicine shop and the talisman shop were sold out.

  Only relatively unpopular and low-priced talismans such as low-level spiritual light talismans are left.

  This talisman did not require magic power to activate. Wang Yan thought of Jiawu and immediately bought a stack.

  After returning to the villa, he couldn't wait to bring the yellow paper closer to Jiawu.

  The yellow paper spontaneously ignited without wind, and at the same time, a faint white light rose...

  (End of this chapter)

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