Chapter 26: Burning Knife

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  Chapter 26 Meng Ran Dao
  Wang Yan sensed something was wrong.

  But he knew too little information, and he just felt something was wrong, but he couldn't get any answers.

  You can only improve and strengthen yourself as much as possible.

  But after thinking about it, the only thing he had that could barely protect him was the "Yin Shen Great Dream Sutra".

  Although it has no offensive power, it can deceive others at critical moments.

  It is also the only thing that can be effective on sect disciples.

  What makes him helpless is that he still has no clue about the second level of "Yin Shen Da Meng Sutra".

  There is no second layer option available for consumption on the panel.

  Therefore, he could only speed up the eating of the spiritual chicken and try to gather the power of the Yin God in the Yin God's Mansion.

  Soon, maybe it was because of the improvement of the body strengthening meridian that he had the ability to retain spiritual energy.

  After eating six spiritual chickens.

  The fourth drop of Yin Shen's power quickly gathered successfully.

  And as the power of Yin Shen grew, he felt that his observation of the world became clearer.

  The five senses become more acute.

  Niu Yong and Lao Hou, who went to the villa every day, had already noticed the movement before they said anything.

  On this day, Deacon Li suddenly came to the door.

  He arrived suddenly, and it was not until he knocked on the door of the villa that Wang Hao heard the knock on the door.

  Although the incident happened suddenly, he still calmed down and gave the order. Jiawu led many spiritual chickens and quickly ran to Sun's old house to hide.

  Others are to activate the hidden power of the Yin God.

  Only a dozen spiritual chickens were left wandering around the villa.

  Only then did the door open.

  "I was busy just now, but I never thought it was Deacon Li here!"

  Wang Hao saluted quickly when he saw it was Deacon Li.

  Perhaps the cover was too large and there were too many spiritual chickens. The moment the door was opened, the consumption of the power of the Yin God in the Yin God Mansion suddenly accelerated.

  The power of the Yin God, which was the size of a peanut, shrank by a large circle in an instant!

  It was simply consumed faster than when I met the sect disciples that night!

  Wang Hao glanced at Deacon Li with some surprise.

  For a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, but his face didn't show it at all.

  I don’t know if it was because of Wang Yan’s cultivation of the spirit chicken. Deacon Li didn’t feel angry at all about standing at the door waiting for a long time. Instead, he was smiling, even a little flattering: “No, no, Brother Wang is the sect
  . It's important to do your work."

  "Deacon Li, please come in quickly."

  Wu Xian felt the pleasure brought by the other person's courtesy and cowardice, and felt the rapid consumption of Yin Shen's power. Although Wang Yan wished that the other person would get out immediately, he still squeezed out a smile and invited him sideways.

  What made Wang Xiang's teeth itchy was that Deacon Li didn't refuse, but he didn't walk in as arrogantly as before. Instead, he tightened his waist and behaved extremely well: "Then I'll bother you." Then he said as if he didn't mean


  : "By the way, Brother Wang, I would like to ask you how is the progress of the "Physical Strengthening Sutra" now?"

  Wang Hao's mind was spinning rapidly.

  I don't quite understand why the other party mentioned the "Strength Body Sutra".

  After a slight hesitation, he quickly said: "To be honest with Deacon Li, I have been practicing this "Strength Body Sutra" for nearly ten months, and now I have barely reached the fourth level."

  Wang Yan had specifically understood this before. It is said that he had A person with outstanding qualifications rushed to the eighth level in one year, shocking the sect!
  Wang Yan also wanted to pretend to be a genius, but he remembered the uneasiness in his heart just now, and due to some strange combination of circumstances, he chose to hide it.

  Anyway, unless you develop your spiritual roots, it is difficult to tell the specific layers of the "Strength Body Sutra" just from the appearance.

  In comparison, although the fourth level is a bit faster, it is not that amazing.

  "Oh? So fast! Brother Wang is so talented!"

  Deacon Li seemed a little surprised.

  Wang Yan said with a look of shame on his face: "Deacon is joking, I don't have any special talent, I just used some more Tongmai grass seeds!" "Oh,

  Tongmai grass seeds..."

  Deacon Li seemed to be enlightened.

  He seemed to want to say something else, but then he saw a dozen spiritual chickens wandering leisurely in the corner of the villa!

  Even though he tried his best to hide it, there was still a hint of shock and greed in his eyes.

  But these expressions were quickly hidden.

  He pointed at the spiritual chickens with a look of shock on his face:

  "Brother Wang, these...were all bred by you?!"

  Wang Ba knew that this was not the time to be humble, so he nodded with a smile.

  He said modestly: "It's just a fluke. The two soul chickens I gave you before were bred in the same batch as these spiritual chickens now. It's just that the previous ones broke through faster and these ones were later." "There's no such thing as a fluke.

  " !"

  Deacon Li couldn't help but shook his head and looked at Wang Yan with eyes full of heartfelt admiration.

  "I, Old Li, have been in the sect for thirty years. Except for Meng Randao, who is among the top ten disciples of the outer sect, there has never been anyone as talented as Brother Wang among the handymen!" "Meng Randao?


  Hearing this name, Wang Hao's heart moved.

  In Nanhufang City, there seems to be a grocery store named "Burning Knife". The shopkeeper at that time wanted to kill him because he saw that he was poorly dressed.

  Could it be that this shop was opened by this Meng Ran Dao?

  But this is not the point. The point is that, according to Deacon Li, this Meng Ran Dao seems to have been promoted from a handyman.

  Shopkeeper Lu of Lujialiangji seemed to have mentioned before that some of the outer disciples started out as handymen.

  Taken together, this is probably the person Shopkeeper Lu said!

  Thinking of this, Wang Ba couldn't help but asked curiously: "Deacon Li, could this Mengshan Immortal be promoted as a handyman?" "That's


  Deacon Li nodded affirmatively.

  And he also told a secret that shocked Wang Ba: "Meng Randao and I entered the sect together. However, it only took him less than two and a half years to master the "Strong Body Sutra" "On the tenth level, I condensed my spiritual roots, was accepted by the sect, and became an outer disciple!" "

  And I, after thirty years of hard training and exhausting all means, am still stuck on the ninth level, unable to move forward... Alas!"

  Speaking of the sad thing, Deacon Li looked sad.

  But what shocked Wang Ba was that someone could actually develop spiritual roots in just three years!
  In comparison, Deacon Li who has reached the ninth level at such a young age seems insignificant.

  "What Lao Hou said, no, what the 'Chengxianhui' said is actually true! Does this Mengran Sword also have a golden finger?"

  Wang Ba couldn't help but doubt.

  But I think it’s impossible.

  I remembered that Deacon Li had mentioned the ninth floor before. It seemed that there was an extremely difficult hurdle to overcome between the ninth floor and the tenth floor.

  He finally couldn't help but ask:

  "The ninth floor... I dare to ask Deacon Li, what is so difficult about this ninth floor?"

  Hearing Wang Yan's question, Deacon Li seemed to be worried and hesitated. He still said:

  "I don't dare to say more about this matter, but you and I are close friends, so I will boldly tell you what I know. If this Strengthening Sutra cannot be completed in three years, it is almost impossible to achieve it in a lifetime!" "

  Three Year?"

  Wang Hao's mind changed.

  This statement is exactly the same as that of the Immortal Society!
  Within three years, he would naturally have the confidence to develop his spiritual roots.

  Even if there were enough rare chickens, he might have already developed his spiritual roots.

  But the key point is that ordinary people don’t have golden fingers!
  Is there really such a talent that one can accomplish what others have worked hard for thousands of years in just three years?

  Wang Yan couldn't believe it.

  After hesitating for a moment, he took out a jagged eight-point spiritual stone from his sleeve and handed it to Deacon Li.

  Deacon Li touched the spirit stone in his hand with a look of shock on his face. He hesitated again and again, but finally could not resist the temptation of the spirit stone. He gritted his teeth and said,
  "God knows this, the earth knows it, you know it, I know it!"

  "Deacon Li, don't worry. !"

  Wang Hao said, patting his chest.

  "Sure! I just do it for the sake of our close friends!"

  Deacon Li glanced up and down before carefully whispering:
  "Meng Ran Dao once told me in the past that it was not the Strengthening Sutra that allowed him to practice Spiritual roots, but..."

  "He already has spiritual roots!"

  (End of this chapter)

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