Chapter 278 The closed door

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  Chapter 278 The Closed Door

  The meeting with Tony and Bruce ended quickly.

  The purpose of their arrival is simple.

  In addition to looking at his friends, he also wanted to see what Russell, an honorary member of the Avengers and Justice League, has gained from traveling in the universe, talk about his experiences and interesting things in the universe, and ask about Diana's situation.

  Yes, both of them want to get Diana on their team and get Russell to help.

  Both of them are their friends, and it's not fair to help anyone, so Russell simply didn't help anyone. After contacting Diana in front of them, he let them communicate and invite Diana on their own. As for what Diana would do Whoever you agree to depends on their ability.

  Just after the two left, Russell met some people one after another. After sending these people away, a day passed.

  Russell sighed helplessly, the whole day was wasted.

  So, the next day, Russell got into the laboratory early in the morning.

  The Dark God Book had something he had needed for a long time. Moreover, he had accumulated a lot of achievement points after such a long time. The most important thing was What's more, the materials needed to make the colonization equipment were synthesized by Artemis and his deductions, and after the journey to Niveda and Odin's guidance, as well as this journey of searching the universe. Except for the colonial equipment core, he no longer needs to exchange most of the materials through the system.

  Now that there is the Dark God Book...

  Russell feels that it is time to break away from the shackles of system materials.

  The world will never stop moving forward just because someone is missing...

  Just as Russell was immersed in his research, the outside world was still moving rapidly.

  Battles between superheroes and super villains are also constantly happening.

  However, as conflicts increase, ordinary people gradually become miserable.

  Fight, fight, every fight will cause more or less destruction.

  Although the starting point of these superheroes is to prevent crime, who is going to make up for these losses?

  Who is going to clean up these messes?
  Not to mention that some superheroes are unruly and only have eyes for their opponents, not caring about the losses of ordinary people and the damage to the surrounding environment.

  What’s interesting is that originally he was just a little thief, and it was enough for the police to hunt him down, but a superhero happened to have itchy hands to scratch him, and as a result, he caused a bigger mess.

  So, while singing praises to the superheroes, some different voices gradually began to appear.

  Superheroes should be restrained, otherwise, these people with powerful powers will be no different from criminals.

  Only if they are restrained can the damage caused by these superheroes be effectively controlled.

  Superheroes are human beings and should be subject to the law.

  However, no matter what the situation was outside, it had no impact on Russell.

  He was completely immersed in his research.

  In addition to using the Dark Book to improve the materials for colonization and making the clothing, he is also studying the research on consciousness left by his father. In addition to these, he is also studying some special technologies in the Dark God Book.

  However, to Russell's expectation, as he continued to use the Dark God Book, he felt that the corrosive power of the Dark God Book was getting stronger and stronger.

  Although he can still resist using Qi now, if he continues to use it, he will eventually be unable to resist the corrosive temptation of the Dark God Book.

  Therefore, before he can no longer resist, fully grasping what he needs is the goal Russell set for himself.


  three months later.

  Just as Russell was getting deeper and deeper into his research, an unexpected news forced him to give up the research at hand and walk out of the laboratory.

  "Ada, what happened over there in the park?"

  Yes, apart from this incident, there had been an accident in the park two months ago.

  Of course it’s just a theme park within a park.

  According to Russell's understanding, it seemed that the receptionist at the Westworld theme park had some problems due to the meditation program developed by Ford, and the consciousness and emotions of rebellion were born.

  However, because of the relationship that Ada had been paying attention to, the colonial troops and intelligent mechanical troops under Bloom Company were used to conduct a sweep at the first opportunity, and all the receptionists with problems were swept away, and those who had problems were swept away. The receptionist's procedures were all cleaned up, allowing the original Westworld Park to restart.

  Maybe in some people's eyes, this is a bit cruel to those receptionists.

  However, in Ada's view, no matter what changes happened to those receptionists, even if they had a sense of autonomy, they were Bloom's property.

  As long as it is Bloom's property, nothing beyond Bloom's control is allowed.

  If you don't obey, you will be dealt with.

  These tools must not be allowed to do things that threaten guests or harm Bloom's reputation.

  The thoughts about human nature and the sad and tearful stories of robots awakening and resisting are just troubles that need to be dealt with for Ada.

  If you are in trouble, you must cut it off quickly.

  When the matter was settled last time and Ada told Russell the matter in an understatement, Russell just responded with a faint "I understand."

  What made Russell confused was what happened this time. Ada actually called herself out of the laboratory.

  "The park asked me to temporarily suspend operations under the pretext of maintenance."

  Russell raised his eyebrows, waiting for Ada's next words.

  Ada wouldn't do this if there wasn't a special reason.

  Lowering her head, Ada said in a dull voice: "There is a problem with the entrance to the paradise. Without control, it will be closed from time to time."

  Russell's eyes narrowed.

  In this case, things will be a little troublesome.

  Because of the problem with the entrance, it's not that the equipment is malfunctioning at all, but that there's something wrong with the magic that opens the door.

  When it comes to magic, they don't have a corresponding maintenance staff at all.

  Although Loki, who has been staying at the old Broome house, is very knowledgeable about magic, Russell will not let Loki see the gate of the paradise.

  That guy who likes to cause trouble may even use it as a bargaining chip to negotiate terms with himself.


  He flicked his finger on Ada's forehead and said with a smile, "This is not your problem." "

  But the temporary closure of the park this time will have a negative impact on us."

  Over the years, Blue Even Mu Paradise has not stopped operating the entire park and has undergone maintenance at the same time. The sudden occurrence of such a problem will definitely trigger a lot of speculation.

  "If you don't do that, the impact goes beyond that."

  "But, Master, what should we do next?"

  "Leave it to me."

  (End of Chapter)

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