Chapter 277 Dark God Book

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  Chapter 277 The Book of Darkness
  The sun was like a naughty child, sneaking in through the window and waking Russell up.

  He opened his eyes, but immediately squinted them. After getting used to it, he smiled slightly.

  Even though there is no difference between this sunlight and the sunlight on other planets, for some reason, I like it very much.

  He gently twitched his arm, kissed Ada gently on the head, and whispered: "Sleep a little longer, I'll have breakfast delivered." "

  Yes." He hummed softly like a cat. , Ada closed her eyes again.

  Get up, wash up, and life returns to Russell's familiar rhythm.

  After eating the sumptuous breakfast that Arthur prepared for him, Russell placed his mobile phone on the table, tapped it with his finger, and after a virtual screen popped up, today's news began to play.

  Looking at the gossip entertainment news that he had never paid attention to before, Russell actually watched it with great interest.

  But what surprised him was that there were so many reports about superheroes now.

  Just then, Laura walked in.

  "Morning!" He raised his head and greeted Laura, pushing the clean dinner plate aside.

  Laura curled her lips and said: “It’s still early, it’s noon in two hours.” She

  blinked and smiled evilly at Russell: “Even if we haven’t seen each other for a long time, we can’t torment Ada like this, you see. She's already at this time and hasn't woken up yet."

  "Ahem!" After a slight cough, Russell rolled his eyelids and said, "Didn't you say you were going to give me a gift this morning?" "

  Hurry up and take it out!"

  " Hehe!" Showing a smile to Russell, Laura took out a black box from behind her back, waved it in front of Russell's eyes, pushed it towards Russell, and said, "Here, you will definitely like it." "Yes

  . "Really?" Russell pressed the box, opened it and took a look. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he looked up and said, "I really like it." "

  Where did you find it?" He tapped his fingers lightly on the box, and Russell looked up. asked.

  Laura chuckled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. It's a long story." "

  But it's quite interesting."

  "What I want to know is, what do you use this thing for?" Laura looked at Russell and said, "I heard people talk about some things about this book when I was looking for it." "

  The nickname of the Book of Sin makes people tremble after hearing it."

  Russell smiled slightly and said : "It's just a name. I prefer to call it the Book of Knowledge."

  "Okay, okay." Laura waved her hand and said, "Whatever you want, but you have to be careful when using this book. ."

  "I understand." Russell nodded.

  No one understands the power of this book better than he does.

  "That's good." Laura said helplessly: "If something goes wrong with the gift I gave you this time, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by others..." "Haha." I had already heard Ada say it,

  and Russell, who had turned Loki into a sculpture again and pushed it into the yard, immediately laughed happily.

  "Okay, let's go, let's go, I have something else to do." Laura stood up and walked out.

  Russell rolled his eyes and shouted to Laura: "Laura!"

  Laura turned back and said, "What's wrong?"

  "Have fun with Caesar, but be careful not to get out of bed."

  Laura He raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and raised his middle finger to Russell.

  Smiling happily, Russell reached out and patted the box containing the books, stood up, and after speaking to Arthur, he carried the box into his laboratory.

  "Welcome back, sir."

  Artemis greeted.

  Putting the box in his hand aside, Russell sat on his familiar office chair. After pouring himself a customary glass of red wine, he stretched out his hand in front of his face and said, "Artemis, please leave this part of my life behind." Time, important things happening on earth, show me."

  Although he had already heard Ada talk about some things, he wanted to know more detailed information.

  "Okay, sir."

  As Artemis finished speaking, some important information appeared on the screen in front of Russell.

  Russell watched intently, moving his fingers from time to time to turn the pages of what he had read.

  S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded due to Hydra, which had been hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D., and people all over the world began to round up Hydra, and even people from S.H.I.E.L.D. would conduct a series of interrogations.

  The number of superheroes appearing as mutants has greatly increased, gradually changing people's views on the mutant community, and the situation of mutants has changed a lot.

  The Avengers, the trends of various superheroes.

  The new superhero league, the Justice League.

  The super villain appeared and did something terrible, but was defeated by the superhero.

  Superheroes, supervillains...

  fights, captures...

  After reading all the news, Russell only had one thought in his mind, and that was that the earth seemed to have entered the age of superheroes.

  It seems that everything big and small is related to superheroes.

  There are more superheroes, and correspondingly, there are more super villains.

  Without the cover-up and management of SHIELD, super events of all sizes will occur every day, and the frequency of occurrences will continue to increase every day.

  This is a strange age, the age of heroes.

  After reading all the news, Russell shook the red wine glass in his hand with a thoughtful look on his face.

  "It seems... it's getting more and more interesting." Muttering in a low voice, Russell drank the wine in the glass and raised his hand to open the box on the table, revealing a book with a black cover inside.


  this is the word on the cover, the Book of Darkness.

  It contains the knowledge you want, all-inclusive and all-encompassing.

  If you think about it, the answer will appear in the book.

  He reached out and brushed the letters on the book, and a low murmur sounded in Russell's mind.

  It's a name that talks about reading, but it carries a strong temptation, like the devil's whisper, making you want to read it.


  With a chuckle, Qi began to circulate rapidly in Russell's body, allowing him to stay rational and open the cover without hesitation.

  What is surprising is that there is not a single handwriting in the book, it is all blank paper.

  But as Russell looked, letters appeared one by one on the blank white paper.

  "Will the native language of the reader be revealed depending on the reader?"

  Seeing this, Russell breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little disappointed.

  He also wondered if those beautiful square characters would appear.

  Now it seems that even though this book is magical, it does not read his true mother tongue.

  At this moment, Arthur's voice sounded in the experiment.

  "Master, Mr. Stark and Mr. Wayne are here."

  "Huh?" Russell was stunned for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll be out right away."

  He had disappeared for so long, and it was time to meet his friends.

   PS: Haha, I calculated the wrong number yesterday...

    Help me hold down the math teacher...

  (End of this chapter)

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