Chapter 279 The man who repaired the door

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  Chapter 279: The Door Repairman
  There is a problem with the door of Bloom Paradise, so it is natural to find a suitable person to repair it.

  Although everyone didn't know how to fix it or who to go to for repair, this 'everyone' did not include Russell.

  Karma Taj.

  That's where Russell was going.

  This is a place that ordinary people don’t know about, and it can even be said that most people on the planet don’t know about it.

  At this time, only a handful of people who had mastered magic, and some extremely ancient families, knew about this place.

  The Bloom family has a relationship with Karma Taj that left Russell speechless.

  Although he hasn't been there for so many years, under this situation, it's time to go.

  The magic mark on Russell's body was once seen by Odin and asked about it. Although Russell didn't know what the magic mark was for, he had some guesses based on Odin's refusal to help him unlock it.

  As for who left the magic mark on him, he already had the answer in his heart.

  So even if it was about the magic mark, he had to make a trip.

  Besides the gate to the paradise and the magic mark on his body, he had another reason to go.

  The Eye of Agamotto, or the Stone of Time.

  Therefore, Russell always had to go once.

  The next day, early in the morning, Russell drove alone the spaceship he bought from the trading market on Shandar Star to deliver messages to him, and flew to his destination.

  Russell, who has long wanted to have his own exclusive car, finally got his wish fulfilled.

  The speed of the spacecraft was very fast, and it arrived at the destination in a short time.

  Although there are many ways to reach Kama Taj, and even the Magic Temple in New York can teleport Russell there, Russell still chose to go directly to the location of Kama Taj...Kathmandu.

  He definitely did not choose this just to experience the speed of his spaceship.

  Looking at the exotic but extremely prosperous city below him, Russell opened the hatch of the spaceship, took one step forward, and jumped directly from mid-air.

  The spaceship cannot enter Kama Taj.

  After experiencing the thrill of free fall, Russell was lifted up by a gust of breeze and landed gently in a deserted alley like a feather.

  She put away her fleeting clothes and let Artemis control the spaceship in the sky. After landing outside the city and hiding, she straightened her clothes and walked towards the street outside the alley.

  Russell walked slowly towards his goal along the chronological streets, but after a while, he discovered a few people sneaking behind him.

  At first, those few people were still following Russell using their own tracking methods that were full of loopholes. Then, after deciding that Russell would not discover them, they followed Russell swaggeringly and continued to close the distance with Russell. .

  They walked a few steps as if they didn't recognize their relatives, and with the most unruly expression in the world, they ran a few steps and vaguely surrounded Russell in the middle.

  "Stop, come with us to a good place."

  Stopping Russell, the four of them looked at Russell with a ferocious smile.

  Calm eyes swept across the faces of the four of them, noticing the daggers in their hands. Russell said lightly: "Okay." Seeing that Russell, who was

  frightened by the four of them, was so cooperative, although the four of them were a little surprised, they still looked at each other. With joy, Russell was brought to a dirty alley where sewage flowed and the floor was full of garbage.

  "Hehe." The four of them lifted Russell up with a ferocious smile, and looked at Russell's clothes with golden eyes.

  Those who work in their profession must have good vision, otherwise they will be cheated by buyers when selling black goods. Therefore, from their perspective, Russell's items are naturally of the highest quality.

  I made a lot of money this time.

  Looking at each other, the four people's eyes became intense.

  "It is indeed a good place."

  Suddenly, Russell smiled and nodded, looking at the four people with playful eyes.

  This scene seems familiar.

  Does he look like a big fat sheep?

  Russell looked at himself.

  The body is covered in high-end custom-made items and the body is not strong...

  well, looking at it this way, it does fit the image of a big fat sheep.

  Russell's words stunned the four of them, thinking that Russell was frightened.

  Haha, these rich fools!

  The man with a scar on his bald head muttered in his heart and said to Russell: "Take out all the valuable things on your body!" "

  Better be honest!"

  "We will find something in a while, and we will find something that will cut you off." A bone."

  Russell was stunned and said, "Shouldn't he kill me directly?"


  The leader of the scarred bald man said fiercely: "Then you will die!" "

  Well, you have to have principles."

  "Stop talking nonsense!" One of the four people shouted violently, raising his hand to Russell's clothes were grabbed.

  A cold light flashed from Russell's eyes, and just when he was about to kill these people, a loud shout suddenly sounded.


  Russell was stunned for a moment, looked at the owner of the voice, and then opened his eyes slightly in surprise.

  The hemp-colored robe, the frost-stained temples, and the mature and sexy mustache...

  Although he had never met the person before, Russell still recognized the other person.

  The future Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange.

  Are you in Karma Taj at this time?

  Just when a question mark appeared in Russell's mind, the future Doctor Strange strode towards the four people surrounding Russell.

  "Kill him!"

  The scarred bald man shouted coldly, taking the lead in rushing towards Doctor Strange.

  Easily dodging the dagger in the opponent's hand, Strange stretched out his hand and pressed on the opponent's neck, then struck the opponent's chest with a knee, finishing the opponent cleanly.

  Curling his fingers at the remaining three people, Strange said: "Come!"

  The three looked at each other, yelled and rushed out.

  "Bang, bang!"

  A few clean blows rang clearly in Russell's ears, and the three of them were easily dispatched by Strange in the blink of an eye.

  "Hey!" With a grin, Strange clapped his hands and picked up the paper bag he had put aside.

  The study during this period was not in vain, these people fell down before he could use magic.

  "Let's go!" Strange waved his hand to Russell, looking like he was grateful.

  With a slight smile, Russell walked towards Strange and said: "Kama Taj, take me there."

  Although he knew the approximate location of Kama Taj, he still had to look for it. It would save some effort if Strange leads the way.

  "Huh?" Strange rolled his eyes and said, "Are you looking for Kama Taj?" "

  Yes." Nodding, Russell noticed that a little golden energy appeared in the hand behind the other person's back. , the body disappeared in place like the breeze.

  Strange was startled. When he wanted to use magic, he stiffened and turned to Russell, who was holding his shoulders, and gave an awkward smile.

  "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble."

  (End of chapter)

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