Chapter 276 Welcome home

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  Chapter 276 Welcome Home
  Looking at the blue light in disbelief, Hela said in disbelief: "You also have an infinity stone!" "

  Yes." He responded softly, and the blue energy was like a vein. Like, wrapped around one of Russell's arms.

  Immediately afterwards, Russell held the other hand holding the ether and the other hand holding the space gem together.

  Suddenly, blue and red light suddenly bloomed in Russell's hand.


  Cracks appeared in the energy of the two infinite gems. They began to shatter from the fingertips they held, and quickly spread to the body.

  Frowning slightly, the energy of the Infinity Stones caused him a lot of pain when stimulated by direct contact.


  With a slight shout, a long knife made of red particles and wrapped with blue energy appeared in Russell's hand.


  Amidst Hela's frightened cry, Russell waved hard!

  A cracking sound seemed to resound in the void.

  Hela's face turned pale, her connection with Asgard... was severed.

  The next second, Hela began to struggle violently.

  But the magic yellow sand that she had just dismissed was like a carapace, binding her up. At the same time, the mantra lasso in Diana's hand also released a strong golden light again.


  With a soft shout, Russell stretched out his hand to Hela and controlled Hela in the magic yellow sand to fly towards Odin.

  Russell gave him the choice of dealing with Hela.

  Odin's expression changed for a while, but finally he sighed, and with a stroke of the Eternal Spear in his hand, he opened a sealed opening in the void.

  He finally relented.

  Seeing this, Russell raised his hand and threw Hela into the seal.


  With Hela's endless resentment, the open seal was closed by Odin.

  Odin sighed tiredly, as if he had become much weaker in an instant. He nodded to Russell and said, "Thanks to you this time." Russell said, "That's right."


  at Diana, Odin said: "Daughter of Zeus, thank you for your help."

  Diana said calmly: "You're welcome."

  "Thor!" After calling out the frustrated Thor, Odin said: "Thank you for hosting Russell and Diana for me."

  Thor came back to his senses, forced a smile and said, "I know."

  Losing Mjolnir was a very big blow to him.

  Odin sighed secretly and said to Russell: "You are familiar with this place. Let's have a good time with Diana. I... have to go to sleep." "Okay." Russell had no objection


  At this moment, Odin's voice sounded in Russell's mind: "Child, two infinity stones are not easy to digest. There are many eyes staring at those infinity stones." "You have to be careful." Russell


  softly He nodded lightly.

  As soon as he finished speaking, Odin slowly left. His old figure looked as sad as the sunset.

  After shaking his head, Russell raised his hand, controlled the magic yellow sand, and handed Diana's Vulcan Sword to Diana.

  Diana took it with a smile, put it back into the buckle, and said to Russell, "Thank you."

  "Is it necessary to say this?"

  Diana smiled.

  Thor walked up to the two of them, forced a smile and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to rest first."

  Russell raised his eyebrows, and while taking off his clothes, he patted Thor on the shoulder and said, "You want Understand why you are called the God of Thunder."

  Thor was stunned for a moment, thoughtfully.


  During this trip to Asgard, Russell gained a lot of achievement points.

  There are even more legendary achievement points.

  Achievement achieved: Defeat Malekith

  to obtain legendary achievement point: 1 point.

  Achievement achieved: Defeat the Cursed Warrior.

  Obtain legendary achievement points: 1 point.

  Achievements achieved: Defeat Hela

  to obtain legendary achievement points: 1 point.

  Achievement achieved: Save Asgard.

  Legendary points gained: 2 points.

  Achievement achieved: Get the Reality Stone.

  Obtain legendary achievement points: 3 points.

  There are eight points in total, plus the previous fifteen legendary achievement points, there are now twenty-three points!
  Russell and Diana didn't stay long in Asgard. They just rested for a night and recovered from the battle fatigue before planning to return to Earth.

  They have been out for too long, and their desire to return to Earth has become more and more urgent.

  Although Russell had purchased a spaceship after the Battle of Xandar to bring his news to the people in Broome's old house, as long as he did not return safely for one day, his friends and relatives on the earth would be worried. one day.

  So Russell, who had no intention of staying in Asgard, immediately returned to Earth with Diana.

  Amid the surge of energy, an eye-catching beam of light broke through the void and landed in the courtyard of Bloom's old house.

  The light beam disappeared, and Russell and Diana appeared in front of everyone.

  At the same time, after noticing the movement, the people from Bloom's old house ran out immediately.

  Listening to the chaotic sound of running, Diana smiled slightly at Russell and said, "I'm leaving first."

  "Contact me when I have time."

  She had disappeared for so long, and she had many things to deal with.

  Russell nodded and said, "Okay."

  After saying that, Diana disappeared with a smile.


  "Finally back."

  Russell breathed out, feeling that there was a familiar smell in the air.

  While sighing, familiar people appeared in front of him.

  Ada, Caesar, Laura, Arthur, as well as the maids, chefs, guards and gardeners of Broome's old house...

  waved to everyone, Russell smiled lightly and said: "Everyone, long time no see."

  "Master, welcome back. Home!"

  Everyone shouted in unison with smiles on their faces, and the neat voices seemed to have been rehearsed.

  "Master!" Arthur, who had always been rigid, was filled with excitement, and there was even a trace of tears in his eyes.

  "It scared me at the time. I thought you, Master..."

  It really shouldn't be allowed for Arthur at such an old age to worry about himself.

  Russell felt warm in his heart and said, "Sorry, Arthur."

  "Just come back." Caesar said coldly and nodded to Russell.

  Laura blinked at Russell and said, "I have a gift for you!" As soon as

  the words came out, everyone gasped and looked at Laura.

  Do they still remember clearly what happened with the undead pirate ship last time, and they want to give Russell a gift this time?
  "Ha, ha!" Laura smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay this time. I figured out the origin of that thing, and Loki was responsible for what happened last time!" "Loki?"

  Russell He raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that since he was leaving like this, it was necessary to give Loki a good beating.

  Glancing at Ada who was silent, Arthur waved and said, "Okay, we'll talk about these things later."

  Russell smiled and opened his arms to Ada.

  "Master!" With a slight smile, Ada walked towards Russell, hugged Russell tightly, and kissed Russell with her sexy red lips without hesitation.

  Suddenly, a burst of cheers rang out.

  (End of chapter)

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