Chapter 258 Gaffe

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  Chapter 258: Gaffe
  "Give it to me?"

  Russell looked at Andy in surprise.

  As far as the contacts during this period of time were concerned, Andy's behavior as a money fan was noticed by him. He was so generous this time, which was really beyond his expectation.

  Andy pressed his eyes painfully and said: "Take it away quickly! My heart is bleeding."

  Those people were originally killed by Russell, and their lives were even saved by Russell and the two of them. Although he loves money, but in his heart But he has a sense of proportion and knows what money should be asked for and what money should not be asked for.

  Looking at Andy's funny look, Diana chuckled, and Russell said: "Then you're welcome."

  Coming to this strange place, having no money is not an option.


  Seeing Russell accept the money card, Andy breathed a sigh of relief, pressed his chest, and murmured: "Huh, I feel much more comfortable!"

  "Let's go!" Russell said to Andy and the others: "For To celebrate that Diana and I made a lot of money, I’ll treat you to a drink today!”

  Batty and Dahong Xiaohong’s eyes lit up and they said, “Great!”

  Lilissa curled her lips and whispered in a low voice, “A bunch of drunkards. ."

  Diana touched the corner of Lilissa's forehead with her hand and said: "Little guy, come with me to buy some clothes."

  Until now, she is still wearing Lilissa's clothes. Although she can wear them, they are not. Some of them didn't fit, and she had long wanted to change them.

  "Okay!" Lilissa blushed and responded in a low voice.

  The corner on her forehead is her sensitive spot, and her whole body goes weak when she touches it...

  Russell patted Andy on the shoulder and said, "Lead the way!"

  "No problem!" Andy said with a smile, "Here we go. Don't feel bad about money!"

  "Feel bad about money?" Russell raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm sorry, I've never felt bad about money in my life." "

  Wait, before you go to drink, come with us first Buying clothes!" Diana stretched out her hand and pulled down her clothes and said, "It's too uncomfortable to wear this." "No, are you going to

  buy clothes with a woman?" Andy and Buddy exclaimed exaggeratedly. The sound comes.

  Lilissa looked at the four of them fiercely and said, "What? No?"

  "Of course not..."

  "Haha!" Diana chuckled, looked at the four of them with a smile, and said, "You don't want to?"

  Thinking of Dai Anna's heroic posture when she rescued them made the four of them shake their heads in a hurry and said, "Yes, yes!"


  Accompanying a woman to buy clothes is a technical and physical job.

  Therefore, after buying clothes, even Russell felt a little tired, let alone Andy and the other two who were very reluctant in the first place.

  When I was tired from shopping, I stopped by for a dinner full of alien flavor.

  After dinner, Russell and Andy recovered, and hurriedly took Diana and Lilissa to the bar, planning to celebrate properly.

  The bar was full of entertainment, much like the bars on Earth, but the difference was that there were more varieties of customers in the bar.

  Seeing all kinds of strange people in the bar was also an interesting thing for Russell and Diana.

  "Sir, ninety-eight federal coins!"

  As a soft voice sounded, the alien girl behind the bar pushed a glass in front of Russell, and gave Russell a wink with her spring-filled eyes. .

  The alien girl has beautiful facial features, especially a pair of peach blossom eyes, which are like a pool of spring water, which makes people's hearts beat. If it weren't for the red skin and the tail that sways gently with the body, she would be just like the beauties on earth. No two.

  "Thank you!"

  After thanking him, Russell, who also changed his clothes, casually picked up the cup and was about to taste the alien wine when he looked at the wine in the cup and was slightly startled.

  The wine in the glass is like a piece of blue crystal, pure and clean.

  After shaking gently, the blue wine rippled like still sea water, and turned into a fire-like color under the light.

  And when the ripples in the cup disappeared, as if the wine was boiling, it turned back to blue again.

  "Tsk, beautiful!"

  He sighed softly, and just when Russell was about to drink it all, a soft and warm body, as if it had no bones, leaned against Russell's back.

  "You're so hot, how about playing with me tonight?"

  Following your provocative words, a stream of heat with a hint of wine spread down Russell's ears, and at the same time, a bold His hand stretched out along Russell's open skirt.

  Was this being teased?

  Russell was stunned for a moment.

  To be honest, he didn't encounter many such things, so after being stunned for a moment, Russell leaned forward, trying to distance the two of them.

  If it were Tony or Bruce, when they met this red-skinned beauty, they might want to taste the taste of alien beauties, but he would still prefer the beauties on earth.

  Like Ada, or Diana.

  However, Russell's movement of leaning forward made the trapped alien beauty even more interested.

  As a result, the outstretched arms became even bolder.

  Feeling the beauty's heat, Russell was speechless. Just when he was about to speak, Diana reached out to pick up the red-skinned beauty and pushed her away from Russell with a gentle push.


  The red-skinned beauty glared at Diana unwillingly. Seeing Diana hugging Russell's arm, Russell also smiled at Diana, snorted, turned and left.

  After letting go of Russell's arm, Diana used her arm to support her head, looked at Russell with a smile, and said: "You are quite popular with girls." Gently

  turning the wine glass, Russell sighed softly, pretending to be distressed She said: "Oh, I can't help it, it's always been like this."

  "Really?" She raised the corners of her lips with a half-smile, and Diana's beautiful eyes blinked slightly. Under the light, they looked like two shining stars. , leaving Russell stunned for a moment.

  Noticing Russell's eyes, Diana was stunned for a moment. She retracted her arms unnaturally, hid her eyes under her long hair, and deliberately changed the subject, saying: "Looking at your situation, you seem to be very bad at it." How to deal with such a situation?"

  "Haha!" Russell chuckled and said: "I have always had Ada by my side, so I didn't have to deal with these worries." "Troubles

  ?" Diana chuckled and said, "You put it Those are called worries?"

  "Yeah!" Russell touched the rim of the cup with his fingers and said, "I'm not good at dealing with these hot girls."

  Turning to look at Diana, Russell said, "Otherwise, these worries Will you help me deal with it in the future?"

  Diana was startled and looked at Russell strangely. If she didn't feel wrong, what Russell just said can be regarded as a confession in some sense?

  Russell also reacted, coughed slightly, and turned his head unnaturally.

  He knew he had made a mistake.

  (End of chapter)

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