Chapter 257 Bounty

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  Chapter 257:
  Bounty .

  "Buddy, are you sure those guys can't catch up?"

  Andy confirmed to Buddy again.

  Barty rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense, I broke their engine. They can't repair it in a short time." "

  That's good, that's good!" Andy muttered and turned around. Get out of body.

  But then, he turned around and spoke again: "Barty!"

  "Shut up!" Barty, who was driving the spaceship, turned around angrily, took out his weapon, pointed it at Andy's head, and said, "You ask again. Do it again, believe it or not, I will kill you!?"

  Andy twitched the corner of his mouth, snorted softly, took two steps back, and said aggrievedly: "If you don't let me ask, you won't let me ask, you are so angry!" Angry

  If you are asked a dozen times in a row, try it!
  Barty glared at Andy angrily and concentrated on controlling the spacecraft.

  Although his driving skills are very good, it is better to be careful in this meteorite belt. Just now because of Andy's problem, he almost hit a meteorite.

  "I'm going to rest."

  Russell, who was standing aside, said to Andy and others after seeing that the situation was now stable.

  "Okay, okay! Go and rest!" Andy showed the most sincere smile to Russell.

  "That's right!" Russell suddenly paused as he walked towards the rest cabin, turned around and said, "Where shall we go next?"

  Andy was stunned for a moment and said, "Do you have somewhere to go? What are we going to do next? Go to Xandar."

  Xandar is a good place to exchange bounties.

  "Xandar?" Russell raised his eyebrows lightly, waved his hand, and said, "Then let's go there!"

  According to what he and Andy knew, a team called the Guardians of the Galaxy has not yet appeared.

  In other words, the battle on Shandar Star should not have happened yet, and in the near future, an Infinity Stone will appear there.

  Infinity stones...

  Russell whispered in his heart, turned and left.

  Diana also smiled at everyone and walked towards the rest cabin.


  Xandar Star, the capital of the Nova Empire.

  As the capital star of an empire, the civilization level of Xandar is much higher than that of Earth.

  This is a planet where multiple races live harmoniously. Some strange creatures can be seen walking on the streets everywhere, but people are not surprised by these strange creatures.

  On this planet with a high degree of national integration and a highly civilized social system, everything seems so harmonious.

  However, things that Xandar people are used to seeing seem very novel to Russell and Diana who came here for the first time.

  Although it is a bit rude to say this, judging from the feeling of the two of them, it does feel like they have entered an interstellar zoo.

  Diana's beautiful eyes flickered softly as she looked at the scenery and creatures she had never seen before on earth and sighed softly.

  "It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera." Diana sighed with regret.

  It's really a pity that after finally flying out of the earth, there is no souvenir.

  Seeing this, Russell raised his wrist, revealing a black watch, winked at it and said, "I have it."

  Diana raised her eyebrows handsomely and said, "It's really convenient."

  Russell smiled 'hehe' .

  This is a device that stores the 'Artemis' clone program. Although its function is much worse than the main program in Bloom's old house, it is enough for use outside the house.

  The most important thing is that with the presence of the clone program, the data stored in it can be used. When Russell makes the breeding costume, he can use the clone program to assist.

  This clone device has been placed in Russell's system backpack since it was used in Niveda.

  Diana said politely, "In that case, I'll leave the photos to you."

  "No problem." Russell agreed.

  Of course, when Diana talked about taking photos, most of them were of things with historical and artistic value, and she only took very few photos herself.

  "This way!"

  Andy and Buddy led Russell and Diana from the front, looking very familiar.


  After asking Russell to take a picture of a carving depicting a special pattern, Diana responded with a smile and walked up with Russell.

  A plain little door without any special decoration.

  "Is this here?" Russell looked at it curiously and said, "There doesn't seem to be any special sign!"

  Andy walked to the door, and while sending a transaction request to the broker inside, he said to Russell: " There is no need to have special signs, as that will attract the attention of some people with ulterior motives. These brokers, as middlemen, pay great attention to their own safety." "Beep, beep!" After several sounds, after verification, the person in front


  him The little door finally opened.

  "Let's go!" Andy greeted, and walked in eagerly with a little excitement.

  The broker at this location is a creature wearing a black suit with a body similar to a human. If you don't look at the green wrinkled face of the other person, you might be mistaken.

  Looking at Russell and his group, the broker said rudely: "You just asked for a bounty mission, right?"

  Andy nodded and said, "

  That's right." "You know the rules," the broker asked coldly.

  "I know!" Andy responded, turning back to Russell and Diana: "As middlemen, these brokers will deduct 5% from our bounty and the bounty of the person who posted the task as their own service fee. ."

  "Both sides, they are dealers!"

  Andy's voice was not deliberately lowered, and what he said was naturally heard by the broker, but he didn't seem to care.

  "What task to deliver?" The broker operated on the smart device in front of him and opened the task search interface.

  Andy grinned and said, "Hunting mission."

  "Name of the person being hunted." The broker asked in a very formal manner.

  "White-armored Star Thieves Group, leader Herta."

  The broker searched for a while, was a little surprised, and said: "The bounty is one million."

  Hearing the amount, Andy and the others smiled happily and continued: "Deputy Leader Ba Danmu!"

  "Bounty of 500,000 yuan."

  "Captain Ke Xinyi!"

  "Bounty of 100,000 yuan."


  Listening to Andy keep saying names one by one, the broker's expression became more and more strange. Finally, after a while, when Andy finished naming all the people with reward amounts, the broker couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing?" Have you wiped out this group of star thieves?"

  "Hey!" Grinning, Andy did not explain, but said: "Go and verify the authenticity of the mission."

  After saying that, Andy put the device that collected the evidence of the target's death , handed over to the broker.

  The broker nodded and said, "Please wait a moment."

  After a moment, the verification was successful. The broker handed Andy a card containing federal coins and said, "The fee for the extraction task is 2.07 million in total." "Very much

  . Okay!" Andy nodded, turned around and looked at his teammates, and then handed the money card with the bounty in his hand to Russell with some distress.

  (End of chapter)

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