Chapter 259 News

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  Chapter 259 News:
  Is Diana great?

  Outstanding, better than most people in the world, it can even be said that there are not many people who are as outstanding as her.

  Beauty, self-confidence, wisdom, bravery...

  all the words of praise used on each other are not exaggerated.

  So are you tempted by such an outstanding woman?
  Probably, all men will be tempted.

  Just now, Russell's heart beat violently.

  Although he didn't feel it often, he knew that it was a heart-pounding feeling.

  However, his heartbeat only lasted for a moment, and then the figure of Ada appeared in his mind.

  As a result, his heart instantly calmed down.

  The excitement turned into appreciation.


  Under Diana's surprised eyes, Russell apologized. As if to cover up the suddenly awkward atmosphere, he picked up the wine glass and poured out the constantly changing liquid inside. This was called an 'eruption'. Liquor, raise your head and drink it all.

  "Hey, wait!" Seeing Russell's actions, Diana hurriedly stopped her, but it was too late.


  Russell's face was tense, and his whole face turned red as if it was burning.

  Although the wine looked like blue crystal when it was still, when poured into the mouth, it seemed to turn into a ball of rolling magma.

  After swallowing such a strong drink, Russell felt as if he had swallowed a ball of dancing flames, burning from his tongue to his stomach, and then his whole body seemed to be on fire.


  He breathed fiercely with his mouth open. With Diana's funny expression, he couldn't wait to drink the ice water that Diana handed him.

  But it's useless, just like pouring gasoline on it, it has no effect at all.

  "What is this? It's so exciting!"

  Russell, whose face turned red, felt his body seem to be burning. With a thought, the Qi in his body began to circulate rapidly, expelling the flames in his body.

  After a few seconds, the flames on Russell's face finally slowly receded.

  Looking at this scene, the person who was originally laughing secretly at Russell's reckless actions had a look of surprise on his face.

  Swallowing 'Eruption' in one gulp is not easy to digest, but looking at Russell's appearance now, he seems to be fine?
  As if looking at something magical, he shook his head secretly and then withdrew his gaze from Russell.

  Since there are no more jokes, they naturally won't waste time on Russell.

  "Here." Diana chuckled and handed a tissue to Russell.

  "Thanks." Russell took the tissue and wiped a thin layer of sweat from his forehead.

  "Giggle!" Looking at Russell's appearance, Diana smiled happily and said, "Let you talk nonsense!" "

  But you don't even know what it is, and you dare to pour it into your mouth. You are really brave. Absolutely."

  Russell smiled bitterly: "Don't laugh at me."

  "I'm not laughing at you." Diana looked at Russell and said, "I also drank two glasses of that drink just now, and I know how it feels to swallow it in one gulp. , and I also know that ordinary people will definitely not be able to bear it if they drink it in one gulp." "

  I am really surprised that you can recover so quickly."

  After saying that, Diana looked at Russell with bright eyes and said, "It seems In addition to your colonial clothes, you are also very strong."

  Russell smiled slightly, without any excuse, and acquiesced.

  At this moment, Russell looked over Diana's head and looked at the virtual screen in mid-air in the bar, and his face became serious.

  Diana tilted her head and followed Russell's gaze.

  Ronan the Accuser appeared in the Barren Land. For unknown reasons, he fought with some people, and the Barren Land was in chaos.

  "Do you know this guy?"

  Diana couldn't help but ask after noticing that Russell's eyes looked thoughtful after seeing the news and hearing the news about Ronan, the accuser.

  "I just heard about it." Russell came back to his senses, nodded to Diana, and thinking about the memory of the accuser Ronan in his mind, he said: "Ronan comes from the Kree Empire, because for a long time It is not an exaggeration to call the Kree Empire the mortal enemy of the Nova Empire." "The

  two empires were at war with each other, and each suffered heavy losses, so they had no choice but to sign an armistice agreement, allowing the two empires to settle down."

  And Ronan , because his father and grandfather both died at the hands of the Nova Empire, and he has long hated the Nova Empire and has always wanted to destroy the Nova Empire. Diana

  frowned and said solemnly: "So, he is a fanatic who wants to focus on starting a war?" "

  She hates such people the most. After going through blood and war, she knows better than anyone else. Peace is hard-won.

  Thinking of Ronan's actions, Russell shook his head and said: "No, he wants more than just Rekindle the war.

  But destroy the Nova Empire.

  " What a lunatic. " Diana whispered, but looked at Russell with a smile and said: "How do you know so well?" "

  Russell used the reason he had thought up early and said: "My smart butler just searched on the Nova Empire's network. "

  As he said that, Russell clicked on the watch on his wrist.

  Diana raised her eyebrows, said nothing, waved to the girl at the bar, ordered two glasses of wine for herself and Russell again, and drank by herself. Get up.

  And Russell, after picking up the wine glass, slowly recalled in silence.

  The barren land...

  If he remembers correctly, that's where Ronan grabbed the cosmic spirit ball from Star-Lord.

  The cosmic spirit ball The ball is the name of the container that stores the Power Stone.

  After Ronan got the Cosmic Spirit Ball and felt the terrifying energy of the Power Stone in the Cosmic Spirit Ball, he immediately betrayed his agreement with Thanos, that is, he would help Thanos He found the cosmic spirit ball, and Thanos helped him destroy the agreement of Xandar. With the

  power stone in hand, he now has enough power to destroy Xandar by himself, naturally without the need to borrow the power of Thanos. Moreover,

  he is under Thanos. Enough of pretending to be a grandson.

  After Xandar is destroyed, the next person to be killed is Thanos who regards him as his subordinate.

  Therefore, Ronan should have completed the inlay of the power gem and is leading his army towards Xandar. Are you coming?

  In this case, he needs to make some preparations.

  However, what makes him curious is, will Ronan be killed because of Star-Lord's dance?
  Probably not...

  So, if Russell wants To snatch the Power Stone, you must be prepared to fight Ronan, and it is Ronan who is holding the Power Stone. The

  battle is coming soon, so now...

  it's better to have a good drink.

  Tomorrow will not be so leisurely.

  Thinking of this, Russell smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and put it to his mouth. But just when he was about to drink it down, he paused and saw that the wine in the glass was completely different from before. , and then slowly poured it into her mouth with Diana's eyes full of smiles.

  (End of chapter)

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