Chapter 175 Return to Gotham (Please subscribe~)

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  Chapter 175 Return to Gotham (Please subscribe~)

  The construction of the base centered on Thor's Quake had just begun, but it was canceled due to the sudden arrival of Tony and Bruce, which made Russell feel helpless despite being happy.

  If the two of them had arrived earlier, he wouldn't need to ask the engineering team to come, nor would he need to mobilize so many supplies.

  However, no matter what, it is still a happy thing for Russell to take Thor's hammer away from here and put it in Gotham City.

  And because of Russell's decision to bring Quake to Gotham, Coulson said that Quake could be placed in New York or Washington.

  In response, Russell refused because Gotham had special instruments provided by Wayne Industries.

  Coulson was unable to interfere with Russell's decision and could only tell Nick Fury of Russell's decision.

  Nick Fury could only ask Coulson to go to Gotham and pay attention to Russell's research while investigating the anomalies Bruce mentioned.

  A massive construction activity had just begun, but it came to a halt due to unexpected circumstances, leaving Russell dumbfounded.

  After Bruce secretly carried Mjolnir and Russell took the transport plane under cover, the group flew towards Gotham.


  Things have gotten really bad in Gotham lately.

  It was much worse than what Bruce described.

  Of course, this bad situation is only spreading among the dark forces in Gotham, and those who suffer are the big ones.

  The people under these dark bosses are constantly being attacked and then disappear, causing the power of these dark bosses to continue to shrink.

  At first, they thought it was Batman who attacked them, but it wasn't until they saw the attackers biting their men's necks and sucking their blood like they were catching prey that they were shocked to discover that they had a new one. enemy.

  What frightened them even more was that their blood-sucked men reappeared as enemies and attacked their new men.

  There was nothing they could do about this new enemy.

  Fortunately, Batman was also worried about this new enemy and focused most of his attention on the new enemy, which made the bosses of the dark forces breathe a sigh of relief.

  However, Batman is also very troubled by the new enemies, because there are more than one opponents, and the strength and speed of the individual enemies are also very powerful. Even if they are caught, they will not reveal relevant information about their group, and will even attack them when they are unable to escape. Under the circumstances, he committed suicide without hesitation.

  What makes Batman even more anxious is that after dissecting the body of an enemy who committed suicide after being killed by him, he found a very contagious virus in the body.

  It is precisely because of this virus that those who are bitten and suck blood will become super-powerful inhumans.

  The situation is getting worse and worse, and there are more and more enemies. If this continues, when the dark forces are killed by new enemies and the virus spreads like a plague, the entire Gotham will suffer!
  Therefore, Batman, using his identity as Bruce, leaked the news to SHIELD, intending to involve SHIELD.

  When night enveloped the earth again, Russell and his team had landed in the research base provided by Bruce.

  Bruce had already arranged everything on the way here, and now he just needs to move in with his hammer.

  After arranging things at the research base, Bruce left quickly with the excuse that he had something urgent to do.

  "Why did I come here with you? There is nothing here!" Looking at the institute, Tony looked disgusted.

  Russell glanced at Tony lightly and said, "You're the one who came with me." "

  Hey, how can you say that? I'm not just here to provide you with technical support for carrying the hammer?"

  Speaking of technical support, Tony His tone couldn't help but become a little heavier.

  Russell rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "You can go back now!"

  Tony looked at Russell resentfully and said: "How can you be so cold..."

  Looking at Tony like this, Russell's scalp went numb and he said warily "What do you want to do?"

  Tony hugged Russell and said with a smile, "I know you understand me."

  Russell narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's talk first!"

  "Gotham is a good place." Tony smiled. He said something, but said with a pity on his face: "It's just a little unsafe."

  "Iron Man is also afraid of being unsafe?"

  Tony waved his hand and said, "Isn't it because I don't have the Iron suit in my hand?"

  "Let's go, come and see with me?" Tony finally said his purpose.

  Russell raised his eyebrows, and with Tony's happy expression, he agreed.

  Russell also wanted to see the current situation in Gotham and what extent it had reached.

  However, just as the two were about to go out, Sol called them and said that he also wanted to go for a walk with them.

  After suffering a series of blows, Thor, the God of Thunder, who had always been aloof, finally lost his disdain and arrogance. He changed from the prince of Asgard who was filled with anger and arrogance to a man who lowered his stature and was willing to look at things rationally. Questions for mortals.

  Yes, after being unable to hold Thor's hammer and seeing others giving up the power of Thor in a cool manner, he felt ashamed and finally lowered his body and planned to see the world from a mortal perspective.

  Moreover, after thinking about it, he felt that his father banished him here for a reason.

  He needs to understand the reason, and to understand the reason, he must use his mortal identity.

  Holding onto Mjolnir all the time and blaming yourself for why you can't pick it up is not the answer.

  After understanding Sol's thoughts, Russell was surprised by the other party.

  "Should I say that I am worthy of being Asgard's God of Thunder? After immersing myself in it and clearing my head that was occupied by irritability and arrogance, I gradually grasped the key point of my expulsion." The secret words in my heart

  . , the three Russells left the research base.


  Gotham in the darkness has an atmosphere that other cities cannot feel, or that is so obvious.

  Corruption, oppression, but the smell of sinful freedom.

  Walking on the road in Gotham, feeling the oppressive atmosphere of sin, Tony and Thor frowned, looking a little uncomfortable.

  Russell smiled slightly, looked at the two of them and said, "What? Can't you get used to it?"

  Tony nodded and said, "They say how bad Gotham's security and environment are. I didn't believe it before, but now... ugh!"

  Tony sighed as he spoke Take a breath.

  "You only set your sights on the Middle East because of the weapons manufactured by Stark. Have you ever considered coming to Gotham to fight the evil here?" Russell asked with a smile.

  Tony shook his head, hesitated, and said, "No."

  (End of Chapter)

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