Chapter 176 Mortal

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  Chapter 176
  If mortals say that dark forces appear in other cities, they only need to eliminate them, and then they can settle down for a period of time and let those dark forces converge for a long time.

  But Gotham, after you kill one, another replacement will appear immediately.

  Sin is not a 'pathology' in Gotham, but a daily 'normality'.

  Therefore, facing Gotham like this, Tony said that he had not considered it, because even he, who was called Iron Man, would feel a little desperate when he thought about this evil that seemed to never be eradicated.

  Shaking his head, Tony said, "Thinking about it this way, I still admire Gotham's Big Bat."

  "Big Bat? What is that?" Thor asked curiously.

  "Who is it?" Tony tilted his head and said, "The hero who silently protects this city." With a wicked

  smile, Tony said, "Whenever darkness falls, that mysterious big bat will appear, day after day. To punish evil and promote good."

  "Big bat, punish evil and promote good?" Thor looked surprised and said, "Is that big bat some kind of mythical beast?" "

  Haha!" Tony laughed out loud, nodded repeatedly, and said : "Yes, it is a very powerful dark beast."

  Looking at Tony speechlessly, Russell said to the surprised Thor: "The big bat he is talking about is the superhero in this city, Batman."

  " Because his suit and some iconic items are the same as bats, he is called Big Bat by some people."

  Thor glared at Tony who had fooled him and said: "So that's it."

  Then he said with interest: "Bat Xia? What did he do?"

  "He is protecting the people of this city and doing his best to protect the people of this city." Russell explained and said: "As for what he did, you can check it on the Internet. Got it."

  "Internet?" Saul said confusedly: "What is that?"

  Tony raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Russell with a headache on his face as he tried to popularize knowledge for Saul, but he didn't expect Russell to say the next second: "Tony is He is an expert in this field, you can learn from him."

  Tony was stunned and said: "He doesn't need to learn anything advanced, why would you leave it to me?" "

  Because you are an expert in this field." Russell pretended to be confused. He said, "Or, as an expert, you can't even explain basic knowledge?"

  "Haha!" The corner of Tony's mouth twitched, and Tony was speechless.

  Thor looked at Tony seriously and said, "Please!"

  He didn't expect that this guy who looked carefree was actually an expert!
  Tony rolled his eyes and didn't answer. He turned around and noticed a bar on the roadside. After seeing some hot beauties walking in and out, the beard on his lips curled up slightly and said: "Let's go and have a drink." Cup."

  "Drink?" Sol's eyes lit up, he licked his lips and said, "Be careful!"

  After saying that, he dragged Russell and the two of them over, and rushed to the bar with Tony's uncomfortable expression after struggling in vain. , and said at the same time: "By the way, I don't know what you mean by superhero?" "

  Explain it to me in detail while you are drinking."

  "Haha!" Thor smiled happily. He said boldly: "I haven't drunk your wine yet! It cost you money, Tony!"

  From being exiled to now, he has been in a bad mood, so he needs to get drunk to cheer himself up again .

  Rushing into the bar, the three of them came to a glass partition that could see the dance floor of the bar, but had a certain degree of privacy. While Thor was drinking happily, he asked the two about some situations on earth.

  Especially in the case of superheroes.

  Wine is indeed a good thing sometimes.

  Because it allows you to bring two people closer together.

  Like Tony and Thor.

  Although the two of them were not friends, not even acquaintances, when they drank until they were tipsy, they put their arms around each other and looked at the women on the dance floor talking loudly.

  Speaking of the high points, he looked like he was sorry for meeting him so late, which made Russell's hair stand on end.

  And just as the two were comparing the differences between Asgardian women and Earthly women, a figure wearing a long black suit walked into the private room of the three Russells as if no one had noticed.

  Black suit, flowing black hair, and a handsome, somewhat feminine face.

  When this man with an evil temperament walked into the private room, a strange magic power instantly spread throughout the private room, making Tony stunned and sitting on the sofa like a puppet. Russell's eyes flashed slightly, resisting the opponent's magic power.

  However, although he was not hypnotized by the other party, Russell did not make any move. Instead, he followed Tony's example and made his eyes dull.

  He recognized the identity of the person, so he wanted to see what the other person did.


  The person who came in was none other than Thor's brother, Loki.

  After casually using a magic spell, Loki stopped paying attention to Russell and Tony.

  In his opinion, how could a mere mortal break free from his own magic? Moreover, when he came in, his attention was already fully focused on Thor.


  Thor trembled when he saw the person coming in. His somewhat hazy eyes suddenly became sober and excited.

  Loki didn't answer, but his meticulously arranged long hair fluttered slightly, his head tilted slightly, and he looked at the hand on Thor's shoulder, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

  The slender legs took a step forward and appeared next to Tony. With one finger, he pushed Tony's hand away from Sol's shoulder. After rubbing Sol's body, he bent down and straightened up Sol's body. The collar was a little messy, and a pair of evil eyes stared at Sol's eyes. In a low voice, he said slowly: "Thor." "


  "I didn't expect that in just this short period of time, you have degenerated into what you have become. Like this!" Interrupting Thor's words, Loki's gloomy eyes were full of anger that he didn't understand, and said: "He actually hooked up with two mortals and called him brothers!" If

  he and the other person are brothers, then Loki What's the base? Who is he and those mortals?
  When he thought of this word, Loki couldn't help but feel the anger in his heart.

  He is a noble god, the prince of Asgard, but in front of Thor, he is on the same level as a mortal?
  What a joke!
  "Mortal... Haha!" Thor looked at his younger brother in despair and said, "I am also a mortal now, Loki."

  Looking at Thor who was not proud and had a frustrated look on his face, Loki was stunned for a moment, with a look in his eyes. A hint of complexity flashed through.

  Although Thor was exiled, it was a situation he was happy to see.

  Although this gives him a chance to prove to his father that he is the other's best son.

  However, looking at Sol like this, for some reason, he felt a little sad in addition to being happy.

  (End of chapter)

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