Chapter 174 Getting ready to leave

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  Chapter 174 Preparing to Leave
  "Bruce! Is the vampire thing you said true?" Tony looked curious.

  Bruce shook his head and said indifferently: "How do I know? I just think this news is interesting, and SHIELD is also in charge of this. Agent Coulson of SHIELD happens to be here, so I will tell you this." I told him the truth."

  "I can't guarantee that this is true."

  Whether it's true or not may only be known to him and Russell, who knows his identity as Batman.

  And the thing... of course is true!

  Although in order to hide his identity as Batman, Bruce revealed information that everyone with some status in Gotham City knew, but the information he revealed was enough to attract SHIELD's attention.

  And this is his purpose.

  "So, Bruce is using his identity to bring news to SHIELD, hoping that SHIELD will intervene?" "It seems that the matter is very difficult, and Bruce even asked SHIELD for help."   "It seems that

  SHIELD is asking for help."

Gotham's poor public security has become the norm in the eyes of the world, and even SHIELD has ignored Gotham's anomalies." "

  However, if you don't live in Gotham City and pay attention to such anomalies, It's not impossible to be ignored."

  A series of thoughts flashed through his mind. Russell thought of the Thor's hammer that had just been picked up and what was happening in Gotham. His heart moved. After seeing that there was no one else around, he turned to Bruce. "Bruce, do me a favor."

  "What?" Bruce raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he heard something incredible, and said in surprise: "You want me to help?" "Yes." "Tsk tsk


  " Tony made a strange laugh, shook his head and joked: "You also ask for help?"

  Looking at Tony angrily, Russell said to Bruce: "You are the only one who can do it now."

  Hearing this, Bruce groaned and remembered Russell just said that he planned to remove Mjolnir. He pointed at the Mjolnir that he threw away and said, "You mean that one?" "That's right

  ." Russell nodded and said, "I want you to Bring it back to Gotham."

  "Bring it back to Gotham?" Bruce asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to bring it back to New York?" "

  No!" Russell smiled: "Only you can pick up this thing. If you need it for research, If you help, it will be more convenient in Gotham."

  Russell said casually: "It's just a research laboratory, just build one in Gotham."

  "That's not necessary." Bruce said proudly: "Since you have come to Gotham Well, let me help you with the research laboratory matters."

  Wayne Industries has many research laboratories under its name, and it is not difficult to transfer one to Russell.

  "Okay, thank you." Russell did not refuse. After all, a research laboratory was not something difficult for them to handle.


  "Be careful, I spent a lot of effort to make these instruments myself! There is only one of them in the world!"

  Jane Fortes shouted and directed the SHIELD agents, watching them As he loaded his instruments onto the transport plane, his eyes unconsciously glanced at Thor, who was standing with Russell and the other three.

  She didn't expect that after agreeing to the invitation of the agent named Coulson, she would still see the man she threw into the hospital here.

  She searched for him for a long time, but she didn't expect that it would take no effort at all.

  Today is really a lucky day for her!
  "It seems that Agent Coulson is indeed a good person and a lucky charm."

  Jian couldn't bear the thought that not only could he study the magical hammer, but he could also contact the man and ask him how he got here that night. Zhu smiled happily, and without Colson knowing, Jane issued him a good guy card.

  "What are you looking at?" Daisy bumped Jane with her shoulder and said, "Mr. Guinea pig is right in front of you. It's better to act than to move your heart!" "Yes,

  Jane!" Dr. Eric said with a smile: "That man looks like , although he is a little worse than I was when I was young, he is still a good young man. You have to work hard!"

  Jane looked at her friend and assistant speechlessly and said: "I just want to ask him some information. That's it! Why do you think I'm like a nymphomaniac?"

  "You've been staring at him for a long time! And you're still looking at him secretly!" Daisy curled her lips and said, "With your character, if you see him When you see your experimental rat, why don't you pounce on it immediately?"

  Dr. Eric nodded quickly.

  "Don't I think I'm on SHIELD's territory?" Jane muttered, "I don't want SHIELD to know about each other." After a pause, she noticed the teasing

  looks from Daisy and said hurriedly : "I'm just afraid that after being returned to SHIELD, it will be difficult for me to contact him!" "

  Oh!" Daisy lengthened her voice and said as if she was in a daze, "So that's how it is!" "

  Since that 's the case! So, let's get in touch now!"

  After saying this, Daisy quickly ran towards where Russell and the others were under Jane's stunned gaze.

  "Daisy!" Jane came back to her senses, screamed, and hurriedly chased after her.

  "Hi!" Glancing proudly at Jane who was chasing after him, Daisy shouted loudly to Russell and others after being stopped by SHIELD agents and Russell's security personnel.

  "Those handsome gentlemen!"

  "Call me?" Tony immediately turned his head, smiled at Daisy, and said, "Send that discerning lady over!"

  Daisy proudly told the agents She made a face, and when Jane grabbed her, she grabbed her with her backhand, ran to Russell and the others, and with Jane's embarrassed expression, she said: "Hi, handsome guys! My name is Daisy, and her name is Jane, She is very interested in that handsome guy..." She

  turned her head, pointed at Saul, and continued: "She is very interested! Can you let her have a few words with him?"

  Tony and Bruce were stunned for a moment, they thought this was Two beauties are here for them.

  But Russell slapped Sol on the shoulder, who was still in a daze. Seeing Sol looking at him with a dazed look, he said, "A beautiful woman is looking for you." Sol was stunned for a moment and

  looked at Jane, with a look on his face. There was a flash of doubt, and then he suddenly shouted: "It's you!"

  Jane panicked, hurriedly grabbed Sol, and dragged him to the other side.

  Seeing this, a smile flashed in Daisy's eyes, and she said to Russell and the others, "Haha! Sorry, my friends are just so impatient." Russell and the others

  smiled carelessly, and Daisy rolled her eyes with a smile. He said to Tony, "Mr. Stark, it's nice to see you. Can you sign your autograph for me?" "

  Of course!" Tony smiled gently.

  "Then let's go over there. I'm your fan and I have some things to ask you."

  "No problem!" Tony agreed generously, talking and laughing with Daisy and staying away from Russell. .

  Seeing this, Russell and Bruce looked at each other helplessly and walked towards Mjolnir.

  (End of chapter)

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