Chapter 128 'Encounter'

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  Chapter 128 'Encounter'

  Near the Statue of Liberty.

  "It's up to you, Dr. Banner."

  Nick Fury looked seriously at the elegant man next to him with a sincere tone.

  Bruce Banner looked at Nick Fury, nodded with a bitter look on his face, and said: "If the time comes when I need it, I will make it appear." It is related to the life and death of tens of millions of people, although Bruce

  Banner Banner himself is very resistant to Hulk, but he also understands that Hulk is much more useful than him in the current situation.

  Moreover, since the last incident, he has been protected by SHIELD and does not have to hide around. This makes him very grateful to SHIELD. Now is an opportunity to repay the favor. If he can contribute, he will not refuse.

  "Director, personnel have been deployed."

  Hill's voice rang in Nick Fury's ears.

  "Stay in a latent state first, and wait until the people from X Academy arrive before starting the attack." The

  mutants from X Academy are far more powerful than the agents below him. With them around, his casualties will be much less.

  "I understand, Director." Hill responded and hung up the phone.

  A moment later, an invisible fighter plane appeared and parked not far from the Statue of Liberty. After Ororo and Scott stepped off, it turned on its invisible state again. As for Qin, she was left behind because of her loss of strength. On the fighter plane.

  "You guys are so slow here!"

  Logan walked out of the agreed place and complained to the two of them.

  "Sorry." Scott said, "Thank you for coming to help."

  Ororo looked around and said, "Did you run here? Where is your car?"

  Logan's face darkened, and he hummed heavily. 'Stop talking nonsense, there have been many people coming here since the beginning. Are they all enemies?'

  Ororo just asked Logan to come to the goddess statue to help fight, and did not inform Logan. The origin of the matter and who the enemy is. Although SHIELD agents have searched the surrounding area, the experienced Logan has escaped SHIELD's search.

  Scott shook his head and said: "No, those are our allies."

  "Our enemies are mutants, Magneto and his men."

  Logan narrowed his eyes and said, "Magneto and his men ? The one who broke my little wolf cub?"

  "That's right." Ororo nodded and said, "You don't have to hold back." "You don't need to

  explain, I know it."

  "Let's go, don't let it go . The people from SHIELD are waiting impatiently."

  Scott said, walking towards the statue of the goddess, and at the same time quickly told Logan the reason for this battle. When he heard that this battle concerns millions of people After his life and death, even Logan felt a little stressed.

  A moment later, when Scott brought Logan and Ororo together with Nick Fury, Nick Fury nodded to the three of them, glanced at Logan in surprise, and said: " Just waiting for you."

  Scott nodded, looked at the statue of the goddess, and said, "Inside?"

  "Inside!" Nick Fury responded.

  "Gada, Gada!" Logan squeezed his fists twice and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

  Scott and Nick Fury looked at each other and said solemnly: "Logan said Well done, time waits for no one."

  The summit is about to begin, and time is running out. After the machine created by Magneto starts, even if the radiation does not cover all of New York, it will only spread to the summit not far from the Statue of Liberty. Yes, Ellis Island, they also lost this battle today.

  "It's been prepared for a long time. I'm waiting for you." Nick Fury stretched out his hand and said in a low voice: "Everyone, please." The three of them looked at each other, and strode towards the scene with the agents of

  S.H.I.E.L.D. statue of Liberty.


  Just as the battle on the Statue of Liberty started, Russell was also on his way to the Statue of Liberty.

  It was Nick Fury's message to him, and he was the latest to receive it.

  However, he was already rushing there as quickly as possible by helicopter. If he arrived as early as possible, he would be able to accomplish more. And, if not for the achievement points, he has to stop Magneto.

  Not to mention that the headquarters of Bloom Company is in New York. Secondly, he is not a cold-blooded person. He will still contribute within his ability.

  He couldn't bear to watch so many people die indifferently and not do anything when he could do something.

  It doesn't matter whether he says he's not deep enough, or he's not deep enough or broad-minded enough. He just wants to get back to the little whiteness that still exists in his heart.

  Of course, if he is asked to give up everything he has, regardless of his own life and the safety of those around him, to help others and save others.

  Don't even think about it.

  He has never regarded himself as a selfless superhero who has greater power and greater responsibility.

  At the same time, Tony had just spoken to him and was on his way there.

  There was no reason for SHIELD to leave these two consultants alone, especially since these two consultants also had superhuman powers and could help.

  "How long until we arrive?" Russell asked Caesar, who was flying the plane.

  Caesar said calmly: "Ten minutes."

  With a slight frown, Russell said: "It's a bit slow."

  At this moment, he was a little envious of Batman's Batplane.

  Perhaps, he should build himself a fighter plane suitable for traveling?
  Just as Russell was muttering in his heart, Tony called again.

  "What's wrong? Tony?" Russell answered the phone with some confusion.

  Tony's voice was anxious as he said, "Russell, I just saw Magneto!" "



  A moment ago, while talking to Russell on the phone, Tony was on his way to the Statue of Liberty at full speed.

  Although Tony himself didn't realize it, after he became Iron Man, his sense of responsibility in this regard became heavier and heavier.

  And just as Tony's steel suit was spraying flames, with the sound of air waves breaking through the air, and moving at an extremely fast speed, under the moonlight, high in the sky with white clouds, he saw a man killed by Jarvis. Marked figure.

  The figure swayed his clothes and walked in the air with his hands behind his back, looking romantic in the dim moonlight.

  At another time and place, this might have been a romantic encounter.

  Tony sighed in surprise but regret.

  However, when Jarvis zoomed in on the figure and allowed him to see the person's face, the charming fantasy that had arisen in his mind was instantly thrown out of the sky.

  Why did he come here? Shouldn't he be at the Statue of Liberty, with the Brotherhood's men, fighting against SHIELD people?
  A series of questions appeared in Tony's mind, causing Tony, who was flying quickly from the distance of Magneto, to stop suddenly.

  (End of chapter)

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