Chapter 129 Purpose

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  Chapter 129 Purpose
  Although Magneto appeared here at this time, Tony was shocked.

  However, he was not stupid enough to wear a steel suit, get in front of Magneto, and question the other party's purpose.

  He still knows what Magneto is capable of.

  With his current equipment, he only needs a gentle squeeze from Magneto and he will turn into a bottle of fresh canned meat.

  Therefore, when Jarvis reminded him that the flying Magneto tended to tilt his head to look towards him, he did not hesitate to turn on his full power, fly far away, and got into the clouds. Disappear.

  In the distance, Magneto glanced doubtfully at where Tony was just now, then continued to fly forward on the machine under his feet.

  The Stark Tower in front is his destination. As for the Statue of Liberty and Little Naughty, they are just a cover that only he knows. The purpose is to attract the eyes of SHIELD, X Academy and related people. .

  Of course, the deployment at the Statue of Liberty is all true, except that he is missing.

  As for the people in the Brotherhood...

  he could only say sorry, they were all heroes who realized the mutant future.

  When he asked Mystique to go to X Academy to bring out the naughty boy and find an opportunity to paralyze Professor

  Except for him who has the helmet, no one among his mutants can escape Professor X's telepathy, and no plan can be hidden from the other party.

  So, except for him who knew the real plan, everyone else only knew part of it.

  The battle at the Statue of Liberty and the machines there were all pretense controlled by him alone, and they were all a cover-up for his true destination.

  Any machines that require his ability to use are all fake.

  With enough energy, the radiation produced by the machine can spread throughout New York! So, he didn't need to go to the Statue of Liberty at all.

  And Stark Industries' large-scale Ark energy reactor was his chosen energy source!

  Looking down at the bright lights on the ground like stars, Magneto smiled softly.

  Wait a while, when the mutant machine starts to operate, the world under your feet will be more beautiful.

  A new chapter in the history of mutantkind will begin.

  And he will lead the mutants to a new future!
  "This time, I won, Charles!"

  With a whisper, Magneto continued to fly away.

  A pair of eyes that were spying in the dark, after seeing Magneto leaving, felt confused and immediately changed the direction of their flight.

  When Tony kept a safe enough distance from Magneto, he asked Jarvis to use satellites to lock Magneto's movement direction and contact Russell.


  at this moment.

  When Russell heard what Tony said and after Tony sent him and Magneto's location, Russell hung up the phone.

  After looking at the distance between himself and Tony and the position of Magneto, Russell said: "Caesar, it's too late. I'll go there myself." Go there first

  Before Caesar could come to his senses and ask Russell how he got there, he saw Russell opening the hatch and jumping in.

  Caesar's eyes changed slightly. Although he didn't know that Russell wouldn't be stupid enough to commit suicide, he was curious about how Russell would get there first.

  As soon as this idea came to Caesar's mind, Caesar saw a black figure appear from the helicopter below, turned a ninety-degree turn, and flew towards Tony's location at extremely fast speeds.

  "When was it made?"

  Seeing Russell leaving in his new colonial uniform, Caesar couldn't help but muttered.

  Flying in mid-air, Russell controlled the wind to fly at extremely fast speeds, but strangely, the wind that blew violently as he was on his way did not even move his hair.

  It was like those wild winds had already disappeared when they came to him.

  Feeling the whisper of the wind blowing around him, Russell's lips curled up slightly. This feeling of control really made people feel happy.

  "Russell! Magneto's destination is Stark Industries!"

  At this moment, Tony's voice rang out from the communicator that Russell put in his ear.

  Russell raised his eyebrows, and after the flying body changed direction without any warning, he pressed the communicator and said: "I understand, where are you?" "

  I am in a safe place."

  This sentence is equivalent to, I stayed under the tower...

  "Hahaha!" With a chuckle, Russell teased: "Are you afraid sometimes?"

  "It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not." Tony rolled his eyes in an uncharacteristic manner and said, "Yes. I'll serve it at a pace that's not even a plate of food."

  "You're quite self-aware." Russell's voice was full of smiles.

  Tony said angrily: "Just think you are complimenting me."

  "Where is SHIELD?"

  "I have already given Fury the news, but it is not easy for him to escape. The mutants from the Brotherhood are... If we fight them and rush over from there, we won't have enough time."

  Russell's heart sank, knowing that Tony was right.

  So, tonight, will it be just him and Tony facing Magneto?

  Wait, let’s put Tony aside for now. Apart from giving Magneto his head, Tony can’t help at all.

  Russell made a big cross in his heart for Tony.

  Tony, who had no idea that Russell had put him on the line to be killed, looked at the enlarged image of Jarvis and noticed the machine at Magneto's feet. His eyes shrank, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he said anxiously: "Russell ! Magneto, this old bastard, wants to use Stark Industries' large Ark reactor to provide energy for his instruments!" "Can

  you shut down the Ark now?"

  "No." Tony said helplessly: "That's me It was built by my father. It's too old. If you want to shut it down, you can only go to the control panel in front of the Ark reactor." "

  Then quickly find a way to evacuate the people around you."

  Tony nodded and said: "I'm doing it."

  The voice said After falling, Tony asked Jarvis to invade the surrounding network, and began to block the surrounding roads under the pretext of a terrorist attack. While guiding people to evacuate, he notified the New York Police Department to allow nearby police officers to assist ordinary people in evacuating.

  At the same time, Tony also informed SHIELD of Magneto's plan, asking SHIELD people to come as soon as possible and take control of the situation.

  More than ten minutes later, Magneto arrived on the roof of the Stark Industries building.

  He gently placed the mutant machine under his feet on the roof of the Stark Industrial Building. Magneto, who stood on the roof of the building like a king, rolled his eyes and noticed the people evacuating around him.

  "Have you been noticed?" Old but powerful words came out of Magneto's mouth, and a hint of ridicule gradually spread from his eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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