Chapter 127 Before the War

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  Chapter 127 Before the Battle
  "Hoo, ho!"

  Panting lightly, Qin woke up from her coma.

  Although Professor X's mind was paralyzed and he was unable to mobilize his spiritual power, this does not mean that Professor

  Therefore, when Qin tried to sense Professor X's memory and find the answer to the question from the memory, she was undoubtedly blocked by Professor X's spiritual power.

  Although she tried her best to find the answer to the question, she lost her strength and fainted while resisting the power of her soul.

  Rubbing her swollen forehead, Qin gradually woke up, and then after everything she learned from Professor X flashed through her mind, she sat up suddenly.

  "Qin, you're awake!" Seeing Qin wake up, Scott who was sitting next to him took two steps quickly, walked to the bed, hugged his girlfriend fiercely, and said: "I shouldn't let you feel Professor Yes, it's all my fault."

  Qin patted Scott and said, "I'm fine."

  After looking out the window and seeing that the sky had darkened, she hurriedly said, "How long have I been unconscious? What time is it now? "

  It's seven o'clock in the evening now." Scott looked at his watch and said, "What's wrong?"

  At this moment, Ororo walked in and said in surprise: "Qin, you're awake!

  " He nodded, pressed his forehead, stood up slowly, and said, "We have to get there quickly, or we will be late." "

  What did you see in the professor's mind?" Scott grabbed it After stopping Qin and letting him sit down, he said: "In your current state, you can't run around."

  Qin looked at the time and saw that Ororo and Scott were worried, so she could only give a quick and simple explanation.   " Ororo , do you still remember   the woman

  you saw in Professor Order her to attack the professor and take away the little naughty one!"   Ororo suddenly realized, "No wonder she can't be found."   "But why does Magneto want her to take away the little naughty thing?"   Qin said coldly: "You guys still Remember the little naughty thing."   "In a short period of time, absorb the ability and vitality of the person who comes into contact with her skin." Scott muttered, and then said: "The little naughty thing was taken away because of her ability? "   That's right!" Qin nodded and said, "Magneto has developed a machine that can create a mutant radiation that mutates the genes of ordinary humans into mutants. However, this machine requires Magneto's ability as energy. Source."   "If Magneto drives that machine, it will continuously devour his life force. He may even die from it!" "   So, he wants the little naughty kid to absorb his ability and die on his behalf?" Oro Luo screamed in surprise, and then said: "This old bastard!"   At this time, Scott, who was standing aside with his arms folded, asked: "Then their experiment was successful?" "   No, according to their experiment, After being irradiated, the genes will be very unstable. Although mutant abilities will indeed be awakened, the irradiated people will eventually die of genetic collapse." "So far, no   transformed person can survive."   Austria Lolo shouted excitedly: "This is murder!"   "Magneto has enough time to do what he wants to do before those transformed people die." Qin reminded: "Don't forget that he is in New York now "   As long as the leaders of these countries are transformed, Magneto can achieve his goal in a short time." Ororo   said excitedly: "But those people will eventually die!"   Qin He nodded with a heavy face.   Scott said solemnly: "What about the radiation range and location?"   "With the Statue of Liberty as the center, when the power of the machine is turned on to the maximum, it can radiate the entire New York!"   In other words, the entire New York people will be die!   Scott and Ororo were horrified, they didn't expect Magneto to be so ruthless.   "The United Nations summit is tonight!" Ororo exclaimed.   Qin smiled bitterly and said: "This is what I am worried about."   "We must stop Magneto or prevent the summit from being held."   "It's already too late!" Scott shook his head and said: "The summit has already begun. The leaders have already entered the scene. Spreading about Magneto at this time will only cause greater panic." "   So, what we have to do is to stop Magneto."   Ororo looked at Qin and Scott crossed his body and said, "Just the three of us? Stop Magneto?"   The three of them were silent for a while. After a few seconds, Scott said: "We need allies."   "That wolf!" Ororo instantly Logan comes to mind.   Scott nodded and said, "Can you contact him?"   "Yes!" Ororo smiled and said, "I have his contact information. He is still waiting for me and I will accompany him in the car." "   Then you go and contact him. He, I will contact other 'allies'." When talking about other allies, Scott looked a little reluctant.   Qin understood what Scott meant by ally, so after seeing Scott's expression, she smiled and said, "There is nothing we can do about it."   Scott sighed and nodded, When Ororo contacted Logan, he also took out his phone and dialed S.H.I.E.L.D.   ...   After hanging up the phone, Logan looked at the Statue of Liberty not far away, curled his lips, lit a cigar for himself, and rushed to his destination.   He agreed to help because Professor X did him a big favor.   He was just returning the favor!   It was definitely not to facilitate myself and X College to pick up the RV afterwards!   Absolutely not!   At the same time, after Nick Fury received a call from X Academy, under his order, SHIELD immediately took action.   If Magneto succeeds, the world will be completely in chaos.   As for taking advantage of this little time to arrange the evacuation of the leaders of various countries...   Not to mention that doing so will only make the situation more chaotic. It may attract Magneto's attention and cause new changes.   Secondly, where can they evacuate in this little time? Moreover, if they spend all their time and manpower on evacuation, who on Magneto's side will stop them?   What should the people of this entire city do?   "Let our people hide around the venue and the Statue of Liberty, check out all suspicious people, and let our people wait for my orders." Hill, with a stern face, nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "What about Magneto   ? What to do?"   "Notify our consultants and let them prepare!" After a deep groan, Nick Fury said, "You go first, I'll go find Dr. Banner."

  (End of chapter)

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