Chapter 40 Hunting

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  Chapter 40 Hunting
  Early the next morning, the hunting team from the border town gathered in the south of the town.

  In addition to Dan and her children, there are a total of five ordinary people working as hunters in the town. According to the division of labor, three people were present today, while the other two stayed in the town to handle other matters.

  The sun rises at this moment, and the light of dawn illuminates the earth.

  Dan and Ju were standing on the edge of the town, and the three hunters were checking their hunting tools.

  The leader of the female hunter looked towards the town, but her tone was filled with doubts:
  "Ju, are you sure you told Lindsay about today's plan yesterday?"

  Ju immediately replied confidently:

  "I'm very sure, yesterday evening. Tell Brother Lin face to face!"


  "So, where are the others?"

  Mother and son looked at each other with subtle emotions.

  In fact, not only Dan and Ju, but also several people present had doubts.

  In their impression, Lindsay is a person with a strong sense of time. She gets up very early every morning and is often among the first people to come here when there is hunting.

  I don't know why today.

  It was almost time to set off, but they still didn't see Lindsay.

  Dan waited a while longer, even considering whether to send someone to the church to check.

  Is something wrong with Lindsay?
  "Mom! Look, Brother Lin is here!"

  Ju suddenly shouted.

  He pointed to a dirt road on the east side of town, from where Lindsay was walking slowly.

  It's just that he is different from the young man that people are familiar with in daily life.

  Although Lindsay was fully armed and prepared today, there was no smile on her face, her eyebrows were almost knitted together, and her gloomy look was like a dark cloud about to rain down.

  Dan immediately asked his son:
  "What's wrong with this kid?"

  Ju Ye quickly shook his head:

  "I don't know! When I met Brother Lin yesterday, he was still smiling?"

  Lindsay came In front of the hunting team, the mother and son looked at each other.

  In this delicate atmosphere, Lindsay nodded and apologized to the hunters waiting for him:

  "Sorry, I'm late."

  As the leader of the hunting team, Dan immediately replied:

  "You are not late, we are here We're just getting ready to set off."

  Then she motioned for Lindsay to walk into the team. Before setting off, she gave the final instructions to the crowd around her:

  "Is everyone ready?"

  "One final confirmation, carry knives, bows and arrows, food and Drinking water, and spare trap materials!"

  "Sister Dan, everything is ready." "I have no problem here!"

  The hunters received satisfactory answers, and then Dan gave the order:

  "Okay, let's go!"

  The six people walked towards the forest.

  The three of them were divided into a group, each of whom was responsible for tracking, shooting, observation, and guarding respectively. At the same time, there was a certain distance between the two groups.

  Under the condition of ensuring that each other can quickly support each other.

  The hunting team began to follow the route of laying traps.

  Normally, this hunting combination ensures good efficiency and a certain degree of safety.

  But today the situation is slightly different.

  While exploring outside for hunting.

  Lindsay's two fellow hunters, one is responsible for tracking, the other is responsible for looking out, and he is responsible for shooting.

  But Lindsay was in a pretty bad mood today.

  After advancing several hundred meters with two companions, they had not yet encountered the first prey.

  Anxiety and dissatisfaction brewed in Lindsay's heart all night long.

  So at this moment, he said nothing and switched his game module in silence.

  [RPG] → [Hunting Simulation]

  Lindsay's vision changed instantly.

  After three years of training, because I have not experienced a life-and-death battle, the abilities of [RPG] have not yet been upgraded, but the hunting module has unlocked new abilities as the hunting activities progress!
  [Habit Survey] -

  [Trace Tracking] -

  After switching the module, the seemingly ordinary forest immediately showed the traces of wild beasts passing by in front of Lindsay.

  According to different species and different individuals, these footprints are colored.

  The depth of the color represents the distance of time when the traces were left.

  Lindsay's eyes swept around.

  A small yellow footprint was very dark in color, and it was obviously left not long ago. It disappeared on the side of a birch tree dozens of meters away on the left.

  [Hunting Simulation] → [RPG]

  Lindsay's pupils condensed, and he put the arrow on the bowstring at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. Whoosh -

  before anyone else could even react, an arrow flew out.

  "Hey!" "Huh?"

  The two fellow hunters were startled by Lindsay's actions.

  They were about to ask something when they noticed that Lindsay jumped forward, walked through the forest, and came to the location where the arrow fell.

  Then he bent down and fished it out on the ground.

  A grouse with a sharp arrow stuck in its head was held in Lindsay's hand.


  The two hunters were speechless for a moment when they saw this scene.

  They were intimidated by Lindsay's performance.

  In order to protect herself, Lindsay usually keeps a low profile and does not show her specialness.

  The hunter has never seen his real ability before!

  At this time, Lindsay took the initiative to speak to the two hunters:

  "Sorry, I have some problems today. Can I act on my own today?"

  The two hunters naturally had no objection to this and nodded quickly.

  At this moment, in their minds, they even thought that Lindsay might have chosen the hunter profession as a skill. They said before they parted,

  "No problem."

  "Pay attention to safety and don't stray too far from the team!"


  Separated from the two hunters.

  Lindsay no longer suppresses the negative emotions in her heart.

  He frequently switches his game modules, using the [Hunting Simulation] ability to find prey, and then using the [RPG] ability to hunt. His figure shuttled through the forest like a ghost, and wherever he went, no prey could escape the arrow that was shot only once.

  Just half a day passed.

  There were six more grouse, three hares, and three squirrels in his [carry-on bag].

  What stopped in front of Lindsay at this moment was a muscular wild boar.

  Lindsay didn't hesitate and rushed forward instantly.

  Before the wild boar could react, he took action first and kicked the opponent hard on the head.

  With an exaggerated power of up to 11 points.

  The wild boar, which weighed at least 100 kilograms, was kicked down instantly. Then Lindsay stepped forward again with a lunge, and the short knife in his hand stabbed into the wild boar's throat with precise speed and power.


  The wild boar that fell to the ground wailed, its body twitching and trying to struggle.

  But Lindsay stepped on its head again.

  This prey, which was extremely dangerous to ordinary hunters, quickly disappeared.

  "Huh -"

  Lindsay breathed out and put away the dead wild boar.

  At this moment, he has so many prey that even his [carry-on bag] with a load of 250 kilograms is approaching its limit.

  "Let's stop here."

  According to the pre-arranged location, Lindsay rushed to a hunter's cabin in the east of the forest.

  "Son, you are great!"

  "Well done."

  Before she even reached the place, Lindsay heard the cheers of the hunters.

  Through the trees, look ahead.

  Just in front of the wooden door of the hunter's cabin, Ju smiled while surrounded by others. A stream of clear water flowed around his fingertips, reflecting the dim light in the forest, showing various beautiful gestures.

  Dan's smile was particularly joyful.

  She is sincerely happy that her children can inherit the family's skills.

  At this time, Ju saw Lindsay walking over.

  He jumped up and waved to Lindsay, shouting with a smile on his face:
  "Brother Lin, come and take a look!"

  "I finally succeeded. This is my first sublimated ability!"

  He looked at his face. Torch who smiled and waved to himself.

  Do not know why.

  Since yesterday, something that had always been as hard as iron began to melt in Lindsay's heart.

  He gave a fragile but gentle smile and walked up quickly.

  "Yes, congratulations."

  (End of chapter)

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