Chapter 39 The road ahead is coming

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  Chapter 39 The road ahead is approaching.
  "Mommy, I'm back!"

  Saying goodbye to the messenger torch, Lindsay returned to the church.

  Hongyue still sat in front of the chapel, performing her daily prayers day after day.

  He heard Lindsay greeting him.

  The old nun just nodded slightly and said nothing more.

  Hongyue has hardly changed from the way she looked when she rescued Lindsay three years ago.

  Silent and calm.

  Lindsay thought for a moment, then stepped forward and said,

  "Mommy, Teacher Finn asked me to bring you a message."

  "Finn?" Hongyue then turned around and looked over, "He already felt that he was coming. ?"

  Hongyue's words are very straightforward. The so-called impending road refers to death.

  In fact, as Finn's health has declined over the past two years, this is a tacit fact.

  Lindsay could understand Hongyue's seemingly inhumane inquiry.

  Because the awakened person has his own source of essence in his body, it is more difficult to transform into a living corpse than ordinary people. However, once this rare situation occurs, it often brings more dangerous consequences.

  Hongyue must have asked this question out of her own responsibility as a death school.

  Lindsay quickly shook his head in denial:

  "Teacher Finn, he can still teach me normally today." "

  It's just that he asked me to bring you something, saying that he needs to discuss with you the essence of business."

  Hongyue heard this. , and already guessed Finn's plan.

  She lowered her head slightly and sighed.

  "Hey -"

  Lindsay heard a trace of sadness in this tone and quickly asked:

  "Mommy, what's wrong?"

  "Is there something wrong with the quality of the businessman?"

  Hongyue stated in a long tone:

  "Cultivation of the businessman The technology of source material is to combine one's own source material with external objects, and then create a magical item that can be cultivated, replacing the self-dominated system of source material." "After this technology spreads, some people whose deadlines are approaching

  will Awakened people abolish their skills before death and try to leave something more useful than a corpse." "


  - Teacher Finn is really going to die!
  A thunderbolt flashed through Lindsay's mind, and she stood there dumbfounded.

  Hongyue moved to the backyard of the church and took out a thin roll of paper.

  "Is this the source quality cultivation method of Hongshang?"

  After seeing it, Lindsay reacted:
  "I... Mammy, I'm sorry, I'll deliver it."

  Hongyue handed the scroll to Lindsay:
  "And Finn, let's have a good chat."

  "Mommy, I'll be back later tonight."

  Lindsay took the scroll and rushed out of the church without saying a word, disappearing in front of the church in the blink of an eye.

  Hongyue watched her godson leave.

  She turned around and stared at the statue of the Death School. In the end, she just shook her head slightly and said nothing more.


  On the other side, Lindsay was running wildly through town.

  After three years of training and the addition of life essence, his three physical attributes of physique, strength and agility have reached 14, 11 and 12 respectively.

  By Lindsay's estimation.

  An ordinary adult human's physical attributes should be around 6 points.

  His almost doubled exaggerated attributes bring about the ability to surpass the level of top athletes.

  With a 14-point physique, running a long distance like a marathon, the rate of physical loss is even slower than the rate of recovery. As long as there is enough food and water, Lindsay can run all day and all night; with a 11-point strength,

  lift It is easy to carry heavy objects weighing hundreds of kilograms;
  sprint at full speed with 12 points of agility, and the speed of 100 meters is even close to 9 seconds.

  Bolstered by this attribute, Lindsay soon found her way back to Finn's cabin.

  Only this time he was panicked. He even forgot to knock on the door and just opened the door and walked in.

  "Lindsay, why are you here?"

  Finn was sitting in front of the fireplace boiling water. Seeing Lindsay's panic, he immediately asked with concern:
  "You are so anxious. What happened to Hongyue?"

  " No, I, you." Lindsay was speechless.

  There's no way he could directly ask Finn in front of him, "Are you approaching your end?" Right?

  But this performance also answered Finn's inquiry from the side.

  The botanist understood and smiled gently:
  "Kid, it's okay."

  "I'm 74 years old this year, which can be considered a long life."

  Lindsay was still a little hard to accept:

  "But it shouldn't be like this. Although your legs and feet are not good now. Convenient, but still in good spirits, how could it be so fast..."

  Lindsay wanted to continue to say something, but Finn took the scroll from his hand and shook his head to interrupt Lindsay's unwillingness:
  "Kid, this is It's a judgment I made using my skills." "

  Among the Life School, the first sublimated ability of our branch is called [Life Instinct]. It can give me a strong intuitive premonition that this year will be my last days. "


  Inside the small wooden house, silence hung in the air.

  Although Finn's tone of explanation was gentle, the meaning behind it was decisive and could not be refuted.

  Lindsay also knew this was the truth, so she couldn't say anything.

  Three years of close relationship.

  He had long regarded the elder in front of him as his most respected teacher. Now that the teacher was about to pass away, Lindsay really had no idea for a while.

  Woo hoo hoo -

  after a while, the kettle on the fireplace sounded.

  Finn lifted the kettle and poured a glass of hot water for Lindsay:
  "Kid, have a drink of water."

  Lindsay took the water glass almost subconsciously.

  But he didn't take a sip, but looked at Finn in front of him and asked in a trembling tone.

  "You, how long do you have..."

  Finn shook his head first, and then nodded:
  "Lindsay, I know you are a gentle child and will be sad because of this. But from now on, you must learn to say goodbye to others.

  " At this point, Finn seems to have assumed the role of teacher.

  He continued to give serious instructions:
  "Having the essence of life, you will enjoy a longer lifespan than ordinary people. This parting will last throughout your life. You need to prepare well so that you will not be knocked down by this feeling in the future." Finn

  's The original intention was for Lindsay to accept life, old age, illness and death.

  This was also the last lesson he could teach Lindsay.

  But Lindsay thought of the quality of the essence of life that makes people live longer, so she quickly asked:
  "Then is it possible for my essence of life to help you?"

  Finn smiled and shook his head:

  "If it can be done, If something like this happens, the world would be in chaos a long time ago."

  Then the elder stood up from the table, walked slowly to the study room, and looked at the bookshelf.

  Lindsay organizes her bookshelf well after reading.

  But as the owner of this place, how could Finn not tell which books Lindsay had read.

  Finn's eyes stayed on the bookshelf for a long time, and finally he said:

  "Child, I know you are not determined to live your life. You will definitely try to break through the blockade of Montenegro in the future." "

  I also believe you can do it."

  "So if one day , you can go to Volcano City, or meet scholars from other schools of life. Please entrust my knowledge to the other party, so that this ability will not be lost." Lindsay stood up straight and promised in a very serious tone


  " Teacher, I promise you!"

  Finn waved goodbye without even looking back:
  "Kid, go home quickly, Ms. Hongyue will be worried about you."

   [In addition, the average physiological attribute of ordinary people is 6 , a strong person can reach 9, top athletes can barely reach 12, and reaching and exceeding 13 belongs to the extraordinary realm.

  (End of this chapter)

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