Chapter 41 A great harvest

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  Chapter 41: A great harvest
  [Trace tracking: The various traces left by the prey will be visualized, making it easier for hunters to make judgments and use them for tracking.

  Note: Of course, a good hunter can spot the traces left by his prey!
  Come on, don't let it get away! ]

  [Habit survey: Carry out designated tracking and investigation of a certain prey. As the progress increases, the relevant information of the prey will be locked and recorded in the hunting notes.

  Note: Age, gender, estrus status, whether injured?
  The prey would never think.

  How much information would a hunter following it discover when he saw the footprints left on the ground!

  On the way back to town.

  Lindsay was carrying the huge boar.

  Several hunters around him quietly looked at him with awe, and occasionally discussed in low voices.

  But Lindsay didn't care, he was examining his abilities.

  Although the skills of several teachers were not selected.

  But due to the bonus of the attribute panel, his skills also show special effects.

  For example, the bow and arrow shooting skills taught by Dan.

  The female hunter's rapid fire is excellent, so when Lindsay's skill was upgraded to the (mastery) level, there was an additional (rapid fire) suffix at the end.

  Relying on this characteristic, even Lindsay doesn't need to overwhelm others with her own physique.

  In the time it takes an ordinary hunter to shoot two arrows, he can also shoot three arrows, which is much faster!
  This is perfect for hunting.

  After all, as long as you move a little faster, you may be able to capture the prey before it escapes.

  At the same time, the game module also brings a lot of convenience to Lindsay.

  [Trace Tracking] will help him show the traces left by his prey.

  Normally, after such traces are discovered, they disappear permanently within a short period of time.

  But [Hunting Notes] is linked to this ability.

  Such as rabbit.

  In the hunting notes, the first-level achievement kill count for this small common prey is 50. Lindsay has already completed it, so he won the title of [Rabbit Killer].

  From now on just attack the hare.

  Lindsay will be more skillful when taking action and can easily hit the opponent's vital points.

  If he follows the footprints left by rabbits, and Lindsay observes his surroundings attentively, the traces that have disappeared will reappear.

  For the next level of achievement, you need to kill 150 prey.

  Among all Lindsay's current achievements, only the number of grouse and hare kills exceeds 150, and he has won the titles of Rabbit Buster and Grouse Buster.

  Titles at this level are more effective.

  Lindsay can simulate and understand rabbit and grouse sounds.

  Whether it's a call for mating or a warning to other species, he can perfectly distinguish or completely confuse the corresponding species.

  For a hunter, the usefulness of this ability is self-evident.

  "Lindsay, you've carried this wild boar all the way, do you really don't need me to change the handle?" At

  this time, Dan walked over to Lindsay.

  The huntress looked at her student with a hint of worry in her eyes.

  When Lindsay came to the hunting team in the morning, she could not deny her depressed mood. No matter as a teacher or the leader of the hunting team, she wanted to enlighten Lindsay. At this moment, she naturally spoke: "This thing is also heavy enough
  . , are you really okay?"

  Lindsay shook her head and rejected Dan's kindness:

  "My life essence has been initially cultivated, so carrying a wild boar is not a problem."

  Lindsay and Dan said politely.

  But the huntress immediately seized the opportunity. She hugged Lindsay and squeezed the muscles on his shoulders:
  "Hey, you are strong enough now." "

  But then again, Lindsay, you are also 16 years old this year. Come on, have you fallen in love with a girl from any house in town?"


  Lindsay's face darkened immediately.

  This kind of questioning makes people feel both familiar and speechless. "I'm still young and I'm not in a hurry to get married."

  Dan saw Lindsay's speechlessness in his eyes.

  But she still didn't give up. Instead, she took the initiative to lift the wild boar's hind legs, and she and Lindsay were almost head to head. She began to confuse in a low voice:
  "I understand, you thought the same when I was young!"

  "But think about ours. This town, this damn place is isolated from the rest of the world, and there are only so many girls in total. If you don’t start early, you won’t be around anymore.”

  Lindsay heard Dan’s good intentions.

  He didn't want Dan to worry about this, so he rolled his eyes at the huntress and said,

  "Did you also say that to Ji Ji?"

  When he was retorted, the corners of Dan's mouth tightened, and his tone became mixed:

  " The kid and his father have the same character." "

  He told me a year ago that he will try to break through Montenegro in the future to see the more exciting world outside."

  The hunter's emotions at the moment were quite complicated.

  She didn't want her children to go on adventures, but the adventurous spirit she once had in her heart gave her a little more pride in the torch.

  But in the end, motherhood prevailed, so her expression was dominated by worry.

  Lindsay usually had a relationship with Dan that was both a teacher and a friend. Now that he saw the other person's demeanor, he could not help but say what he was thinking: "Don't worry,
  Montenegro will definitely break through."

  Dan immediately heard the subtext of Lindsay.

  Her eyes turned into two crescent moons as she smiled, and she spoke without hesitation to encourage her:
  "You are indeed my student!"

  "When the time comes, if you are really ready to go, I will give you my bow. He is a great craftsman." Well made!"

  After saying that, Dan let go of the pig's legs and put the weight of the wild boar back on Lindsay's shoulders.

  But the figure walking to the front looked a little lonely.

  Lindsay could understand how Dan felt.

  If it hadn't been for the accident 13 years ago, Dan, who admired the deeds of great explorers, would definitely have embarked on the path of becoming an explorer.

  Instead of being trapped in a border town like now.

  He can only lead the hunters in the town to make a living by hunting for the sake of his children.

  "Black Mountain...Dragon Beast..."

  Lindsay murmured in a low voice.

  Three years have passed, and many things have changed for him.

  Now it's not just about returning to my hometown.

  Even if it is to help the people who taught him in the border town, breaking through the Black Mountain has become the most determined goal in Lindsay's heart!
  Before the sun goes down.

  The hunting party returned to town safely.

  There was no place to process prey at the cemetery church, so Lindsay did not carry it back, but directly left the wild boar carcass at Dan's house, where he would skin it, cook it, and process the raw meat.

  Dan has always been good at this.

  She will first divide a portion of the proceeds equally according to the distribution method of the hunting team, and give the remaining portion to the capturer of the prey.

  Say goodbye to acquaintances from the hunting team.

  Lindsay checked the equipment and walked towards the town.

  It was getting late by then, but Lindsay did not return directly to the church.

  With a very clear purpose, he arrived at the door of the young craftsman's house in the town, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door:

  "Joel, I'm Lindsay!"

  "Has the backpack I ordered from you last time been ready?"

   [ Please collect and vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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