Chapter 38 Black Mountain and Dragon Beast

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  Chapter 38 Black Mountain and Dragon Beast

  As an awakened person, Finn is not the most powerful person in the distant frontier.

  But as a scholar, his collection of books is definitely the richest in the entire remote frontier.

  In the past three years, whenever Lindsay wanted to read documents or find some legends, she would definitely go to Finn's study.

  So looking for the possibility of breaking through Montenegro, I ended up here.

  After the old botanist fell asleep, he walked gently to the bookshelf and skillfully took down the three volumes "Cowell's Notes", "Frontier Almanac (6)" and "First Draft of Expedition Map".

  Lindsay first opened "Cowell's Notes" and continued reading from the previous few days.

  "Following the waterfall upstream, we broke through the forest courtyard and came to a new world. What came face to face was a snow mountain. The waterfall connecting the two worlds was the river formed by the melted snow water. Now, we You must cross it to see the whole world and continue this great expedition..."

  This is the content of "Cowell's Notes".

  It was also a record left by one of the members of the expedition team 120 years ago.

  It records how to enter and leave the world of Montenegro, as well as a small amount of knowledge and anecdotes accumulated during exploration.

  "To enter the Black Mountain world from the other side of the world, is it actually a matter of going upstream along a waterfall... So how should we cross from the hidden border to the Black Mountain world..." Lindsay looked for the content she needed


  But this notebook focuses on the other side of the Montenegrin world, leaving little record of the side where the hidden frontier lies.

  Lindsay read it carefully and confirmed that there was nothing she needed, so she picked up the "Border Almanac (6)".

  "When the expedition team entered the Black Mountains, the world was rampant with monsters and full of dangers, but it was still passable. Who would have thought that only 12 years later, a dragon beast with a body like a mountain would come from nowhere and sit on the dark snow. On the mountain, blocking the road to other worlds..."

  The almanac explains that the dragon beast is a behemoth with a size of more than 20 meters, or even 30 meters, with a ferocious and dangerous character. It occupies the large snowy mountain at the entrance to Montenegro, and monitoring people coming and going around it is never a problem.

  Therefore, those who go to the Black Mountain world are betting on whether they can avoid the other party's gaze. Of course, if you can bypass the dragon beast at the foot of the mountain, or use other clever methods to cross the mountain.

  So escaping Montenegro is not entirely impossible.

  After reading this paragraph, Lindsay put down the almanac.

  The "Border Almanac" is a 10-year volume compiled by scholars who have lived here in the past dynasties.

  The botanist Fenn was one of them, and compiled the content from "Border Almanac (VIII)" to "Border Almanac (Twelve)".

  However, this series of books will contain the subjective thoughts of some recorders.

  Although the information about dragon beasts was recorded in the sixth volume, to be on the safe side, Lindsay thought it would be safer to go to Lord Anrui for verification.

  In a few days, he would go to the lord's manor to practice martial arts with An Rui.

  With this longevity awakener who has witnessed the 120-year history of the border town, he can definitely ask the other person whether the scholar who originally compiled "Border Almanac 6" is trustworthy.

  "I hope Uncle Anrui still remembers..."

  Thinking of the character of the border lord, Lindsay shook her head again.

  After confirming the information in the book, he put the two books back on the bookshelf and replaced them with a biography called "The Merchant and the Dragon Maid".

  This book takes a fifth-stage merchant as the protagonist, and records the long story of him getting to know a dragon beast that can transform into a human being, and then doing business together, and encountering the invisible being and its hostility.

  Lindsay loved this.

  At least I like it twenty times more than the old-fashioned legend like "The Young King's Journey".


  The afternoon was quickly spent reading, and the heavy rain outside quietly bid farewell to the town.

  Lindsay realized that the time was almost up and packed up the study.

  He turned around and saw that there were a lot of muddy spots brought in from the soles of shoes in the front hall.

  Most of the day passed, and the mud spots had long dried up. Without disturbing Finn, Lindsay found a broom and gently swept the floor clean, and then began to prepare Finn's dinner.

  Take care of Finn until he wakes up and eat.

  Lindsay asked a few more questions to make sure Finn had nothing else to help with before saying goodbye and leaving.


  "Lindsay, go on!"

  Not long after he walked out of the botanist's cabin.

  Just on the side of the road, a small town resident threw a chrysanthemum towards Lindsay. Without looking back, Lindsay caught it in the air, rubbed it hard with her thumb, and took a bite of the potato nugget.

  It tastes good -

  it looks like a sweet potato, but it actually tastes crisp, tender and slightly sweet, making it a good fruit. Based on Lindsay's botanical ability, he could also tell that this thing has the effect of removing cold and strengthening yang, stopping bleeding and regulating menstruation.

  "Thanks, Uncle Kate!"

  Lindsay smiled at the townspeople, thanked them, and moved on.

  When he walked in the town, people around him often greeted Lindsay, and many people also liked to give him small gifts.

  Three years in a border town.

  Children are born here one after another, and old people pass away.

  As the only godson of Ms. Red Moon, Lindsay naturally attended every funeral of the deceased in order to learn the knowledge of the school.

  In this world, there is a real chance that a person who dies will become a living zombie, resurrect, and attack the surroundings!

  In order to let their families rest in peace, one can imagine the attitude of ordinary people towards the death school.

  Lindsay serves as Red Moon's godson.

  Naturally, I also enjoyed everyone’s respect.

  At the same time, because he is a young man, respect is mixed with affection, and people will not stay away from him like they do to Ms. Red Moon.

  After three years of getting along like this, Lindsay and the townspeople have developed a pretty good relationship.

  As long as someone in the family has died, Lindsay can basically call that person by name.

  "Hey! Brother Lin!"

  Lindsay was about to walk out of the town and onto the gravel road back to the church.

  At this time, a cheerful call sounded behind him, and at the same time, a figure rushed towards Lindsay.

  Lindsay heard the sound and did not run away, letting the other party hug her.

  He broke off half of the chrysanthemums in his hand, passed them behind him, and then asked:
  "Ju, what's the matter?"

  Ju, now 15 years old, took the chrysanthemums from Lindsay, took a bite, and made a crisp sound. The sound of chewing:

  "Well - it's nothing serious."

  "The hunting team is going to go hunting tomorrow. Mom asked me to tell you in advance to be prepared."

  Lindsay nodded to express her understanding.

  He continued walking towards the church and turned to look at Ju.

  This handsome young man was eating chrysanthemums with a hint of excitement in his expression.

  Lindsay immediately poked the opponent in the chest with her elbow.

  "If there's anything else, just tell me, why are you hiding it between us?"

  "Hehehehe!" Ju smiled sheepishly, then leaned next to Lin and whispered, "Actually, just this morning, I His skills have successfully sublimated into the first ability."

  With that said, Ju raised the index and middle fingers of his right hand in front of Lindsay.

  The weak source of essence lingers in its hands.

  Then, the rain that fell on the ground this morning suddenly floated up from the ground, turning into two thin streams of water, flowing freely in the hands of the torch.

  This is the ability that Ju's family skill [Star] can show in the first stage - weak control of water flow.

  It also has the effect of enhancing physical fitness.

  It took three years to go from being a beginner to developing my first ability.

  For an ordinary awakened person, this is already a pretty good speed!

  Lin Sai immediately congratulated:
  "Okay, Ju, congratulations!"

  Ju and Lin Sai's relationship was already as close as brothers. He scratched his head in embarrassment, but immediately whispered:
  "But, Lin Sai, You have to help me keep it secret!"

  "That's it. When I go hunting tomorrow, I want to be in the limelight, so that my mother and the others will look at me with admiration!"

  (End of Chapter)

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