Chapter 30 The missing body

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  Chapter 30 The missing corpse

  "Cough! Cough cough cough -"

  Lindsay couldn't help coughing a few times as she walked on the road.

  The two wounds on his chest were sending out chills, and the [Essence - Frostbite] on the attribute panel also reminded that this was no ordinary trauma.

  But at this time, Lindsay had to sigh with emotion. It was really a lucky thing to be able to awaken the essence of life.

  Although he has only just cultivated the essence, he has not yet been able to embody the many wonders of this ability.

  But when facing the enemy's source of erosion.

  This power can already help him resist certain injuries and prevent his physical condition from deteriorating rapidly.

  "This is exactly what Dan said."

  "Ordinary people encounter World of Warcraft, and they are ruined by accident. I was really lucky the first time..." A few minutes

  later, Lindsay's bottomed out stamina bar had mostly recovered. .

  He himself walked close to the frozen river he had just reached.

  Then, he saw Ju's figure.

  The child was holding three arrows in his hand, carefully groping the frozen ice and walking towards the other side.

  Behind him, the ice badger that was shot to death by Lindsay was no longer moving.


  Lindsay's expression was a little dull.

  The kid didn't stay behind the safe cover of a body.

  Instead wait a few minutes.

  Because he was worried about Lindsay's condition, he took the risk and took the initiative to explore the riverside.

  He even collected all his arrows carefully.

  Lindsay's nose felt sore for a moment, and an indescribable emotion arose in her heart.

  The child in front of him took the initiative to take risks because he was worried about his own safety.

  This kind of care touches people even more strongly than when Lindsay just defeated three ice badgers!

  "Brother Lindsay?"

  At this time, Ju who was on the ice also saw Lindsay emerging from the woods.

  He yelled and rushed forward, wanting to hug Lindsay. But seeing the injury on his chest, he immediately stopped and said,
  "You, your chest..."

  Ju's voice was trembling.

  But Lindsay didn't talk much about her injuries. Instead, she reiterated in a serious tone:
  "Ju, you should hide behind."

  "It's very dangerous here."

  Ju faced Lindsay's eyes. Although his tone was nervous, his attitude was very serious. Determined:
  "I saw those three monsters chasing you, I, I'm worried!" "


  Looking at Ju's serious and trembling eyes, Lindsay couldn't hold on anymore.

  "Thank you." He took his three arrows from Ju, then grabbed the child's hand and walked towards the other side of the river back to the town, "But you can rest assured, it's fine now." Ju followed

  . After two steps, he couldn't help but asked curiously:

  "The other two ice badgers..."

  Lindsay nodded affirmatively:
  "I got them by luck."

  "But you also saw it - now I am a little injured. , I'm afraid I can't continue to wait for Dan here, I need to go back to the town to deal with the wound first."

  Lindsay and Ju walked towards the town while talking.

  After killing three ice badgers that popped out of nowhere, today's hunting lesson can be considered a 'complete success'.

  It was all supposed to end there.

  But not long after leaving the frozen river and stepping onto the snow-covered land, Lindsay noticed a very important change.

  The birch tree where they had just dug through the snow, dug out the corpse, and finally covered the torch was now empty.

  ——The body disappeared!

  Lindsay paused and asked quickly:

  "Ju, did you just move this body away?"

  Even Lindsay herself didn't believe what she said.

  How could a child hide the body of an adult in such a short period of time?

  Besides, he has no reason to do this?

  At the same time, Ju followed Lindsay's voice and found the bare ground under the birch tree. His reaction was as confused as Lindsay's:
  "Huh? Just now, I was here just now."

  "I only left for a few minutes..."

  Lindsay only heard this and realized something was wrong.

  "Let's leave immediately!"

  He held Ju's hand tightly and ran forward despite his physical discomfort, a dangerous alarm ringing in his heart.

  A body that suddenly disappeared within minutes.

  Moreover, the corpse of an adult had been buried in the heavy snow for several days and was frozen as hard as a rock.

  Even if scavengers come, I'm afraid they won't attack such a thing.

  what is going on?

  From the corner of his eye, Lindsay drifted to the bottom of the birch tree, but he didn't want to check at all.

  Approached rashly.

  Maybe we can find some clues about the disappearance of corpses in the snow.

  But what he wanted to do more now was to return to the town safely with the torch. This is never the time to take risks.

  Lindsay's reaction made Ju behind him realize that something was wrong.

  He broke away from Lindsay's hand and walked forward instead.

  Although Ju was still a child, he took the role of guard for the injured Lindsay seriously to prevent dangers that might appear at any time around him.



  Lindsay wanted to stop him.

  But the coldness coming from his chest made him cough a few times, and he had to swallow the words he had prepared.

  The two walked a few more steps.

  The surroundings seemed to be silent, and no movement was seen.


  Suddenly, a black figure rushed out from the woods nearby.

  And he has a clear goal, and he is the torch walking in front.

  Lindsay didn't even have time to shout a reminder.

  He directly pushed the torch forward, took out his dagger, and collided head-on with the black shadow.

  Lindsay and Sombra both fell backwards.

  He only felt that he had hit an iron block, and his whole body was hurt by the impact.

  Lindsay didn't have time to complain. He quickly got up and looked forward, and found that the person standing opposite him was a figure.

  If you distinguish carefully.

  That face that was frozen white by the ice and snow, wasn't it the same frozen corpse from before?
  "Resurrection of the dead?"

  In Lindsay's mind, many classic monster images from film, television and game works suddenly appeared.

  Zombies, zombies, undead...

  He couldn't tell which category the reanimated corpse in front of him belonged to.

  But the feeling he had just rushed towards him told him that this thing was definitely not easy to deal with. At least it was not on the same level as flesh and blood and ice badgers.

  Lindsay glanced around.

  Ju, who was pushed away by him, got up from the ground, looked back, and discovered this surprising scene.

  On the other side, the resurrected corpse also got up again.

  Its head swayed from side to side a few times like a rattle, and then it no longer looked towards the torch, but moved its head towards Lindsay.

  At this time, Lindsay clearly saw the other party's face.

  There was no emotion on the frozen face, and the areas around the eye sockets were sunken from the cold, but the crystallized eyeballs were sunken again, with tiny cracks on them. No emotion can be seen in it except for the silent intention of death.


  "Ju, go to the town quickly and ask others to help."

  Ju only hesitated for a moment.

  He also understood the pros and cons, and ran towards the town without hesitation.

  (End of chapter)

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