29.Chapter 29 Courage and Thinking

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  Chapter 29 Courage and Thinking

  "When I first came to the Hidden Frontier, there was an ice badger!" "

  It's a rare trip to study with the Awakened, and I encountered these things again." "

  What kind of fate is this?"

  On the frozen river, Lin Sai ran wildly.

  He did not choose to step on the log. After all, not to mention how much time he could save on the wooden bridge, there was a high probability that he would fall off the smooth surface of the tree.

  At this time, you must save your energy as much as possible, and you cannot bet your hopes on this aspect.

  When they came to the frozen river, Lindsay suddenly slipped.

  But he was well prepared for this life-and-death race. He stabilized his body with a sprint, and used the slippery ice surface to accelerate and slip forward a large distance.

  At the same time, three ice badgers emerged from the woods.

  The one provoked by Lindsay's arrows charged the hardest, without any time to observe the surrounding environment. It chased the only target in front and jumped onto the ice.

  So it stepped right where Lindsay had slid down.

  The ice here has a layer of snow that has just been compacted by Lindsay, making it smoother than elsewhere.

  The ice badger was defenseless and immediately slipped to the ground.


  Lindsay in front heard the sound.

  The opportunity has come!

  He didn't wait for his own inertia to weaken, boldly stretched out his left hand, directly supported the ground with a short bow, stabilized his balance with three support points, and turned around.

  The figure of the ice badger came into his eyes, but Lindsay immediately looked at his hands.

  "Okay, no problem."

  He breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although the weapon Dan gave him looked ordinary, it had good hardness and no accidents occurred.


  Recalling the shooting skills learned yesterday, he followed the guidance of his own skills.

  Lindsay holds the middle part of the bow with her left hand, and holds the entire circumference of the bow with her four fingers and thumb, while her arm is fully extended.

  Then, the right hand is perpendicular to the bow body to nod the arrow.

  The butt of the arrow is roughly in the center of the bowstring, and the bowstring is drawn all the way to the lips.

  At this time, the eye, arrow, and nock form a straight line.

  Lindsay aimed at the ice badger lying on the ground and shot an arrow!
  Bang -

  the beginner level archery shot missed again without a doubt.

  But Lindsay didn't change his expression. He kept breathing as fast as possible and took out another arrow from his back.

  Breathing so hard that you can almost hear your own heartbeat.

  He pulled the string when he inhaled and let go when he exhaled.

  Collapse -

  the bowstring sounded and arrows flew out.

  With the trial and error of adjusting the previous arrow, Lindsay’s second arrow hit the target.

  The ice badger that had just struggled was immediately stabbed in the stomach by the arrow, and then screamed and struggled on the ice. The blood dyed the surrounding ice and snow with a touch of red.


  Almost at the same time, Lindsay jumped back suddenly.

  The moment he made the leap, the other two ice badgers shot ice picks towards his chest.

  The chance to hit the enemy only lasts a few seconds.

  And life and death are also on a thin line.

  The ice pick failed to hit the vital point, but it also drew two blood marks on Lindsay's chest that were frozen instantly.


  Severe pain came, but Lindsay did not dare to delay for a second.

  Using his hands and feet, he awkwardly climbed up from the ice and rushed out as if he was sliding forward and falling.

  Looks like a one-hit wonder.

  But Lindsay was so flustered inside that she even felt like time had slowed down a beat.

  There was constant pain from the wound on his chest.

  There was even a trace of cold essence invading his body, but it was immediately blocked by Lindsay's own life essence.

  "15 seconds."

  "There are two more."

  Lindsay repeated her experience when she encountered ice badgers in the forest for the first time, counting the number of two left.

  Then something began to clear within him.

  At times like this, the most important thing is to stay calm!
  He dealt with one first in a three-on-one situation, so in a two-on-one situation, he had a greater chance of defeating the two ice badgers.

  And although these two beasts are magical beasts that can release spells.

  But its essence is that it is just a wild animal that has just obtained the essence this year. It is impossible for it to become so smart in a short period of time!

  He was already injured, and his physical strength could not support his escape for too long.

  Lindsay's eyes were fixed.

  After calming down, he gradually had a plan in mind. After crossing the frozen river, Lindsay ran north with a clear goal.

  Two ice badgers were chasing after him.

  Lindsay's stamina bar is also shortening a little bit.

  However, he did not conserve energy at all and ran extremely fast. During this period, he repeated the experience of the first chase. His figure kept swinging between the trees, using the surrounding lush terrain as his cover.

  When the two ice badgers behind him saw this, they chased him more and more urgently.

  After a few minutes, Lindsay suddenly stood still.

  "This is it."

  He looked at his remaining strength, took a deep breath, took out the last two arrows from the quiver, put on the bow and shot.

  Two sounds of 'whoosh' pierced the air, and this attack also failed.

  But the ice badger was indeed enraged, and its speed increased a bit. At the same time, two ice picks were shot out in response to Lindsay's attack.

  Only then did Lindsay jump forward.

  He got out between two birch trees and continued to escape.

  The next second -


  an ice badger screamed.

  It was strangled by the noose trap set here and was instantly lifted into the air, its four legs kicking in the air in panic.

  Between these two birch trees is where Lindsay's bets will be.

  This is also where Dan set his trap before!

  Hunters often rearrange traps after confirming their status.

  The noose here was laid out by Lindsay watching the huntress with her own eyes.

  There happens to be an animal trail between the two trees. It is an easy terrain for animals to take the bait, and it naturally becomes the best area for hunters to set traps.

  Under Lindsay's deliberate provocation, the two ice badgers continued to chase without even thinking.

  So he ran to the front end.

  He was immediately caught in a noose and hung in the air, struggling painfully.

  "Now, it's one-on-one!"

  One of the three ice badgers was reduced. Lindsay turned around without hesitation and pounced on the last enemy.

  This is when courage is most important!

  Moreover, these two ice badgers had just attacked me with ice picks, and the interval between uses was far less than 15 seconds. At this moment, they were beasts with some physical strength, and it would be difficult to find such an opportunity.

  Victory or defeat depends on this!
  Lindsay threw away the short bow with her left hand and took out the short knife with her right hand.

  The moment he collided with the flying ice badger, he used all his strength to grab the ice badger's body, and then stabbed it with his right hand.

  The dagger and the ice badger collided in just a split second.

  Lindsay saw the ice badger jumping on the ground, saw the soft belly of the beast pressing closer, and also saw the sharp point of his short knife extending forward.

  So, he swung his sword from bottom to top.

  Stab into the flesh and blood from the most vulnerable place, destroying the most critical fragile organs.

  Poof -

  this knife hit the vital point directly. The ice badger didn't even struggle a few times before losing its strength in Lindsay's arms.

  Lindsay's hand and knife were covered in blood.

  He quickly stood up and stabbed the ice badger's head a few more times.

  He immediately turned around and wiped the ice badger from the noose around his neck.

  Seeing all the ice badgers in front of him dead, Lindsay sat down on the snow and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


  At this time, Lindsay felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment in her heart.

  When he first came to the hidden border, he was chased by an ice badger and could only escape in embarrassment. Finally, with good luck, he found the right place and killed the opponent.

  But now -

  with just three days of training and a combination of various skills and information, he was able to win one against three.

  This sense of accomplishment is indescribable.

  Lindsay gasped violently, then suddenly realized something, so she checked her personal attributes.

  Danger brings unexpected rewards.

  After this life-and-death battle, his [Basic Archery] experience value increased directly, from (beginner) to (master), and [Sword Skill], which he only used once at the end, also increased by 1/3.

  Among the basic attributes, although the growth of agility and strength is not as obvious as that of skills, it still fills up to a quarter.

  A fight between life and death can indeed gain more experience than simple practice.

  Lindsay shook her head happily but helplessly:
  "The harvest is not small."

  "But rather than facing this kind of danger, I would rather take my time."

  While recovering his strength, Lindsay picked up his short bow. and arrows, enduring the pain in his chest, staggering towards his original position.

  Ju, who suddenly encountered danger, was probably very frightened.

  He couldn't go back too late.

  (End of chapter)

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