Chapter 31 No Escape

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  Chapter 31 No way to escape


  Ju ran a few steps forward.

  As a result, the corpse that had just stood up seemed to have been touched by some special mechanism. It threw away Lindsay, who it had just locked on, and roared and chased in the direction of Ju!

  "Monster! Your opponent is here!"

  The next second, the chasing corpse was severely knocked away by Lindsay who rushed over.

  But Lindsay didn't stop there, he came with murderous intent in this collision.

  After the corpse was knocked down, Lindsay immediately pursued the victory, took out the knife from his waist, clenched it with both hands, pressed down the strength of his whole body, and stabbed the corpse's head straight.


  Lindsay twisted his wrist, causing him to gasp in pain.

  The frozen corpse's head was as hard as a piece of steel.

  His knife only penetrated a few centimeters deep, but it was no longer possible to penetrate any further. Instead, he felt uncomfortable.

  "Damn it!"

  Lindsay cursed a curse that she didn't know was useful on dead bodies.

  Then he didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly left the struggling body and jumped to the side.

  In just a few seconds, the dead body that fell to the ground got up again.

  It had no abnormality at all due to Lindsay's attack. It just confirmed the location of the living person like the previous attack mode, then waved its stiff hands and rushed towards Lindsay again.

  "A simple corpse is resurrected, and its emotions are not affected. It is likely to be as mindless as a zombie..."

  Having just experienced a battle, Lindsay was surprisingly calm at the moment.

  He stared intently at the corpse rushing towards him, while analyzing the opponent's condition, he changed his pace and squatted half down, holding the knife tightly in front of him.

  Then Lindsay stepped forward to face the charging enemy.

  Stab -

  Lindsay's body passed through the side of the corpse under the arm, and at the same time, the short knife in his hand slashed across the opponent's waist.

  This time, the blade also successfully cut through the opponent's clothes.

  But just like before, the whole body of this dead body was frozen to the bone, and even the waist and abdomen that should be soft in the human body were a mass of solid ice.

  Lindsay barely made a cut.

  There is no way to cause any more serious harm to this thing.


  "This is no longer a problem that can be solved with courage and wisdom!"

  Lindsay made a quick judgment rationally and calmly.

  Then - run!

  This kind of monster, which he can hardly break through, is simply not an enemy he can deal with under the current conditions.

  Lindsay is not a barbarian who only knows how to fight with the opponent.

  At this time, the enemy is strong and we are weak, so running away is absolutely the right choice, even the best choice!
  Especially now that he is injured.

  It can be said to be a fantasy to rely on this wounded body to defeat an enemy that is already difficult to deal with.

  Lindsay immediately started running wildly in the forest.

  The dead body behind only paused slightly and immediately started chasing Lindsay.

  While running away, Lindsay turned around to observe the state of the dead bodies behind her.

  He discovered a desperate phenomenon.

  The corpse was obviously frozen stiff in the heavy snow, but when chasing people, its hip joints and two thighs were swinging back and forth, but the speed was not slow at all.

  These are still a pair of long legs that belong to an adult!
  Between the back and forth, it's like the gears of a clockwork are moving tirelessly.

  There is a significant difference in height and pace between an adult and a 13-year-old child. Without external interference, the distance between this monster and Lindsay was shortening almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  I ran out for just over two minutes.

  Not only was Lindsay's newly restored stamina bar about to run out.

  Even the body chasing after him was only five or six meters away!
  Now if he stops for two seconds, he will be immediately knocked down by this corpse!
  "Simple thinking, stiff body, simple thinking, stiff body..."

  Lindsay kept repeating the state of the dead body's reaction.

  In desperation, he had an idea. In the surrounding snow-covered forest, he found a plan that might work.


  Lindsay ignored his thoughts and stared straight at the nearest maple tree in front of him. He climbed up in one stride, hugged the trunk and climbed up.

  Just two breaths passed.

  The dead body in hot pursuit hit the tree trunk.

  It waved its hands, but it could only hit a solid tree and could not hurt Lindsay at all.

  "Huh -"

  Lindsay, who had just climbed up the tree, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  He observed the monster below. Although the opponent's frozen body could move, it limited the possibility of flexible movement.

  So big trees that Lindsay can climb up.

  It became an insurmountable natural barrier for this corpse.

  "Damn it!"

  "What the hell is this?"

  Lindsay looked at the dead bodies that were still hitting the tree trunks below and couldn't help but curse.

  The good news now is that he is staying in the tree and his physical strength has begun to recover again.

  Just maintain the status quo.

  Whether Dan, who was chasing the monsters in the forest, returned, or Ju went to call other support from the town, there was a high probability that he would be able to leave safely...

  Click -

  the next second Lindsay thought this way.

  The trees under him made a completely different sound than before.

  Lindsay took a closer look and found that the body that had been helpless against the tree just now suddenly inserted its fingers into the trunk of the tree.

  Then he exerted force with both arms, and his whole body instantly jumped up.

  At the same time, clamp the tree trunk with your feet to prevent yourself from falling, then insert your hands into the tree trunk again and drag your body upwards with force.

  Repeating this cycle, the body's ascending speed increased step by step, and it was actually a few minutes faster than when Lindsay was climbing a tree!

  "That's okay too???"

  Lindsay's eyes widened.

  Why did the corpse who was said to be mentally ill suddenly learn to climb trees?

  At this time, his eyes met the corpse below.

  Then Lindsay discovered that the pair of pure dead eyes just now had a black mist floating in the broken cracks.

  Ordinary people may think that this is some kind of vision.

  But Lindsay, who possesses the essence of life, can detect a vague sense of vitality beneath this picture.


  "Can we continue to evolve, right?"

  Lindsay was no longer in the mood to scold.

  He looked at his attribute panel. His physical strength had recovered somewhat during the time he was in the tree, and he could cope with another period of pursuit and escape.

  Well, the answer is simple.

  Lindsay lowered her head in silence and calmly stared at the climbing corpse.

  The moment the opponent used his hands again to lift his body upwards. Without saying a word, Lindsay jumped down from the tree and kicked the dead body in the face with a left kick.

  "Get down here!"

  One person and one body fell to the ground one after another.

  But with a dead body as a backing, Lindsay was in much better shape.

  He rolled nimbly on the ground to absorb the impact of his fall.

  Then he didn't even glance at the dead body behind him, he just seized the moment and ran forward.

  (End of chapter)

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