Chapter 28 Old Friends

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  Chapter 28: My old friend

  Dan is gone.

  She was very fast when moving in the forest, her steps were vigorous, and her speed was breathtaking.

  In just a few breaths, they disappeared without a trace under the cover of the snow-white forest, leaving only Lindsay and Ju standing there, facing the corpse in front of them and the cold earth under their feet.

  "Really...just left like that?"

  Lindsay was a little unbelievable.

  The first thing that came to his mind was, was Dan's departure part of the test of this winter hunting trip?

  Otherwise it makes no sense, during a hunting training session.

  She, the old hunter who led the team, left alone, leaving only two poor children staying where they were.

  Even though it is very close to the town.

  Even if they are all awakened ones.

  But he is just a beginner who has just awakened this year and has not mastered any skills.

  Maybe Lindsay is different, but Dan doesn't know that Lindsay has secretly acquired skills?

  Lindsay had mixed feelings in her heart and could not understand the huntress's actions at all.

  After getting along with each other on this day, he knew that the other party's personality was indeed a bit lively and out-of-the-box, but he was by no means the kind of irresponsible guy.

  At this time, Lindsay felt her clothes being pulled.

  He turned around and saw that Ju reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes, with a very nervous expression:

  "Brother Lindsay?"

  "Mom, mom, she is..."

  "Don't worry. There must be something she has to do if Dan leaves at this time. Reason, we just need to wait here obediently."

  Lindsay comforted him a few words, but it was still possible to see that the child was very nervous.

  In order to prevent Ju from getting too excited, Lindsay started talking to him. The two chatted about each other's daily lives, Dan's personality and habits, and some short stories about the hunting team, which finally calmed down Ju's mood.

  He even told Lindsay that his happiest thing was when his father and mother hunted a big wild boar in the woods when he was 7 years old. Many people came to congratulate him and the atmosphere was extremely joyful.

  Lindsay asked smoothly:

  "By the way, I didn't see your father last night?"

  "Father, he..." There was a hint of depression in Ju's eyes, but he quickly replied, "Father, he wants to I broke through the barrier of Montenegro, so I went to a very far away place." "


  Lindsay knew in an instant that she had said the wrong thing and apologized quickly.

  "Sorry, I don't know..."

  Ju shook his head, but his eyes revealed a sense of longing and yearning:

  "It doesn't matter, I'm proud of him."

  "Dad told me many stories. He and his mother went there He has traveled through many worlds and seen many scenery that ordinary people have never seen. He also told me that it is not okay to be stuck in a distant border." The

  two continued to talk, and Lindsay also understood the specific situation better.

  Dan, a huntress from a remote frontier, and her husband were once young adventurers from Fortnix. They heard about the hidden frontier and the story that the great explorer Poirot Weir once opened the world's frontier here.

  They couldn't bear their excitement and resolutely embarked on an adventure journey.

  Turns out that was exactly ten years ago.

  As a result, they became the last group of people to enter the hidden frontier.

  Dan's husband originally learned a skill called [Star], which is what Ju is learning now, and Dan is preparing to join the ranks of [Explorers].

  However, due to the sudden independence of the hidden frontier, various supplies were suddenly in short supply.

  After becoming a mother, Dan changed his initial decision and became a hunter...

  In the quiet woods, Lindsay and Ju talked quietly.

  Their relationship gradually became closer through the conversation.

  It was through this exchange that Lindsay understood the reasons for Huntress' actions.

  Dan took care of the children and stayed in the border town to become a hunter.

  The husband did not want his children to be trapped in this remote corner for the rest of their lives, so he set out to try to break through Montenegro. It's a pity that like others, there has been no news so far, and his life or death is uncertain.

  Today I was in the forest again and saw the townspeople who died tragically in the forest for the same reason. The responsibility to protect the town, and the overlapping emotions in my heart.

  How could it be possible to let go of the monsters committing murder here?
  "Alas -"

  Lindsay sighed and began to dig out the snow next to the body.

  "This gentleman's body will definitely be transported back to the town later. Let's clean it out first."

  Ju Ye nodded, and the two of them acted together. They quickly dug out the body from the heavy snow and leaned it against it. on the birch tree behind the tree.

  "Now, we just need to wait for Dan to come back..."

  Lindsay was about to ask Ju to rest together.

  But at this moment, he heard sparse sounds in the surrounding woods, and the sounds were getting closer and closer.

  There could be danger - and it's coming towards them!

  Because there happened to be some movement coming from the direction of the town, so there was no chance to run directly into the town!


  Lindsay's eyes narrowed and she looked around.

  The bushes swayed in the distance, and the forest was completely white. Only the exposed tree trunks could tell the difference, and there were almost no clues.

  But the sound became more and more urgent and closer!

  Lindsay realized something was wrong.

  But before he could think about how to save his life, his body took action first. He directly inserted the motionless torch between the corpse and the birch tree, and quickly dug a few handfuls of snow to create a cover.

  "Ju, just hide behind and don't move. Do you understand?"

  Ju still looked confused.

  But seeing Lindsay's serious expression, she still obeyed and nodded:
  "I understand."

  After setting up the torch, Lindsay took out the short bow from his back and touched the knife on his waist to confirm that it could be used at any time. Pull out.

  These are the things that the huntress prepares when setting out.

  The knife is a short skinning knife, and the bow only has five arrows. I didn't even think of using it, but now it really comes in handy.

  Whoosh -

  suddenly, an ice pick shot out from the bushes in the distance and shot straight towards Lindsay.

  Lindsay ducked away.

  At the same time, I also knew that I had met an old friend - another ice badger!
  It's just different from when he first arrived at the hidden border. This time there was not just one, but three that surrounded him from three directions!


  Lindsay took a deep breath, her eyes fixed.

  He instantly understood his goal.

  First, attract the attention of these ice badgers and don't let them notice the torch hiding behind the carcass.

  Second, survive.

  No matter whether he persists until Dan returns to rescue, or he finds a way to kill these monsters.

  He is only allowed to succeed and not fail!
  The next second, Lindsay set up her bow and shot an arrow.

  The first arrow was immediately shot at the first ice badger that jumped out of the bushes.

  The arrow hit the ground directly at the ice badger's feet, bouncing twice before lying on the ground.

  The arrow missed without any surprise.

  After the surprise study last night, archery is only at a (beginner's) level. Being able to get close to the target is already very good, but it is impossible to hit it with perfect accuracy.

  But this arrow also achieved Lindsay's goal.

  The shooting of the bow and arrow immediately aroused the animalistic nature of the monster. The other two ice badgers on the left and right also jumped out at this moment and immediately chased Lindsay.

  very good.

  These brainless beasts did not notice the torch under the corpse.

  Lindsay didn't hesitate when she saw this, turned around and ran straight towards the frozen river!

   【Yang, fever, uncomfortable. I've tried my best to keep it updated in the past two days. There may be many mistakes in the article, so please forgive me. Also, thank you for your support and corrections.

  (End of this chapter)

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