Chapter 27 Strange things under heavy snow

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  Chapter 27: Strangeness Under the Heavy Snow
  starts with hunting this white fox.

  The group's luck seemed to be improving as they went out for winter hunting.

  They headed east and picked up another rabbit in a noose trap.

  After two hours passed, even Dan's tracking was very successful. When she reached the easternmost point of her journey, she bent her bow and shot arrows again.

  There was another arrow cry.

  A few minutes later, Dan picked up the thief that had stolen her kill from the ground.

  This was a cute white ferret. It was probably this cuteness that impressed the huntress, so although it still joined Dan's luggage, it still saved its life.

  Then the three of them turned around and continued heading west.

  Around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Lindsay and the others stopped again.

  What stood in front of them this time was a vast frozen river, which should have been like a huge mirror stretching across the forest. But because of the heavy snow a few days ago, it was gently covered with a soft white velvet blanket.

  Along both sides of the river, the silent trees are also covered in silver.

  The branches and leaves occasionally trembled in the cold wind, making a rustling sound, and the falling snowflakes formed small snowballs, drifting across the ice in beautiful smoke-like tracks.

  "Listen, boy, let's not go through this way."

  While Lindsay was still looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Dan had already started to take a detour and explained at the same time:

  "In winter, you may think that the river is frozen, it is very safe, just go from here Run over it. But in fact, some places are still quite fragile. If you are not careful, you may fall into the river. If you are unlucky, you will be blocked under the frozen river... Believe me, except for An Rui and his apprentice, there are no other people in our town. It is difficult for people to escape."

  "And you see there are no trees on the river blocking the view, so you can easily be noticed by some dangerous things. It is also very important to hide your tracks when moving in the forest." In Dan's

  patience Amid the explanation, they began to return to the town.

  It's not far from the town.

  In order to facilitate crossing the river, a thick log was cut down across the river and became a bridge for people to pass.

  But it's also due to the impact of the heavy snow.

  Although the surface of the logs has been leveled.

  But the snow cover, as well as the melting and refreezing of some snowflakes, made the entire single-plank bridge extremely slippery.

  Lindsay had no doubts.

  Anyone with poor balance will definitely slip up if they step on it!
  "Come on! Come up here!"

  However, before Lindsay could express his opinion, Dan lifted him and the torch one by one without any explanation. The female hunter seemed to be carrying a sack in one hand, stepping on the smooth logs, and walked across the river quickly.

  The whole process was extremely smooth.

  It was as if the frozen tree trunk had really turned into a smooth bridge under her feet.

  During this period, Dan did not forget to promote Lindsay:

  "Look, my thighs can move smoothly in places like this. Even if I carry a wild boar, there will be no problem. It's all the skills of a hunter that can bring people so much." What a benefit!"

  Now even his child Ju was embarrassed:


  "Hahaha!" Dan laughed, with a happy smile on his face.

  She crossed the wooden bridge in a few steps, put Lindsay and Ju back on the ground, and prepared to continue walking towards the town.

  In the end, we walked less than fifty meters.

  The huntress's face suddenly turned serious.

  She raised her right hand and used gestures to tell Lindsay and Ju to stay where they were, while she touched to the left.

  Lindsay stared at Huntress's back.

  She walked to a birch tree and kicked away a handful of snow with her feet. She could vaguely see a dark thing exposed on the ground.

  At this point, Dan stopped all movements and stood there without saying a word.

  The back also seemed to become darker.

  Lindsay wanted to go check it out.

  But he remembered his promise to obey orders yesterday, so he suppressed his curiosity and waited patiently.

  Ju next to Lindsay asked him in a low voice:

  "What's wrong, mom?"

  "Dan asked us to wait. She must have a reason. Let's wait here first."

  Ju nodded and said no more.

  After a while, the huntress turned around and waved to them.

  "You two, come here." Lindsay then walked over with the torch.

  Amidst the crunching sound of the snow, he saw that under the snow that Dan had kicked away, there was a person's head!
  Someone died in the woods and was buried in the snow!

  "Dead person? This..."

  Lindsay was speechless for a moment.

  How come we met a human corpse outside during an ordinary hunting lesson?

  Dan began to explain:
  "This guy's name is Rez. The night before it snowed, he ran away from the town and left a serious farewell letter."

  Running into the wild alone in winter?

  Lindsay really didn't understand the rationale for this move, and could only attribute the reason to the characteristics of this world:

  "Is he also an awakened person?"

  "Because there is not enough food or wood at home, so he went out to look for it?"

  Dan shook his head:
  "He's just an ordinary person."

  Now Lindsay couldn't understand it even more.

  "Then why does he come to a place like this?"

  "Because he misses home." At this time, Dan slowly turned his head and looked towards the distant east covered by the forest. "There are always people who can't stand the torment of loneliness and feel that they are an ordinary person." People will not attract the attention of monsters, and they want to try to cross the Black Mountain and return to their hometown."

  "What's the result?"

  "He couldn't even survive an ordinary winter night, so he died in this ghost place." "


  Lin Sai fell silent, speechless.

  From his experiences in the town these past few days, he already knew that many people in the border town wanted to go home.

  The homesickness that has been brewing for ten years cannot be underestimated.

  But in Lindsay's heart, she didn't think this man's death was reckless and ridiculous.

  Because in his plan, just like the dead man on the ground, he had the ambition to break through the Black Mountains and leave the distant frontier!
  At this moment, Lindsay noticed a blind spot:
  "Wait, Dan!"

  "But this is so close to the town, there is no reason for him to freeze to death in a place like this?"

  The huntress was reminded by Lindsay and realized her restraints.

  She quickly squatted down and swept more snow away from the body.

  As a result, the abdomen of the corpse was completely exposed, and there were several conspicuous penetrating wounds, which were also mixed with ice residue that had not thawed.

  Dan immediately recognized the culprit who caused such wounds, and Lindsay on the side also reacted. They said almost at the same time:

  "Ice pick! The magic of Warcraft!"

  The huntress activated her skills without saying a word.

  She squatted in front of the corpse, gently brushed her fingers over the wound, and her sharp eyes swept around like arrows.

  "He was attacked by a monster deep in the forest, but luckily he didn't die immediately. He ran all the way back from the single-plank bridge, and finally fell here, buried in the snow." Dan told the results of his observations, and at the same time stretched out his hands to sort out the body

  . appearance.

  She wanted to continue saying something, but her movements froze again.


  The female hunter stood up instantly and looked towards the other side of the glacier they had just crossed.

  "There is the aura of using the essence!"

  Dan immediately took off the wooden bow from his back, held an arrow in his right hand and set it up, ready to shoot at any time.

  But after waiting for a few seconds, there was no movement on the other side of the glacier.

  The signal of danger, the corpse not far from the village, the aura of the essence belonging to the monster...

  these three factors came together, and it was impossible for the female hunter to turn a blind eye.

  So she immediately started to take action and walked towards the single-plank bridge where she came from. At the same time, she shouted to Lindsay behind her:

  "Lindsay, you are here with a torch and look at this body!"

  "Remember, no matter what, don't do it! Cross the river."

  "If there is any problem, run to the town immediately!"

  (End of Chapter)

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