Chapter 26 Hunter’s Perspective

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  Chapter 26 Hunter's Perspective
  Dan's mood was obviously not good to the naked eye.

  After the first trap yielded no results, she rearranged the trap and took Lindsay and Ju to the next place where the trap was set.

  The result is still empty.

  Same as the last noose trap, or worse.

  What the huntress found this time was a pit trap located in front of the hollow of an old oak tree. In winter, many animals choose to hide in tree holes to avoid the cold, which is a very suitable place for traps.

  But at this moment, thick snow still covered the surface of the trap, and there was no trace of the trap being triggered.

  This picture means that there is no prey passing through here at all!


  Bang - Bang -

  Dan began to crack his knuckles, making a crisp sound, and his eyebrows kept raising.

  Based on past winter hunting experience.

  Even if the noose trap fails, the pit trap usually does not disappoint, but today two traps failed.

  Dan originally wanted to shine in front of his two children, but now he had to accept the fact of failure.

  She was in a very bad mood.

  Next, the three of them continued walking through the forest.

  As a result, the last two traps were as fruitless as before.

  When inspecting the third to last foot lock trap, Dan even stepped on the snow next to the trap to reveal the hole inside.

  This suggests that animals such as rabbits are burrowing in the nearby snow.

  It happened to bypass the trap set by the hunters.


  "Okay, let's eat!"

  Dan's steps were no longer as brisk as before, and he finally stopped at the edge of an open space.

  She kicked the snow away with a look of displeasure, revealing a piece of land where she could sit. It was already noon.

  Children who have been trekking for half a morning need to rest and eat to replenish their strength.

  To make Lindsay and Ju feel comfortable.

  The huntress also collected some rare wood and made a fire to keep them warm.


  the flames are burning.

  Lindsay stared at the yellow flames in front of her, took out the barbecue and took a bite.

  Then his expression turned as sinister as the huntress's.

  Although it had only been one night, the low temperature in winter made the meat strips very greasy and tasted weird.

  Lindsay simply found two branches as chopsticks, picked up the meat strips and put them on the fire to heat them slightly.

  In this way, it makes the taste better.

  "I must learn to cook, definitely."

  Lindsay vowed secretly in her heart.

  Later, in order to ease Dan's bad mood, Lindsay talked to the huntress:
  "Did anything special happen during hunting in the winter of previous years?"

  Dan directly understood the intention of Lindsay's words.

  She raised the corner of her mouth, and a proud look appeared in her eyes:
  "Boy, do you think this is the end of my ability?"

  "I tell you, although these traps are empty, I have been following them. Target, the situation is fine!"

  Lindsay was a little puzzled:

  "Are we tracking the target?"

  Dan pulled out the cork of the kettle, took a sip of water, and then pointed to the dense woods ahead:
  "The skill of the hunter."

  "We The route we walked along has actually been undergoing subtle adjustments. There were several traps that I didn’t even check, just to catch the thief who stole my prey!”

  Lin Ma immediately remembered the first noose trap.

  It is difficult for animals in the wild to escape on their own if they are caught in a noose.

  Coupled with the traces of the rope being bitten and the blood spilled, he immediately understood the meaning of the huntress's words:
  "Are we tracking the animal that stole the prey in the noose trap?" Dan nodded:
  "Otherwise Who else could it be?"

  Following Dan's answer, Lindsay turned and looked around.

  In the forest after heavy snow, you can indeed see some traces of animal activity.

  However, it is difficult to distinguish the time of these footprints, and the footprints will suddenly disappear as the terrain changes.

  One can imagine how difficult it is to find a beast that stole its prey among such messy traces. Not to mention that during the entire winter hunting process, I never saw Dan spend time distinguishing these footprints.

  The only explanation can only be the skills of the awakened ones.

  "My understanding is still not clear enough."

  Lindsay sighed silently, adjusting her own ideas in her mind.

  The inertial thinking brought about by his previous life made him still think about things according to his past thinking patterns.

  But this world is completely different.

  Dan's performance didn't seem to be anything special, but he actually taught Lindsay a lesson with his own skills.

  Everything that happens in this world.

  You must not look at it with ordinary eyes, but take into account the extraordinary factor of the awakened one.


  A child in Lindsay was thinking seriously here. The huntress who had finished her lunch couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.

  On the contrary, there was a torch next to him who was cooking meat on the fire, and he explained to Lindsay:

  "Mom's skills have been improved three times."

  "Even without these footprints left on the snow, she can still find her prey accurately."

  At this time, Dan, who was still laughing, pointed to his eyes:

  "In my eyes, every footprint, every fallen leaf, and every dead branch on the forest floor constitutes a complete and clear route. As long as one or two months have not passed, no prey can escape these eyes!"

  At this moment, the female hunter suddenly raised her eyebrows.

  She turned her head sharply and looked east. Lindsay followed and could only see a vast expanse of white in the forest.

  "What's wrong?"

  Lindsay asked confused.

  But the huntress didn't say a word, just took the bow and arrow from her back, pulled it open and shot.

  Whoosh -

  just like before outside the church.

  Lindsay only heard the sound of the arrow being shot, and couldn't even see where it landed.

  But the huntress stood up confidently and walked directly in the direction where she shot the arrow.

  "You guys wait here while I go get something."

  Dan wasn't gone long.

  A few minutes later, a furry white fox was brought back by the huntress by the neck.

  The arrow just shot directly through the animal's neck, and the horrific injury took away its life almost instantly.

  "Look what I caught?"

  Dan grabbed the fox in his hand and shook it in front of Lindsay and Ju like a treasure.

  The fox's plush tail fluttered from side to side like a huge pom-pom, which the huntress used to tease the two children.

  Of course Lindsay wasn't interested in this, and he didn't pay attention to the huntress's movements at all.

  Dan was not persistent and simply went to tease his children.

  When she was tired of playing, she stuffed the fox into her backpack and continued to tell Lindsay and Ju:
  "Get up, warm up first, and then we continue to set off."

  Dan kicked out the lit bonfire with a brisk and elegant movement. Smooth and with a big smile on his face.

  Lindsay didn't even have to look at Dan's face.

  Just from her current voice, you can tell that the huntress is in a great mood.

  (End of chapter)

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