Chapter 13 The Unexpected Visitor

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  Chapter 13 The unexpected visitor
  was at noon that day.

  Lindsay finished her lunch on time and received a small bag of old copper coins.

  According to the cultivation method of life essence, he looked at his attribute panel.

  After the entry for [Essence of Life], a new experience bar was indeed added, but the progress was negligible.

  "Cultivation of essence is no better than learning writing. It is a long and hard work."

  Lindsay sighed, and then went out with the copper coins.

  Although Hongyue bought a blanket and snow shoes two days ago, it was definitely not enough for Lindsay to use in the winter.

  So it was treated as a small trial.

  She asked Lindsay to take the money and go to the hidden border town alone to buy the needed supplies.

  The red moon indicates that someone is buried today.

  She has to guard the cemetery and take care of the dead, and cannot leave easily.

  At the door of the chapel, the red moon watched Lindsay's figure go away on the road, and finally disappeared.

  But time passed by.

  She did not return to the chapel behind her, but stood at the door, silently waiting for something important.

  Half an hour later, the expected guest arrived.

  Two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, and an elderly gentleman appeared from the road leading to the town.

  They walked steadily and soon arrived in front of Hongyue.

  "Good afternoon, Ms. Hongyue."

  "Hello, Lord Lord, Finn, Dan."

  Hongyue said hello to the three people in front of her.

  In order, they are Anri, the lord of the town, Finn, the botanist who takes care of the crops, and Dan, the captain of the hunting team.

  "There's no need to be so outspoken, just call me An Rui."

  The lord of the town gave up, and then Hongyue ushered them into the chapel.

  The four of them sat down separately, keeping a tacit understanding of at least 2 meters apart from each other, and an unspoken argument began.

  As the local lord, An Rui was the first to speak:
  "Everyone knows that since contact with the outside world was cut off, the town has begun to lack manpower." "

  And to be honest, we don't have organizers who can manage everything by one person. ."

  "So in order to maintain the proper order and for the normal life of everyone in the future. I think this young man who came here unexpectedly should follow me to learn the skills of war in order to deal with possible crises in the future." The town

  's The lord was dressed in coarse cloth.

  Although he is no longer young, he is full of energy and has a strong body.

  While sitting in an upright posture, a silver wine bottle was hung on his waist. After finishing speaking, he looked at the other three people with a smile, and his expression showed confidence from the bottom of his heart.

  But soon, Dan, the hunter captain sitting next to him, couldn't bear it anymore.

  Although this hunter is a lady, her character is not weak at all:
  "Boss, I usually support you. But this time, I think you should let me go!"

  "The hunting team has not had new blood for a long time. , If this continues, the food income from hunting will definitely become less and less. The grouse you went to last night was found by me in a trap far to the north!" An Rui, who had been smiling just now, immediately changed his face

  . It got dark.

  He banged the chair in the chapel with his hand, and the person stood up directly:

  "Hey, wasn't that grouse eaten to celebrate your child?" "

  And on harvest day this year, the whole town has only Three people have become Awakened, and one of yours is one!"

  "Are you still not satisfied now and want to come with me to steal people?"

  The huntress turned her face and rolled her eyes.

  She no longer directly confronted her lord, but she still said stiffly:

  "My son is very suitable for our family's ancestral skills. I will never let him follow my old path and become a hunter who only crawls into the woods."

  " Who cares about your family affairs?"

  An Rui cursed Dan again, and then looked at Hongyue who said nothing.

  He knew that this was the key point in deciding where the new awakened people would go.

  "Hongyue, I know he has become your godson."

  "But I promise you, that child can stay with me without any worries, and I will give him the best education I can!" The

  old nun just spoke calmly. He narrated:

  "Lindsey is a self-awakened person, very talented, and the owner of the essence of life." "

  Then he should follow me!"

  Hearing the terms self-awakening and the essence of life, An Rui almost jumped up from where he was with excitement:

  "He has the same life essence as me, and he is able to awaken on his own! Oh my God! As long as he embarks on the path of war, I will teach him everything I can to ensure that his skills will be upgraded to five levels. This time, we have achieved unimaginable achievements!"

  An Rui looked at the three people around him and said in a serious tone:
  "And think about it, with this guarantee, even if I die of old age in 50 years. With this child here, the town will at least be able to survive. Hold on for another two hundred years!" Among the various types of sefirot, the sefirot of life is the only one that can increase lifespan early, which is of great significance.

  Hearing this, Hunter Dan immediately muttered next to him:
  "The fifth stage? If such a genius is placed in the headquarters of the War School, I am afraid that even Narcobondeck's seventh stage of martial arts would be willing to teach him personally. Sublimation five times Skills, what kind of achievements are beyond ordinary people?"

  An Rui had a keen sense of hearing and immediately glared at him with a fierce look:

  "Dan, how many times have your hunting skills been improved?"

  The female hunter replied confidently:

  "Three times!"

  " Then you can shut up, he will not become a hunter who is a forest guest at the highest limit!" "

  In the next month, you will not be able to get a piece of dried meat in your manor!" "

  You threaten me. ?"

  "Where do you want me to hunt in winter!"

  "Where are your skills!"

  "After only three sublimations, of course I can't catch prey!"

  Apart from the two people who were quarreling with each other.

  Finn, the botanist, is an old man with gray hair.

  He looked at An Rui and Dan who were noisy, rubbed his temples, and gave Sister Hongyue a gentle wry smile:

  "Ms. Hongyue, I just hope that my knowledge inheritance will not be cut off here." "

  And. Everyone in the town also needs food for healthy growth."

  Hearing the good old Finn open his mouth to join the fight.

  An Rui immediately jumped out of the quarrel and hurriedly objected to the second half of Finn's sentence:

  "Finn, haven't you already improved new crops?"

  "As long as the townspeople farm well and produce grains at your level, it will definitely not be a problem to feed this place. Besides, growing crops depends on people. For my own hard work, the abilities of the Life School are only supporting."

  Finn nodded and admitted this, but still didn't want to give up:
  "But An Rui, I really want to pass on my skills."

  "Teacher started from the school decades ago. After setting off here, I will be the only heir to his knowledge. If he fails to come back and I die here, no one will inherit this skill."

  An Rui had a completely different view on this:

  "We are all dead. , your teacher will not die."

  "Those brave men who went on an expedition to the opposite side of the Great Hollow are all sixth- and seventh-stage upgraders, and their lives are tough!"

  Finn smiled bitterly on his wrinkled face and stopped talking.

  An Rui felt that he had the absolute upper hand at this moment, so he looked at Sister Hongyue again:
  "You see, their needs can be solved. Only the continuation of the town really needs such talents the most."

  Hong Yue said . Yue shook her head as always:
  "My godson is still very young. At this age, he has only been exposed to the skills of war... I am afraid that he is prone to anger and violence because of being armed with sharp weapons. He can easily be controlled by the arrogance brought about by force." "What do you think

  ? Will I cultivate such a person?"

  An Rui thought this was unreasonable:

  "If I am really controlled by desire, then I will forcefully take that child away today. Who in the whole town can stop me?"

  Hongyue He replied in a calm tone:

  "You are a good person. But the growth of a child is not just that."

  "I would rather not be a good person!"

  An Rui also had nothing to do with the nun in front of him.

  He took the silver jug ​​from his waist and took a swig of wine. Then he sat back in the chapel chair and narrowed his eyes.

  So far, the three of them have basically confirmed that the purpose of this trip has ended in failure.

  After all, Sister Red Moon’s attitude is too firm.

  We are all companions who share the joys and sorrows and rely on each other on the hidden frontier. No one wants to cause a big conflict over this kind of thing.

  But just when the three of them were about to give up, Hongyue suddenly spoke:

  "My godson is a very smart child with extraordinary talents. You can teach him separately." "

  If you are really willing to embark on a certain path, I believe he will make the right choice."

  There was silence in the chapel.

  The three awakened people sitting in three corners were lost in thought at the same time.

  Normally, out of pride in their skills, they would definitely not accept such a proposal.

  But now the awakened people in the town are unable to make ends meet.

  and their respective needs.

  But they had to seriously consider this choice.

  (End of chapter)

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