Chapter 14 The nun who can’t mend the fence

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  Chapter 14 The Nun Who Can’t Mend Fences
  After noon.

  Lindsay pulled a simple wooden flatbed cart, carrying the supplies he purchased, and walked on the road leading to the church.

  At this time, he did not know that he had gained a new learning channel.

  So while I was on my way, I was still thinking about the future development in my mind.

  [Experience Bar] The effect is gratifying.

  But this does not mean that Lindsay intends to use it superficially and simply.

  He also needs to figure out the requirements for the [experience bar] to appear on the attribute panel.

  restrictions on use and whether there are any hidden dangers.

  Reasonably understanding and using abilities is what he should do when he has just stepped into this world.

  Lindsay thought as she walked along the road.

  After the heavy snow, the winter sunshine makes people feel warm.

  In this border town, many residents came out to clear the snow on the roofs in front of their doors. For convenience, green smoke from fires could be seen rising from the chimneys on some roofs.

  The people who built this town came from all kinds of colorful worlds.

  Their preferences for their respective residences vary.

  The owner's care can be seen in the carefully trimmed trees and flowers in every corner of the house.

  However, limited to local materials, buildings are still mainly made of wood, and houses with brick and wood structures like churches are very rare. The road that Lindsay stepped on was basically treated with gravel.

  All the way down.

  Despite its age, the buildings in the town are well maintained, neat, clean and orderly, giving people a simple and comfortable feeling.

  Click, click -

  in a blink of an eye, Lindsay was dragging the car and could already see the church at the end of the town.

  The structure of the wooden cart used to carry goods is simple, just a flat wooden board and four wheels mounted underneath. Lindsay dragged a rope and moved it along the road.

  This is when he was purchasing items.

  A middle-aged carpenter in town lent it to him.

  The border town is isolated from the world, and the townspeople support each other and have a higher level of trust than in ordinary towns.

  Especially after Lindsay revealed that he came from the church and was Red Moon's godson.

  People here are even more enthusiastic about him.

  When the carpenter lent him the small wooden cart, he didn't even remind him when it would be returned. He just asked Lindsey to say hello to Sister Red Moon.

  This respect and trust.

  It was enough for Lindsay to understand her godmother's reputation in the town.

  "Now, it should have increased, right?"

  At this time, Lindsay looked at his attribute panel.

  After running around all afternoon, plus pulling a trailer on the road, although there was no very professional exercise, his physical strength and experience, which was already close to full, was finally completed at this moment.

  [Physique: 3] → [Physique: 4]

  Clear experience and increase physical strength.

  But the actual physical perception is not obvious.

  Seeing the church right in front of him, Lindsay simply speeded up and jogged, and the car behind him made a clanking sound.

  The physical strength value on the panel immediately began to be consumed at an accelerated rate.

  Through intuitive changes in physical strength, Lindsay confirmed that her physical strength was slightly stronger than before, and her recovery speed was also slightly improved.

  "It feels so good to be rewarded if you take action."

  Lindsay sighed and returned to the church with the supplies.

  However, when he walked into the chapel, he did not find the elderly figure of the nun.


  Lindsay called softly, but no one responded.

  He remembered Hongyue's words when he left, and walked around to the cemetery behind the church.

  Sure enough, that old figure is here.

  Lindsay walked over to check and found Hongyue squatting on the edge of the cemetery, with hammering sounds coming from her side.

  Red Moon is working on the cemetery fence.

  She was holding a wooden hammer, and there were three wooden boards in front of her. There was a bag hanging on the intact fence next to her, which was full of nails for repair.

  The wooden hammer drives the nails in one at a time to secure the boards to the fence.


  it doesn't seem to be very strong?
  Lindsay immediately stepped forward: "Mommy, leave this job to me."

  Hongyue did not refuse. Lindsay took the wooden hammer with few signs of use and took out a nail from the bag on the fence. Get started.

  To do this kind of work, Lindsay must have never done it before. But young people are better at having strength. They can nail it firmly and reliably even with a little more effort!
  During the process of repairing the fence, Lindsay was not idle.

  He asked Hongyue for more information about the essence of life:

  "Mommy, I can initially feel the existence of the essence." "

  But when my skills have an effect, it doesn't seem to have any obvious loss? "

  Hongyue collected the previously broken fences and explained at the same time:

  "That's because you haven't developed the ability to consume a lot of money." "

  For example, you know the Law Knight, when he sends out the spirit of speech, The loss of the essence is definitely not low."

  Lindsay waved the wooden hammer seriously and continued to ask:
  "So regarding the essence of life and the essence of will I have, what is the difference between them?"

  Hongyue replied.

  "They are a combination of the essence and different parts of a person."

  "Take your life essence as an example. When it is cultivated to a certain level, you will find that your physique has been enhanced, the self-healing speed of wounds is accelerated, and you are aging. It is also slower than others."

  "But you also need to pay attention to the fact that the source of life is the combination of the source of essence and life force." "

  Once you squander it and exhaust it, you will immediately fall into an extremely weak state and become a human being."

  The advantages and disadvantages are both outstanding.

  Lindsay was a little speechless for a moment, and then continued to ask:

  "Do other sources of matter have similar situations?"

  Hongyue shook her head:

  "This is the price of using life as the basis of the source of matter, and others are different from this."

  " The most common type of essence possessed by awakened people is actually the type that simply absorbs and utilizes essence." "

  Compared with your life essence, this kind of basic essence will be slower in recovery speed and the total amount will be quite large. Not as good as that. But even if they are easy to use, and even if they are exhausted, the awakened person will only be unable to perform his skills, and will not be so weak that he cannot move."

  Lindsay nodded to express understanding, and asked again:
  "What about the source of will I possess?"

  Hongyue was silent for a moment, and then said:
  "This is an even rarer type. Those who practice righteousness must use it to get started, and it is related to one's heart. According to the book It is recorded in the book that in its initial cultivation stage, it needs to experience great pain or joy." "

  You can possess this essence at the same time, perhaps because of your previous experience."


  mentioned the previous experience, The fire of Anvil Village kindled in my heart.

  Lindsay fell silent.

  The two repaired the cemetery fence amidst the hammering of hammers, and then returned to the church together to move the supplies Lindsay bought in the afternoon into the backyard.

  During this period, Lindsay conveyed the carpenter's greetings.

  Hongyue just nodded slightly to show that she understood.

  at dusk.

  Hong Yue used the damaged fences collected as firewood to prepare today's dinner.

  Bread, vegetable soup, and dried meat strips.

  They ate in the kitchen, where the last meat was only placed in front of Lindsay, and Red Moon only had the first two.

  Lindsay broke off the strips of meat.

  But before he could hand it over, Hongyue raised her palm and refused in a gentle but firm tone:
  "This is enough for me."

  "You are still growing, and you need to cultivate the source of life, so there is no need to be humble to me. "

  Lindsay still wanted to share the meat, but Hongyue was firm.

  Those dark eyes fell on her, and all her emotions fell in her heart. Lindsay couldn't resist this kindness and finally had to obey.

  A few minutes passed, the two of them finished their meal, and it was getting late.

  "Mommy, what should I do now?"

  Lindsay asked Hongyue for advice based on the idea of ​​​​cultivating the essence.

  But the nun in front of her gave an answer that Lindsay didn't expect at all.

  "Now, you can go to the town to play."

  "Although it is isolated here, there are some children similar to your age. You can get along well." "

  But remember not to be playful. You must do it within an hour after dark. Come back."

  Lindsay was speechless.

  He thought he still had more exercises or studies to do, but he didn't expect Hongyue to ask him to go play in the town.

  Facing Lindsay's astonishment, Hongyue just said lightly:
  "Work, entertainment, study, eating, and rest."

  "Human growth is indispensable."

  "So go ahead, Lindsay, and relax your heart. ”

  (End of chapter)

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