Chapter 12 The function of experience bar

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  Chapter 12 The Function of the Experience Bar



  "Name... Hongyue... Godson..."

  "My name is Lindsay. Here is, Church of the School of Death. I am the godson of Lady Red Moon."

  Lindsay was just imitating the cat at first, but after imitating it several times.

  His writing skills began to improve at an alarming rate!

  One end of the branch fell lightly to the ground, but his muscles and brain seemed to have been practicing hard all day.

  Each independent text was written naturally.

  Lindsay looked at her property panel.

  After [General Text], the experience skyrocketed for several sections, directly filling up the yellow experience bar.

  Then the experience bar is cleared.

  After [general text], there is an additional suffix [beginner].

  Lindsay felt that some wonderful changes seemed to have occurred.


  He took a breath and picked up the branch again. The branches and the ground made a continuous rustling sound.

  This writing is completely different from before.

  Although the speed is slightly slow, he is no longer writing words one by one, but a smooth sentence, which emerges under Lindsay's writing: "My name is Lindsay. This is the church of the Death School. I am

  Red The godson of Ms. Yue."


  Lindsay blinked and threw down the branch.

  He turned around and ran quickly into Hongyue's room, looking at the yellowed files on the table again.

  "I voluntarily go to the hidden... place. The people on the border need to guide the deceased to their destination!"

  Lindsay stuttered while reading the words on the dossier.

  But it is completely different from the previous situation where I was reading a book from heaven!
  "Do you think I've learned it?"

  Lindsay held her excited chest tightly and took a few deep breaths.

  This incredible learning speed made him a little dizzy!

  It only took him less than a minute to go from jerky writing to slow writing, from complete stranger to stumbling reading!
  And it's especially exaggerated.

  The passage he just read out in the file contained some words that he had never learned before.

  Just as described on the properties panel.

  [Experience bar] is not just a simple accumulation of experience, but data transformed from experience, training, and achievements, with unlimited improvement capabilities!
  With the help of such extraordinary skills.

  With enough practice, Lindsay can even recognize words she doesn't know at all!

  This cannot be described by a simple 'skill'.

  Rather, it is an extraordinary ability that is truly sublimated from skills and transcends the realm of common sense!

  Lindsay eagerly went out to practice a few more strokes.

  This time he kept an eye on the experience bar behind his [Universal Text], and the result was as expected - as the level of [Universal Text] increased, the growth rate of the experience bar also slowed down greatly.

  But that's not all bad news.

  Because even if the speed is reduced, the growth of the experience bar can still be barely distinguished.

  As long as Lindsay is willing to remove the liver, she can upgrade [Universal Text] to another level today!
  "Now no matter how bad things are, I can still be a linguist."

  Lindsay sat down on the ground, feeling silly and happy.

  at the same time.

  Hongyue, who had been away for a while, also came back from the cemetery with slow steps.

  In her hand, she was holding the blood stone that was used to treat Lindsay's cold, and the color was brighter red than before.

  Lindsay mused.

  Treatment of diseases - lightening of color.

  Coming back from the cemetery - the color changes to red.

  This process of change has explained the operating principle of blood stone.

  Hongyue noticed Lindsay's gaze. As she walked towards the basement, she explained along the way: "The effect of blood stone comes from the concept of death. Someone was buried just now. I went to extract this element. This is also the responsibility of the tombkeeper." It's my job."

  Lindsay nodded: "I understand."

  A few minutes later, the blood stone was put back in the cellar and locked.

  Hongyue returned to the ground and saw that Lindsay had written several rows of words on the ground, and nodded with satisfaction. It’s like rewarding Lindsay for practicing hard.

  Hongyue then elaborated on a little knowledge about the death school:
  "Our school has a treasure called the [Death Ring]. Its manufacturing process is to pull out the nails containing the concept of the death of the king from the coffins of the 14 kings. , then supplemented with blood stones, and finally smelted into a ring with the ability to cure all diseases."

  After the short story, there was a test of Lindsay.

  Hongyue slowly squatted down next to Lindsay, wiped off the traces on the ground, stretched out her hand and started writing:
  "What is this word?"


  "What about this?"


  "This one below."

  "Red "Moon."


  "Have you learned them all?"

  Lindsay answered several questions correctly, accurately and quickly!

  Hongyue's eyes were a little surprised.

  But she soon realized something, calmed down again, and then asked a question:
  "Lindsay, is this your skill?"

  Lindsay did not dare to hide it:

  "Yes, I can put my experience, training, and achievements into Transformed into an improvement in one's abilities."

  "Quite an amazing power." Hongyue praised straightforwardly, and then shook her head, "But in this case, you will not be able to learn the skills of the Death School."

  Lin Sai asked curiously:
  "An awakened person can only learn one skill?"

  Hongyue shook her head again:
  "Skills are like a whole river. The awakened person puts his own essence into it, closely combines it, and sublimates it. For the flowers in the river. Now that you have jumped into this river and become one with her, it is impossible to change unless you abolish all your power and wait ten years to try to awaken again." Hear this

  . , Lindsay panicked a little.

  He had just joined the Death School, but was unable to learn the skills of this school. This was really childish!

  Hongyue saw Lindsay's panic and comforted:

  "Not everyone in the school is an awakener."

  "As long as you are clear about your own heart, it doesn't matter what skills you have."

  "Lindsay, what you awakened independently is the source of life, so let's start by cultivating it today. Let’s start with the method.”

  Hongyue changed the topic, and Lindsay was naturally all ears.

  Then, Hongyue said in a serious tone how to cultivate the essence of life:
  "From today on, you must go to bed early and get up early every day, eat on time, avoid overeating, and make sure to exercise."

  Lindsay continued to listen, But then there was nothing.

  The story of Hong Yue is over!


  Lindsay opened her mouth but said nothing.

  He originally thought there would be some kind of meditation method or breathing method.

  But who knew that what Hongyue said was such a method!
  Compared with cultivating the essence of life, this is like a secret recipe for longevity!
  Lindsay couldn't help but be a little unbelievable:

  "This... is all it takes?"

  Hongyue nodded slightly, her eyes calm:
  "The source of life is the combination of the source of life and your own vitality."

  "So in the initial stage, you want to To cultivate this power, you need to cultivate your body well and live a healthy life." "

  And don't think it is simple. This is a practice that requires persistence." A

  simple and easy-to-understand exercise method.

  But this was completely different from what Lindsay had imagined at the beginning, and he was inevitably a little bit dumbfounded.

  At the same time, Hongyue stood up from the ground.

  She looked at Lindsay who was still sitting on the ground and suddenly asked:
  "Lindsay, what are your plans for your future?"

  Lindsay replied without hesitation:

  "I want to go back to my hometown and see everything. How are things going?"

  Hongyue did not express approval or opposition to this goal, but her tone became serious:

  "This is a journey destined to be full of hardships."

  Lindsay said with firm eyes and a sonorous voice:

  "Then I will do everything possible. Ways to overcome these difficulties!"

  (End of this chapter)

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